
I just want to announce that this blog is now 4G.

What does that mean? It means it’s better.

Better in what ways, you ask? I’ll tell you what ways it’s better in: Many.

So, if you go to any other blogs that are only 3G, remember that IMAO is a whole G better.

Blood Libel

Now, we all know that no matter what Sarah Palin said about the murders in Tuscon, the left had to find something in her statement to squeal about like stuck pigs. What they’ve settled on is the term “blood libel” Sarah Palin used. Now, I assume they are admitting to using lies to try and connect their political opponents to murder, they just don’t like that term for it. So what would they prefer? Murderous lying? Bloody falsehoods? Depraved, ghoulish speech? Creating narratives?

Jim Geraghty has a list of other times people used the term “blood libel” that went by unremarked which is similar to the list I’ve seen of targets placed on political maps that went by unnoticed. But the left act outraged at Sarah Palin, more so than the Tuscon murders as that’s not as politically advantageous for them anymore. You have to start to wonder if some on the left has genuine outrage over anything anymore or is it only ever politics to them. If it hadn’t had popped into their head they could try and link the Tuscon shooting to politics they disagree with, would they even have cared?

The Narrative

The left has their narrative, and no amount of facts and evidence will dissuade them from it. If pressed, they’ll admit the shooting had nothing to do with political rhetoric but they still have can’t help themselves from trying to link the shooting with it as to them it’s a truth that exists outside of evidence — a religious faith. They’ve repeated over and over that the right arguing politics is going to lead to violence and they’ll believe it no matter what.

That’s why so many on the left were so excited by the Giffords shooting. They were convinced here was finally the proof of their religious faith about the right’s “dangerous rhetoric” and they could hardly contain their glee at the tragedy. When the facts came out and they didn’t get the prize they hoped for, they just couldn’t let go of their narrative because to them it’s so true no matter what happens in reality.

And that’s what the left has now — this whole fictional world built up on narratives absent of fact. And they’re really angry that no one outside the left is buying into these fictions anymore. They exist outside of reality and wonder why they can’t connect with people. And the more things turn against them, the more disconnected they get in response.

Random Thoughts

It’s been a while since the left has made an argument on a major issue that was influential to anyone other than other liberals.

This “Verizon iPhone” rumor that’s been going on for years has gotten so big that even Verizon and Apple think it’s true.

Again, I would like to point out pathetic 2011 is that what we’re obsessed over is better phones. Where’s my jetpack with laser cannons?

This 3G/4G stuff – that doesn’t actually mean anything, right?

So do I need to update my Bush-centric universe model of the liberal mind with the addition of Sarah Palin?

It’s not accurate to say the left are ghouls. Going by The Walking Dead’s ratings, ghouls are actually popular.

While we’re using Tuscon to talk about unrelated things like political rhetoric, let’s also use it as a reminder that kids should floss.

Apparently conservatives are just like violent people from the past… except for the violence.

But know what conservatives love more than violence? Hugs!

Easier to understand left clinging to the political rhetoric narrative if you think of it as religious faith; it exists absent evidence.

My Princess Buttercup is 3 months old now.