Frank Riddles

Jeff M gets the HIGH PRAISE for the riddle from last week. But there is more HIGH PRAISE left to obtain. So, riddle me this:

Perhaps she cares for you
As she sings you awake in the morning
And makes sure you eat your vegetables
No wonder those who can’t have her commit great violence
But love her too much and she’ll break your heart

I hope these are all helping to make you people smarter. Nothing motivates people to do well like the sweet sweet possibility of getting…


So be the first to put the answer in the comments and yadda yadda.


  1. Eh, I figured bacon worked real well for lines 4 and 5–wasn’t too sure about lines 1-3 (although sizzling bacon is a song, and most people will eat anything–salad, beans, etc–if you put bacon on it.) But when in doubt, go with bacon. Good advice for life, that.

  2. Of course it’s bacon.

    I ran a half-marathon this past weekend (yes, I’m awesome), and I smelled bacon over the last few hundred yards. So, I kicked it into top gear, thinking there would be bacon at the post-race food table, but alas, there wasn’t. It broke my heart… both the extra effort and the lack of bacon.

  3. @Genghis Khen was the marathon in Cudahy, WI? The Patrick Cudahy plant makes the whole downtown and within 1 mile smell like bacon. I don’t know how anyone can live there and not weigh over 300 pounds.

    Now that I think about that, right next to the bacon plant is an empty parcel of land (that would have been a Walmart had the lefties not killed it) that would be perfect for a illegal combatant detainment facility. We can’t waterboard them, so lets saturate their nostrils with bacon fumes all day and night!

  4. Jimmy,

    It’s getting cold outside. If your heating bills climb or if you run out of coal or firewood, I offer reasonable rates if you wish to rent a room under my rock. I do require an interview and evidence you have work or potential work for the future.

  5. Well, gee, thanks, Marko. I’ll keep that in mind. However, I’m trying to quit working and retire early! I’m sick of paying taxes and think I’ll either (a) live in a cardboard box, or, (b) go sailing, or, (c) stay here by the bay and grow the potatoes that you and Frank love so much (in case you and he visit someday).

    I have one bucket of coal left, btw. I can’t get any more because the stupid libtards in my state think it’s BAD, BAD! Hell, wood has more harmful combustion byproducts than coal, you know. So, in response to the coal prohibition, I now have almost five cords of wood stashed away for the blizzards of the next two years. May the cold weather come so the liberals around me choke on my smoke!

  6. Is it your stomach? Maybe hunger? It wakes you up in the morning, and if you eat too much you’ll have a heart attack and die. Also, people who can’t eat like in arabia and africa have all sorts of wars and stuff, great violence.

  7. mallfly…Hillary straddling me! Now there’s a picture I could have done without! I think what would happen would be she would suck my soul out of my body until my corpse looks like it has been dead for about 1,000 years and then she would throw her head back and cackle Muwahahahahahaha!

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