During her Google Hangout, First Lady Michelle Obama told the audience that dogs need better diets and more exercise.
First kids, now dogs. What’s her next crusade? Chubby goldfish?
During her Google Hangout, First Lady Michelle Obama told the audience that dogs need better diets and more exercise.
First kids, now dogs. What’s her next crusade? Chubby goldfish?
when little Barry H. Sotero (aka Barack H. Obama) was growing up his Trans-sexual live-in babysitter nanny (that a woman with a penis) fed him Dog meat from unhealthy, garbage eating, un-exercized dogs.
If Dog Meat is good enough for the President then it should be good enough for America! But let’s use healthy dogs. Michelle wants you to eat healthy dogs.
Whats next? Cats.
OBVIOUSLY dogs need a better diet – if you keep feeding them the cheap stuff they get that gamey taste.
Has the First Moochelle ever looked in a mirror…. That backside is a WIDE load….
I didn’t hear her mention anything about feeding cats better. Racist.
she wants a better dog diet because barack that that corn finished taste better than free range.
DamnCat, be glad in this case.
“And like the homeless person, never feed a homeless dog because if you do, it’ll hang around your back porch and get fat and then want to come in and get petted. First, you feed him wrong – and then you pet him wrong – because, well, you’re just wrong! And probably fat, too. Plus, your cat will get angry. And you don’t like the cat when it’s angry. And your cat is fat! Take your cat for a walk or something.” -M.Obama
(I blame Daylight Savings Time.)
She means like veil, makes them nice and tender.
Two worde:
Soylent Green
Stop leaving your bodies to your dogs. They should eat more arugula!
Chubby goldfish are no joke! Have you SEEN Mr. Grouper from the Bubble Guppies?! Frank J’s got a little one, he knows what’s up!
Did someone mention fat goldfish?!!
Remember when First Ladies used to just sit there and look pretty. Oh, my bad, that’s clearly not an option here.
I would rather Mooch and Barry focus their attentions on chubby goldfish and leave everything else alone.
Bacon to CarolyntheMommy….Bubble Gupppies is a main stay at our house. My five year old and two and a half year old sing the songs even when the show is not on.
Gold’s Gym Fish.