Joe Biden said he’ll run for President in 2016 if he’s “still as full of as much energy as I have now”.
Might have a better shot if he were less full of something else.
Joe Biden said he’ll run for President in 2016 if he’s “still as full of as much energy as I have now”.
Might have a better shot if he were less full of something else.
We will know our country has ceased to function and will be thrown on the dung heap of history if the people ever elect this character for any national post at all. He is a moron, an imbecile, a crackpot and brain dead. He’s an idiot savant without the savant function. He needs to be put some where he can’t do any harm. Actually obama should have to host him at the WH west in Hawaii for the rest of his natural life. Sounds like the punishment fitting the crime right there.
“Biden 2016: Your Idiot Savant, Without the Annoying Savant Part”
Yup, he could definitely ride to the White House on that one.
Hey… it’s not any more ridiculous than “Hope”, “Change”, or “Forward!”.
I don’t think Joe has any shot — they’ve both been fired off his balcony.
If by “energy” he means “ethanol,” then I think he will.
We already know that 51% of the country is dumb enough to vote for him.
While 51% of the people are dumb enough to vote for him they won’t, because they are also dumb enough to vote for Hillary and will.