Remember when Obama was elected and everyone was praising his communications skills and now that’s what he blames everything on?
Obama thinks the American public didn’t understand his message, and now Americans know Obama didn’t understand theirs.
Someone needs to deliver this message to Obama loud and clear: “The American public is smarter than you.”
Jeb Bush and Liz Cheney should run together. If they do, a Bush/Cheney ticket should run on change.
If a tree fell in the woods and Sarah Palin was there to see it, would it be national news?
So what are your plans for your Palin party for the premiere of Sarah Palin’s Alaska? Like how much booze?
I suspect the one telling Obama to remain stubborn is the mustachioed Rarl Kove. Don’t trust that guy…
Democrats can’t afford to give up those 8% of independents who think Pelosi is doing a good job.
So far the lesson the Democrats seemed to have learned from their shellacking is do absolutely nothing different.
Similarly, when the GOP eventually loses the House, their lesson learned will be, “Boehner needs to be more orange!”
When I was about to cry when my daughter was born, I got control of myself. Similarly, I expect more restraint from Boehner.
They’re suspending Olbermann for contributing to Democrats? Even I can’t pretend to care about that infraction.
“What? Olbermann is biased! We never knew until now!” Come on.
Didn’t think I’d defend Olbermann, but this is just stupid. it’s no revelation to anyone who MSNBC anchors are in the tank for.
Well, I’d tell Olbermann how I think this is a travesty, but he blocked me on Twitter.
Pelosi gets to stick around as a target. Doesn’t seem fair that Olby has to go.
And when are we clear to talk about how we rigged this last election, because I thought it was pretty clever what we did.
What I proposed jokingly a while back in PJM, Bob Kerrey is now proposing for real. Obama would be a lot better at president if we reduced what that entailed.
I hope one day Windows has enough AI that can insult it to its face and make it cry.
Why is it called a “comic” book when seeing a grown man read one is so sad?
Anyone remember that controversial Price Is Right where they had to guess the value of a human life? The guy who underbid everyone by guessing a dollar won it.
Not impressed with Outsourced, but they had a literate gun joke. When describing a water balloon launchers: “It’s right at the border of toy and weapon – like a .22 caliber rifle.”
Did some preaching at evening worship. That always makes me nervous as I’m afraid I might accidentally say something pro-devil.
What? People being stupid?
I boycott moronic television networks like Total Lack of Class as a matter of principle. Besides, what are the chances TLC lets Palin show America how to field strip a caribou?
“But, but, but, Frank, it’s such a beautiful deficit, Frank!”
That’s similar to “marginally cultured”, Frank. That’s a barely literate gun joke. If a .22 is good enough to kill groundhogs at 30 yards, it’s good enough to be called a weapon.
[*sigh* Of course it’s a weapon; that’s the joke. It just seems like a toy compared to other calibers and a gun nut might dismiss it as one. -Ed.]
I will not take insults to my Marlin without a fight.
So you did some preaching? Excellent young man! Keep it up! Just keep preaching Law and Gospel and don’t get the two mixed up and you will have the Devil on the run! If you can get a copy (very rare) but I have one (Muwhahahahah) Walther’s Law and Gospel is excellent!
By the way, if anyone is looking for Jimmy I hear he is in Spain…
I’m afraid I might accidentally say something pro-devil.
Just leave marko out of your sermons and you should be okay.
I’m onto you, Kove. You couldn’t keep Bush from acting like a monkey during his last two years. I don’t fear you.
It appears Olberman’s and pmsnbc’s publicity stunt to foster their sagging ratings is working. If Olby had been let go it would be over the big Republican win, and Olby failing to get enough voted for his party.
Obama and his liberal followers are incapable of grasping last week’s message. Arrogance can be blinding.
Technically, the M-4 is a .22 caliber rifle, too.
.22 is your old freind you grew up with. Good for hanging out behind granma’s house. A lot of fun, but not what you want at your side in a bar fight. Or playing cowboys and hippies.
Why are comic books rarely funny?
I proposed jokingly a while back in PJM, Bob Kerrey is now proposing for real. Obama would be a lot better at president if we reduced what that entailed.
I think that Marko’s German shepherd is available, if MSNBC hasn’t hired him to host “Countdown” yet.
“Remember when Obama was elected and everyone was praising his communications skills and now that’s what he blames everything on?”
Hundreds of speeches, each hailed by both the media and racist black voters as “brilliant”, and somehow he has managed to avoid even ONE memorable line. That’s hard to do.
Son of Bob,
That’s simply untrue. I clearly remember Obama’s testimony of visiting all 57 states. I also remember the asthmatic kid who needed a breathalizer. Brilliant and memorable lines indeed!
Frank, you’ll get the Dora Hate in about 2 years. That program just won’t die and Buttercup will eventually watch it. Actually, what will happen is you’ll be at work and SarahK will allow her to watch it. Just once. So she could get a nap or some chore done or something. But you will soon afterwords understand the Dora Hate. I think it’s worse than Barney ever was.
Jimmy is not in Spain!! That ussjimmycarter is such a rumor monger! And I hear he has a giant mosquito proboscis hanging over his fireplace which he sometimes takes down to scratch his butt.
My German Shepherd is a she, you sexist Iowa cracker!
Wow. That’d be way cool. Take that Putin! Think of the fun we could have during her presidency, “Don’t ‘eph with us. Our president guts caribou for fun.” This would be accompanied by pictures of our adorable Sarah wielding a fair sized gutting knife and with much blood on her hands.
Then, when she’s having meetings with Democrats, she would tell them matter-of-factly, “Don’t make me gut you.” After the requisite pants wetting, this would create the bipartisan support Obama is missing.
Hey, Frank, I find that to be a gross misuse of the term “gun nut”. Aside from that point, I concede the argument.
We’re not supposed to be pro-devil? Who knew.
You’ll have to pry that gavel from my cold, dead, leathery hand…Nancy Pelosi, speaker forever, Washington DC.
Sorry, Jimmy! Just thought you were getting in on some of the “fun” as the Pope drove by…
Didn’t Obama say that “today is the day that the sea’s stop rising”? Now that’s a ballsy statement from anyone and truly showed anyone with a brain larger than an ant that the guy is a moron. I think someone wrote into the speech and he was too dumb not to say it! BWAAAAAA
Follow the Pope? In Spain? Well, I used to be Catholic, ussjc…. and I was raised Catholic, too… but by the age of 12, I was having Papal problems. Funny you should mention this, because just last night, I watched the movie “Luther.” Very well done, btw.
Jimmy, Luther is one of my favorite historical figures. Also a very bright guy! Of course I’m a Lutheran and probably biased…
By the way Frank, congratulations on stepping into a new role at your church. Don’t worry about keeping the sides straight — you’ve done a good job of keeping things sorted out here.
That’s pretty funny Burma and a good reason to elect Palin as POTUS.
Think of how cheesed off Putin will be when the pics of her practicing her hobbies make him look like a girly-man. He’ll end up having to fight a jihadi knive to knife for the home audience.
Buttercup must be sleeping some normal-ish hours
for you to have time for so many Random Thoughts!
1 Timothy 4:12, 15
“Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”
“Practice these duties, devote yourself to them, so that all may see your progress.”
Remember to always end your sermons with, “Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms”, and spit tobacco.