The Advantages of Money

I got an idea to help the economy. What does a growing economy need? It needs people making more money. And there’s the problem we have now: People just aren’t making more money. And why is that? Well, maybe they’re just not motivated enough.

So how do we get people more motivated to get money? An ad campaign, that’s how! I don’t know why no one ever thought of this before, but we should put up a bunch of ads detailing the advantages of money so people are more motivated to get it.

For instance, in an ad we could have one guy say:

“I was out of luck. I didn’t have a roof over my head or food to eat. And then one thing fixed my problems: Money.”

And then another guy say:

“Through the toughest times, one thing got me through: Money.”

And yet another guy say:

“People didn’t like or respect me, but something finally changed that: Money.”

And then an ad could detail exactly all the sorts of “goods and services” money can be exchanged for. Soon people will be like, “Wow; this ‘money’ thing looks quite useful. I should get more.” And then people will go out and come up with new ways to make money and — BOOM! — the economy is back on track.

It’s a great idea. If the government would like me to get working on it, I will do it in exchange for free samples of the product I’ll be selling.

The Left Can’t Even Fake Mainstream Anymore

So it’s come out at that one of the strategies for the Huffington Post when it was first made was for it to appear for mainstream than it truly was. Of course, they failed at that and it became obvious to most people that HuffPo was filled with screaming weirdos. This is a big problem with liberals these days: They can’t even fake mainstream anymore.

Just look at the past couple years with liberals in charge. Basically every mainstream idea — stopping out of control spending, protecting the border, not letting a mosque be specifically built on the site of an Islamic terror triumph — has been dismissed as racist. That’s because liberals can’t even understand mainstream thought to even debate it anymore. That’s the defining characteristic of the left these days: Complete and utter ignorance of their fellow man.

And there’s the thing: Who we call liberal are anything but. They get very angry at new ideas different than their own. What we call the left are really just conservatives who are closed minded on old, stupid ideas — like socialism. And they’re very resistant to reexamining those ideas, hence yelling racism or what not at anyone who thinks differently. So the left can’t even fake mainstream anymore because the majority of them are too ignorant and too myopic in their thinking to even understand another point of view. Hence the average editorial from the Huffington Post.

Random Thoughts

Humility is the most important quality in a politician and by far the hardest to get.

Seems apt that Pelosi should lead the minority since she is the one who made it.

The GOP needs to keep the Constitution strong so the country is more likely to survive its saving throws.