Or Maybe Coca-Cola?

CBS’s Katie Couric said “Maybe we need a Muslim version of The Cosby Show“.

That’s probably a little too ambitious. Maybe they should start with a Muslim version of a Jello pudding commercial, instead.


  1. I’m wondering what the ratings will be for the episode in which Cliff and Theo drag Denise out into the street so that they and the neighbors can stone her to death in an honor killing because she went outside the house and talked to a boy who was not Muslim.

  2. Well, the whole theory does come from people who think the Cosby show magically made racism go away. It probably helped, more so at the beginning when they were just a regular family doing regular things. I remember my parents getting disgusted with it towards the end, and we stopped watching it as a family, when they started hammering race issues in every episode. My parents won’t members of the KKK, they just wanted to forget the problems of the world for a half hour, and be entertained.

  3. Agreed Mr. M (as one your parent’s age) – it first a sitcom about an American family – it was funny – the writing was fantastic – toward the end they started to use it as a politcal platform. MLK said he dreamed of the day when we could judge people by the character, not the color of their skin – why do liberals hate that idea so much?

    On another note – is anyone else having difficulty with Facebook right now?

  4. You could have the episode where Haji ( a shia, the patriarchal lead) has to meet the new next door neighbor Mumar (the Sunni) due to the fact that somebodies goat has been despoiled..oh the laughs and RPG rounds that will follow…..

    Casting and control of the female actresses would be a breeze, with the burkha’s, if lil miss Fatima gets to big for her britches they can replace her and no one would ever know

    The Ramadan Episodes will be the BOMB!

    LIVE! from SADR CITY! It’s Friday NIGHT!

  5. NoMoBama – The Muslim Jeffersons would never work. That show revolved around George Jefferson’s success as an American entrepreneur and his efforts to fit in with rich, white society.

    Sure, he was a cranky racist with a chip on his shoulder, but he long ago left his violent street punk days behind him, and he was always on about education and hard work – especially to his son the electrical engineer.

    I can’t picture a show with Muslims featuring any of that.

  6. @NO_MO_BAMA: If I were to travel down the same path, I’d suggest:

    Samir and Son: The crazy antics of a 65 year-old Muslim used arms dealer along with his son, Labeeb, who is forever trying to desert his father by strapping a bomb to his chest. Samir must resort to feigning various illnesses as the means to keep Labeeb at home. Hilarity ensues as Samir regularly threatens to stone Labeeb’s Aunt Elzza, who is forever meddling in their lives.

  7. There actually was a short-lived muslim version of Cosby. As with the original, the main character was an obstetrician. In episode 1 the good doctor was killed by a patient’s husband because he looked at the woman’s lady-parts.

  8. The best comment I have seen on the AZ shooting. I improved it a bit

    “Well let’s see KOS had her in some Cross-hairs as well. Then they implied that she should be dead. Then they hurried to erase the article. Don’t worry somebody caught them with their hand in the cookie jar.



    “Punch them back twice as hard”
    “We’re gonna punish our enemies”
    “If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun”

    Olberman, Maddow, Shultz, Matthews.

    This might shatter your world view but lately it’s been lefties trying to blow up the Discovery building, crashed a plane into an IRS building, (and leaving behind manifestos behind full of communist ranting) bit off a guys finger over a dispute at a health care protest. Put a guy in the hospital at Town Hall meeting. Not to mention shooting up the holocaust museum and a school board meeting.

    Have you not bee paying attention at all? Anarchist are burning up Europe at full speed. Van Jones and Piven telling people to rise up and rebel. Which part isn’t making sense that you’ve been duped by the left all this time or you just can’t bring your self to accept facts.

  9. Muslims are exactly the enemy the international left deserves. Absolutely immune to their hypocritical guilt trips and propaganda bullsh*t that western Christians fall for.

    Not related but this comment on hotair cracked me up.

    “The liberals are bats**t insane. Obama gave them Obamacare, repealed DADT, forced the Stimulus down our throats, Kagan and Sotomayor, federal funding for overseas abortions, and tried to get cap an trade, disclose, card check and the closing of gitmo.

    He’s also trying to surpass the legislature through regulatory means by having the EPA regulate carbon emissions and the FCC push net neutrality.

    Give me a break liberals, this guy is left wing as all hell, but this country is NOT. Yes he is an incompetent leader, but he was also your messiah you forced on us! Damn liberals are a bunch crazed spoiled brats.”

  10. #15 – shiggz,
    “Muslims are exactly the enemy the international left deserves. Absolutely immune to their hypocritical guilt trips and propaganda bullsh*t that western Christians fall for.”

    So after the Muslims tread the wimpy left in Europe and America under their sandaled feet, and the Christians are back in the catacombs hunkering down, the only power left on earth to defy their world-wide caliphate will be the Red Chinese, and they’re not really big on guilt trips or political correctness either.

    So who would win?
    (I have my own answer, but it might be fun to speculate about such a Armageddon-worthy slam-down.)

  11. China no real doubt. If you haven’t read the “romance of three kingdoms” compare it to our “civil war” good insight into Chinese nature.

    “China? There lies a sleeping giant. When that giant moves, he will move the world.” -Napoleon

    Islam is a threat but, IMAO America should be way more worried of an alliance of China, Russia, and latin America. The next leader of China I think may be the third piece of this Putin-Chavez puzzle.


    On the “macro scale” radical Muslims are much more of a invasion threat to Europe. We get our oil from Canada, Mexico, and Venezuala. Europe, Japan, and China are dependent on middle eastern/Russian oil. Muslims want to own/punish Europe/Israel for now they want us out of the way between them and their prey. China wants to brutalize Japan as retribution for Nan King. North Korea feels the south is rich because they rob them they want revenge and looting right also. There is your next 10-20 years. America will be too weak, broke, divided (maybe invaded?) to stop it.

  12. We could have Married with Children only with Muslims. All kinds of funny skits. Ajeeb gets caught by Amar with the goat in the back seat of the car. Amar gives little Mohammad his first suicide bomb vest for his birthday. Ajeeb’s daughter brings home an Infidel for her boyfriend. After the boyfriend leaves we have the hilarious stoning of his daughter! Amar blows up his own house trying to build a car bomb! And each show ends with weekly wife beatings to laugh track!!! Excellent stuff!

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