Now, we all know that no matter what Sarah Palin said about the murders in Tuscon, the left had to find something in her statement to squeal about like stuck pigs. What they’ve settled on is the term “blood libel” Sarah Palin used. Now, I assume they are admitting to using lies to try and connect their political opponents to murder, they just don’t like that term for it. So what would they prefer? Murderous lying? Bloody falsehoods? Depraved, ghoulish speech? Creating narratives?
Jim Geraghty has a list of other times people used the term “blood libel” that went by unremarked which is similar to the list I’ve seen of targets placed on political maps that went by unnoticed. But the left act outraged at Sarah Palin, more so than the Tuscon murders as that’s not as politically advantageous for them anymore. You have to start to wonder if some on the left has genuine outrage over anything anymore or is it only ever politics to them. If it hadn’t had popped into their head they could try and link the Tuscon shooting to politics they disagree with, would they even have cared?
When informed that democrats and the media blamed Sarah Palin for his shooting spree, Jared Loughner replied “Damn, those people are crazy!”
I’m so sick and tired of all this blood libel talk.
And hungry… say, that’s a cute baby you’ve got there, Frank.
How can you beome outraged when you have no prinicples (other than the unbridled lust for power)? The only outrage the Left feels is outrage that others do not admire or bow to them, and Sarah Palin being a prominent person who makes it plain she doesn’t care what they think becomes the Primary focus of they are Outrage..not at what she said or did, but at the fact that she exists.
What is even more notable is the list of items we are not allowed to blame for these incidents: Video Games, Drugs & Alcohol, The People who actually perpetrated the Crime, ‘Mainstream’ Media and anything considered Art… clearly this might add certain brands of literature to that list. I think if this has shown us anything, with regards to media coverage it is R.I.P. personal responsibility.
You, sir, have insulted pigs–particularly stuck ones–the world over.
You may tender your apology to the nearest plate of bacon.
I await NoLabels position on this before I commit myself. Perhaps they will say she should have used more neutral terminology like red viscous bodily fluid meanness.
If you disagree with someone, you have the right to say so, and common civility suggests that you say why, but if you know in your heart that the alternative you support is just self destructive crap, and you aren’t willing to admit it, even to yourself, and you think everybody in the audience is really stupid, then you have some other options. For instance you could blame, say, earthquakes or some guy who shot some people on the other guys ideas, and hope that enough people will take your side. The left is this desperate because they (a) know their agenda is headed for the shitcan, and (b) have no self respect.
Part of the left is trying to leverage this for political advantage and really hates Palin anyway. These are political enemies who are playing repugnant and dangerous game and clearly have no integrity or decency left.
I was not a fan of Bush and not a fan of putting Palin in the white house. However, this other part of the left who was so deranged obout Bush and is now somehow even more deranged about Palin? These people are unhinged like Loughner. Oh no my ideology only controls 95% of everything from international news to local papers from the president to the dog catcher and only about 80% of the pentagon. AHHHHHH Talk radio and one news channel disagrees with me aDFAFSADFS throw poop to make tghoooosts stop screaming! alkdsfjalskdjfkias
life rule 8273 Never ever underestimate a deranged group of people who ghosts tell them to throw poop at anyone who disagrees with them.
If you really want an insight into a major dynamic at work here
FYI I linked a far left rag to really drive the point home how “regressives” can talk about this dynamic with Palin but 100% blind to their own behavior.
If narcissistic men hate hetero women. Who do narcissistic women hate?
Pt 1.)The left believes anything Palin say or does is wrong and evil and it should be stopped.
Pt 2.)The should be stopped.
Sarah Palin, for the good of mankind, must become a leftist.
I want these people to start blaming the military, and most especially, the Marine Corps for this. Go ahead, lefties, try it.
Sarah Palin could say “the sky is blue” and the libtards would fall over each other trying to be the first to disagree.
So from reading these posts I have concluded that we have found a cure for BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome). You simply show a marxist leftist democrat a real American woman. A real American woman is not only pretty, but, strong, intelligent, and capable; everything leftist women are not. The mere sight of such a woman to a leftist results in PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) instantly transforming a leftist from a blithering idiot into a sniveling, foaming, blithering idiot, that we can make fun of and ridicule.
Nothing says useful idiot like thousands of liberal parrots saying: Wow, that Sarah
Palin said “blood libel” what an idiot she is!! etc etc and yet, until today, they had
never even heard the phrase and have no idea what it means themselves.
Then again, they rag on her for saying Obama “pals around with terrorists”……
Even Bill ‘Guilty as Hell and Free as a Bird’ Ayers knows that one is true.
I finally saw Sarah Palin’s video today – Awesome!
Her use of the term ‘blood libel’ was just another one of those pesky ‘metaphors’ that the lefties can’t stand.
Her reference to dueling pistols may have been a veiled threat akin to ‘Musket to the Junk’ and therefore completely Constitutional and appropriate.
The lefts self-destruction is taking waaay too long – like watching a cockroach twitching on the floor after spraying it with Raid – you just want to stomp on it to put it out of its misery.
D’bag from Boston Herald:
It doesn’t get much better than this. Yesterday Sarah Palin stuck her foot in her mouth again, this time using a term offensive to Jews around the world in reference to Saturday’s attempted assassination of Congresswomen Gabrielle Giffords, a Jew.
From Alan Dershowitz <<<< A big Jewwwww
The term “blood libel” has taken on a broad metaphorical meaning in public discourse. Although its historical origins were in theologically based false accusations against the Jews and the Jewish People,its current usage is far broader. I myself have used it to describe false accusations against the State of Israel by the Goldstone Report. There is nothing improper and certainly nothing anti-Semitic in Sarah Palin using the term to characterize what she reasonably believes are false accusations that her words or images may have caused a mentally disturbed individual to kill and maim. The fact that two of the victims are Jewish is utterly irrelevant to the propriety of using this widely used term.
If it hadn’t had popped into their head they could try and link the Tuscon shooting to politics they disagree with, would they even have cared?”
When you spend your life applauding those that kill their own babies, death is nothing more than a political tool.
Am I the only one who thinks the MSM’s (and liberals in general) obsession with a particular female politician and their rantings and ravings that have no basis in reality is eerily similar to the behavior Jared Loughner was displaying in the years and days leading up to the shooting?
The left can shriek all they like about Sarah Palin using the term “blood libel” to describe their behavior. She was right about “death panel,” too.
The craziest part of the Left’s obsession with Palin is how they like to portray her as an evil genius who is going to take over the planet unless all the forces of “good” are rallied to stop her diabolic plans… because she’s so stupid and illiterate.
Also, I wonder if their obsession with correcting Palin’s grammar had any effect on the shooter & his grammar obsession?
Also also, who are they going to blame if somebody makes an attempt to take Palin’s life? Probably the Tea Party.