I’m completely confounded on why courtroom sketch artist is still a thing.
So few people brew coffee and not coffee-flavored water.
I think the solution to the student loan crisis is to stop having the government stupidly guarantee student loans. Or is that too simple?
The marketplace is a wild animal. When you try to constrain it, it will lash out and maul you.
They should make it a rule that if you win an Oscar for acting, you then have to do a role in a SyFy original movie pro bono.
My daughter really likes this Mr. Rogers spinoff cartoon, though I just want to keep yelling at it for its bastardization of my childhood.
Theory: Only small percentage of scientists contribute anything useful to society and rest are idiots telling us not to eat salt and crap.
I assume after Sharknado airs, the SyFy channel is just going to shut down because you can’t top that.
If you’re a scientist and someone asks you if a Sharknado is possible, the answer is, “Of course. Anything is possible.”
My plan for immigration reform is to conquer all the world so everywhere is America and it’s now a moot point. #FrankJ2016
Actually, I don’t like that idea because I like deporting people too much. I guess we can use Antarctica for that.
People are too down on men lately. They should have a month devoted to inventions and contributions to society by men.
Why don’t we start with listing some inventions made by men. I’ll start: The can opener. #MenHistory
So, the economy… what happened to that?
I thought I explained this, but it’s a tornado filled with sharks.
I have a bachelor’s in science from Carnegie Mellon, so all I need is a white lab coat and I’m a scientist, right?
“Knee is acting up; that means a Sharknado is coming.”
SyFy, I’d be great casting for a future movie as the scientist who explains the phenomenon. I’ll even bring my own lab coat and jargon.
“You see, not only is a Sharknado possible, it was inevitable.”
“This is bland and tasteless! It will take some real marketing to get any suckers to pay for it.” -first person to drink water
“If it doesn’t have a Sharknado in it, I don’t even want to hear the pitch.” -every movie executive from now on
So did Sharknado meet expectations? Because expectations were quite high.
I don’t actually have cable, so I didn’t watch Sharknado last night. But I remotely set my mom’s DVR to record for next time I visit.
I hope my mom isn’t confused when she sees Sharknado on the DVR – but how could you be confused by it? It is what it says.
I just realized that if a Sharknado were to hit Idaho, I don’t even own a chainsaw.
So Sharknado on cable and a movie of giant robots punching giant monsters in the theater – we’ve finally figured out culture.
I don’t know how you top Sharknado. May have to do a movie version of Bearmageddon.
I didn’t see it, was the Sharknado blamed on Global Warming?
Whats up with Bearmageddon anyway? How long has it been broken?
I agree. I, for one, don’t need a scientist to tell me to not eat crap.
Actually the “and crap” is a separate function, roughage my boy, roughage!
It didn’t occur to me until last night long after the movie: In Soviet Union, the shark jumps you….
The only reason Sharknado didn’t win an acadamy award five years ago was because the producers weren’t willing to meet Johnny Depp’s “ask” to play the lead shark role. The couldn’t get Depp, Daniel Day-Lewis was committed to another project, however Ben and Casey Affleck did fine star turns in cameo shark roles. Obliterated any memory of that Gigli abomination that was hanging around Affleck’s neck.
I only saw some of Sharknado, and it exceeded my expectations. This may be a spoiler, but I have to share: the film had a few heroes. One set took on the Sharknado in their helicopter, and as they approached the shark megastorm, the girl said — wait for it – “we’re gonna need a bigger chopper.”
The marketplace is a wild animal. It will lash out and mall you.
“I’d be great casting for a future movie as the scientist … I’ll even bring my own lab coat and jargon.”
You’ll also need a pair of horn-rim glasses that you can whip off dramatically at moments of crisis.