You’ve Been… No, Wait…

So I went to check on Anonymiss and ask her what was up with her Straight Line judging, and she said, “Oh good! You’re just in time to help me fine tune this new Cherries Jubilee recipe I’ve been playing with!”

Well, I’m not all that handy in the kitchen, but I think I was pretty helpful this time:

Anyway, she said she’ll have the judging post ready soon.

Just needs to finish fine-tuning that recipe a bit…


  1. Ya know, after her share of 333 NTP’s with usually well over 50 entries, a break is earned and expected. Suspicious grease fires will do as good as any excuse for taking time off for real life.

  2. Doesn’t Harvey look cute as a firefighter?

    I’m not sure what I would have done without him. Who knew he could also put fires *out*?

    @1 jw, I have a recipe for you. *evil grin* I’ll post it when I return…

    @7 Awwww. Thanks, Dohtimes. 🙂 I’ll be back soon.

    @8 Oven is working again, so I made two different pumpkin pies. Fine-tuning the recipe…

    Miss you guys 🙂

  3. @9 – Aw, shucks, ma’am… ’tweren’t nuthin’…

    One of the perks of being in the Navy is that EVERYONE is trained in the fine art of firefighting.

    After all, when you’re in the middle of the ocean and a fire starts on the ship:

    A) You can’t call the fire department

    B) You’ve got nowhere to run to to get away from it.

  4. Let’s review:

    1.) According to Miss Anony, Harvey not only started the fire, but, surprisingly, was able to put it out! What the hell was Harvey doing at her house? Plus, he drank all the booze…

    2.) Not only was there a ire on TOP of the stove, the OVEN was somehow affected and shut down for an unknown time. But, somehow, during this incredible mishap, two (2 – that’s two!) punkin pies are cooked and ready for us to eat! And in particular, ready for me to eat. This is very mysterious.

    3.) But, now, considering all of that, she’s gone somewhere! What? With the pies? Whoa there, Missy. You can’t just dangle a couple of punkin pies in front of an Irishman and expect him to sit still!

    Okay, who’s mixing the hot toddies? And where’s the party??!?

  5. @15 – Yup, Wisconsin is just one big happy family with all 5 million of us living under one roof, going to school at UW-Madison, and attending every Packers game with our season tickets.

    *eye roll*

    Man… and you think I stereotype the IRISH…

  6. Has anyone checked to see if Anon’s post was made under duress?

    Who’s to say that Sparky Harvey didn’t have a Bernzomatic pointed in her direction?

    Maybe Harvey’s obsession with Anon has resulted in her being kept in a steamer trunk, to only be let out to type a rare, reassuring post.

    This just seems too suspect.

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