Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
The government has a new idea for preventing “hate speech”…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
The government has a new idea for preventing “hate speech”…
The Public is no longer allowed to voice an opinion about anything.
The government has a new idea for preventing “hate speech”…
The government has a new idea for preventing “hate speech”…
Official government speech approval must be obtained prior to anyone opening their mouth or writing anything.
The government has a new idea for preventing “hate speech”…
Everyone must play “Obama sez”.
The government has a new idea for preventing “hate speech”…
and Oooh boy is it a doozy!
Gagging Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and suspended the programming licenses of several cable news channels. Oh, and the NY Times.
The government has a new idea for preventing “hate speech”…
oddly it bears a striking resemblance to every totalitarian dictatorship in the history of the world.
Internet shut-off switch.
New Idea for Preventing “Hate Speech”… threats, intimidation, personal destruction – Everything old is new again!
“shut up,” he explained
… “muzzle ’em” outreach.
…Silence is Golden! — Duct Tape is Silver!
… Hate Speech will be allowed, but only on the final screen of the sign-up site.
…by unmasking their true intent and imposing sharia law.
Is “I hate this government!” considered hate speech?
You’re safe if you put everything in quotes like a reporter.
…round-up all “journalists.” Oops, I’m a journalist now.
The government has a new idea for preventing “hate speech”…Hate Speech Free Zone signs.
…cotton mouth.
…get your cotton-picking hands off my hate speech!
(No, that couldn’t be it.)
Requiring Debate Club for all 8th graders
…-“talk to the hand!”
Everyone without a bleeding heart liberal voting record will have their voice box surgically removed.
@15 I believe the Senate Dems are trying to amend the 1st amendment to achieve just that.
…with punishment meted out by Donald Sterling’s barber.
…and if enacted you will be able to see Siberia from Sarah Palin’s prison cell.
…leaving Harvey literally tongue tied, until he pays his tongue tax.
… Obama and Holder will become mimes. (if only)
Renaming it “love speech”
…it involves the NSA, and repealing the Constitution.
…Obama’s promise if you like your hate speech, you can keep your hate speech.