When They Give Up on Big Mother, Obamacare Will Probably Try This Ad

[High Praise! to Les of Nuking Politics]

[NOTE: Contains one gratuitous swear]

[This Is a Generic Brand Video]

[title reference link]


  1. @2 – It’s *sorta* you… Vimeo videos require more computing power to run than YouTube videos, and tend to run slower, choppier, clunkier, and yes, even out of sync, unless you’ve got a fast computer and a fast internet connection. I kinda hate Vimeo for that, but sometimes that’s where I find the videos I like, so I keep the format.

    Anyway, here’s the YouTube version.


    Please comment and let me know if it works better for you. If it does, I’ll assume that at least a hundred other people have this same problem, but were too shy to say anything, and I’ll start making an effort to avoid Vimeo wherever possible.

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