Random Thoughts

Probably a bad idea to let liberals redefine not getting a tax increase as a tax cut.

If I call NoLabels “asinine”, am I labeling it or just aptly describing it. Me confused!

I think all of our country’s problems will be over as soon as we get that railgun perfected.

Because I know you’ve wondered it, yes, you can use duct tape to tape ducks together.

Question I just thought of: Why do numbers need a spelling? Like, you have the symbol for 3, why do you also needed the spelled out word “three”?

Wait until the American people find out that a self-professed socialist really doesn’t like the tax deal!

Just found out, but they corrected the computer error in the BCS and moved BSU from 11th to 10th. But it’s a great system.

I wonder how much money Cam Newton’s dad can get for that Heisman trophy?

Sarah doesn’t like me calling Buttercup “chubby belly”. She thinks I’m going to give her a complex.

Buttercup smiles when she sees me, so she’s already more interactive than the cats.


  1. I wonder how much money Cam Newton’s dad can get for that Heisman trophy?

    Immediately after the little display of ignoring the corrupt elephant in the room, ESPN aired a presentation about the legendary football scandals at Southern Methodist University. I paraphrase one of the corrupt SMU boosters. “We, uh, talked to Cam, he decided to come to our school, and that’s all I’m going to say.”

  2. Buttercup’s brain currently contains roughly 100 billion neurons. About the number of stars in the Milky Way. So when she smiles at you she is obviously thinking about herself at 16 when she brings home her first new boyfriend (21 years old, driving a green car, studying to be a philosophy professor, wearing a sport coat with patches on the elbows. He will have both Obama and Wellstone bumper stickers on the back of his car and he will talk like they do on NPR with that snotty kind of “I’m way smarter than you are” kind of way)! That makes me smile!

    Rail guns rule!

  3. In my usual travels around the Internet this morning, I find it’s a very slow news day. Either that or my usual sites and their people are just fed-up with the state of the world. Maybe both.

    Yeah, Frank, SarahK has a point about calling her “chubby belly.” (The period goes inside the quotes, btw.) Someday, Buttercup might just call you “Buddha belly” or even worse: “Santa Claus.”

    [The period inside the quote is standard use and also idiotic and illogical. When writing for myself (tweets, blog posts), I use the punctuation in a more logical, unambiguous way. -Ed.]

  4. Hey Jimmy, you missed the comma following teh word “asinine.” It, too, should be enclosed in the quotation marks. Also, “fed-up” is not generally hyphenated, nor is the phrase “maybe both” a complete sentence deserving of its own capitalization and period.

  5. We allowed the liberals to define the economic crash as a “Booosh” failure because he lowered taxes and the government had less to spend. I thought it was because the liberals in government forced lenders to loan money to people who had no intention of paying it back. We have got to stop allowing the crazys to write the dialogue.

    When Nolabels defends the Tea Party against the teabagger sneers, then I might believe them. It’s just another PC group, like the NAACP, SPLC, and msnbc.

    Buttercup is already in charge. You’ll soon be responding”Yes ma’am!” in no time.

  6. Just found out, but they corrected the computer error in the BCS and moved BSU from 11th to 10th. But it’s a great system.

    We know that the BCS results are valid only when a team with a blue field is included in the top ten.

    Wait a minute! I’m back in the 1970’s, and my DuMont color television set is on the fritz again. Blast! Either that or I’m watching Boise State football. Which can it be?

  7. It has been my experience that the developmental stages from birth are:

    Jelly Belly or Buddha Belly


    Curtain Climber or Little Monkey

    everything after that is best described as TERRORIST.

  8. [The period inside the quote is standard use and also idiotic and illogical. When writing for myself (tweets, blog posts), I use the punctuation in a more logical, unambiguous way. -Ed.]

    Do you have any idea just how right you are, Ed? I respected my high school English teacher, but she sadly taught me that, when writing an essay, the form was “Quote, then citation, then period.”

    That is purely asinine. I should have questioned her to get a re

  9. Is letting socialists redefine a tax cut like letting them redefine having someone keep more of their money be the same as giving someone more money? They had some nutcase dem congressman on Fox last week bitchi9ng about how the tax cut was “giving money to rich people at the expense of everybody else.” Here I thought a tax cut ment people got to keep more of their own money.

  10. I call my 4 month old daughter “Hippo Baby.” I’m also told that it will give her a complex. I think my wife and your wife are projecting their insecurities onto our daughters. It’s so bad that it will probably give the poor little girls a complex.

  11. The new standard is punctuation outside of the quotation marks. At least the new APA standard. We all know about psychologists though, they are just commie light.

    So, your kid gets a complex, life’s tough, get a helmet. I was called everything, except for dinner, and I don’t have any desire to take a carbine to a clock tower…. yet.

  12. Perhaps I can clear a weak attempt at sarcasm. The punctuation on this page is as Frank makes it, no?. This is Frank’s arrogant opinion; ergo, it is also Frank’s arrogant punctuation. One cannot truly have an arrogant opinion and be mincy about punctuation.

  13. “Because I know you’ve wondered it, yes, you can use duct tape to tape ducks together.”

    Also kids and telephone poles, i.e. “It’s ten o’clock. Do you know where your children are?” “Yup, I duct taped them to a telephone pole.”

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