I’m willing to compromise on tax increases if we could actually get huge spending cuts in exchange.
How about we pass a law that we kill a kitten every time someone buys a pack of cigarettes. Make them think twice.
I’m not just proposing that because I invented a new kitten killing machine and am looking for buyers.
It would do a lot for unity and understanding if everyone in the world was forced to learn English.
Anytime the Kanye West/Bush incident is mentioned, I just think of the t-shirt Franklin wore in Arrested Development. Now that was funny. And it was probably true, too.
What’s more likely forty years from now: A war involving cyborg zombie dinosaurs or me collecting a social security check?
Have we figured out who are 2012 nominee is yet?
At some point we’re all going to have to accept that Palin will be nominee and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Better start getting through those five stages of grief now.
If it’s Huckabee, I will… I… I’m already inconsolable.
I was never in the military, but I have two good excuses: I’m lazy and a coward.
Just because I haven’t put up a picture in a while, here’s Margarineglass!
Little baby yells at cloud.
Love the evil Wil Wheaton cameos in Big Bang Theory.
We have suffered humans to live because they are useful to us. Don’t make us reconsider.
“Little Baby Yells at Cloud” Now THAT is a nad punchin’ fist to proud of ma’ boy!
My three cats just read this post. I noticed that they ran immediately to the scratching post and then they booked reservations to Utah. I think my boy (40 pounds and growing) plans on some nad munchin’!
The word compromise shouldn’t make me feel sick. We are dealing with people who care only about victory for themselves. I know that’s obvious, but what else am I supposed to say? This deficit of ours and our reaction is the most shameful thing in the history of the country. And people complained about Vietnam.
Unquestionably the former. The Eastern Bluebird singing outside my window has a brighter and perhaps longer future than does the American financial system.
I’m 56 years old, so you young guys keep working, hard and long so that you can pay for my social security! That’s all I care about is me, me, me!!! I’m going to propose a minimum 60 hour work week for everyone once I’m retired. This should pour gobs of cash into the Social Security Trust Fund! And then we are going to spend it on “The Greatest Generation” MINE!!! And for you young punks, you are on your own! Muwhahahahahahahah!
Think twice about buying or NOT buying? I’m confused (and smoke cigars anyway!)
Buttercup looks so cute in those picutres, Frank.
Also, being a young guy as well, I’m basing my retirement plans on the idea that I will get absolutely nothing out of social security, and as a matter of fact, the government might just steal anything I have in a 401k or IRA account. My investment portfolio is heavily tilted towards gold and ammo. (and by “portfolio”, I mean box buried in my backyard/safe underneath my bed.)
The Jar Jar Binks of the Star Trek universe, but the FREAKING AWESOME of the Big Bang Theory universe.
Is that a MONKEY on Buttercup’s outfit?
My cats just heard about your kitten killing machine and are mobilizing their secret saber tooth tiger army with lasers and photon torpedos and are heading up Idaho way. I’d head north and apply for asylum in Canada if I were you while you still can, kitten hater!
“It would do a lot for unity and understanding if everyone in the world was forced to learn English.”
Absolutely. It bothers me when I travel to another country and they insist on using their local language. It’s not a problem when I go to Mexico or Colombia ’cause I speak fluent Spanish, but when I went to Italy those dumb schmucks didn’t speak English or Spanish! I tried to order a beer or a cerveza and those clowns just jibbered some incomprehensible jibberish at me and stared blankly. Learn to speak English or Spanish and bring me a beer NOW, paisan!
‘Twas a time when I smoked. I was a happy smoker. I quit because my position requires me to try to be an example to others. That said, all this non-smoking crap makes me want to start again just so I can blow smoke everywhere, and so I can make the one hour trip to the Native American reservation and buy smokes for me and any stranger who doesn’t want to pony up the $4.35 per pack tax on smokes in New York ($5.85/pack in NYC) .
Yesterday, someone called me anti-authoritarian. I corrected him by informing him that “I am the authority.” There is a difference.
From those pictures Buttercup has been getting headbutting and face punching preactise. Good Buttercup !!
If Ted Rall gets his way Buttercup will need those hippie punching skills.
I’ve got yer compromise right here !!!
I want a debate between Obama and Palin. Nanny Tranny vs. Moose Hunter.
I think we are still too busy gloating to worry about 2012 yet.
“What’s more likely forty years from now: A war involving cyborg zombie dinosaurs or me collecting a social security check?”
Of course you will get your social security check in 40 years. For the same dollar amount as current recipients, so enjoy a cup of coffee using your $1500 a month SS check……………every other month.
Random thought: “Atheist angry! Atheist smash!”
Okay Frank, you better get started on offing the cats. I’m doing my part by consuming a pack a day, so I think you’re a little behind and need to catch up. We’ve got way too many cats.
Why not just kill a smoker every time someone buys a pack? It’ll make the whole process go a lot quicker. Efficiency is key, you know.
I saw Wil Wheaton at PAX Prime in Seattle – Now theres one classy dude. What’s evil Wil like?
“Little baby yells at cloud.”
Funny how yelling at clouds is adorably cute as a baby, but when you’re a 50-year-old homeless guy in Washington Square Park yelling at a cloud people are scared of you.
Hey, Raving Lunatic – that’s just crazy enough to work!
Hell…I settle for forcing everyone in the USA to learn English. 😛
Ooops. Just realized I posted a bad word. Do I get a pass since it’s my birthday?
Bratgirl is bratty.
Proud Infidel – Your cats can hook up with mine if you’d like. They are on the next flight to Utah disguised as Moooslim Terrorists! The TSA would never notice that one! Any way, if it get’s nasty my boy and girls are highly skilled at hand-to-hand and they like to work close up!
Thanks, but my cats’ secret saber tooth army with lasers and photon torpedos have their own transport jets. As well as F-22 Raptors for escort. If you want they’ll do a little detour to Utah and pick up your cats to join in the fun. The more the merrier! Let me know.
Proud Infidel – My cats are already in place and have the target scouted. They can coordinate when they arrive. Mine are packing so your’s will know them. You guys go in first if you like or we can go in first. If we go in first, it will be done the hard way, the nasty way, the hard and nasty way and warn your cats that they may feel sick, like when you’ve had a 5th of cheap gin and wake up next to an ugly dame, sick!
“I’m willing to compromise on tax increases if we could actually get huge spending cuts in exchange.” The poor citizens of California fall for this every damn time. Turns out, what the Dems mean by “huge spending cuts” means “not increasing spending by quite as much as we originally thought we could get away with.” The tax cuts MUST come first – Californians will never, ever learn this. (Except those of us who are always outvoted by the rainbows-and-unicorns crowd.) (These fools also believe that increased spending on education benefits “the children.” Hopeless. I need to go punch a smelly hippie.)
P.S. I presume the monkey on Buttercup’s outfit was placed there expressly so that she could spit up on it.
My excuses were that I was a democrat and a liberal. So yeah, pretty much the same excuses.
Well, Frank as someone who did join the military, I give you a pass, since you are one of the Americans that’s worth fighting for.
We wouldn’t go “over there” if there wasn’t someone “over here” making us look forward to coming home.
Agreeing to a tax hike now in exchange for spending cuts tomorrow?
“I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today!”