I take one day off for a family emergency, and look what you blockheads go and do while my back is turned!!!
I’ll have you know, I had to take one of my sweet little kitty cats, Hillary, to her therapist again Tuesday after she saw that awful manchild the Russians installed as our President’s face on TV, and it took the whole day to get her calmed down. Poor thing. She just hasn’t been the same since that awful election!
I had to sit there under the watchful eye of the wonderful Dr. Karen Baucha, stroking my sweet little pussy for hours just to get her to stop twitching. Then, I took her home to all her sweet sisters and we all sang to her and I assured over and over again it would be alright… even though I knew it was a lie. Dear Gaia, give me strength!
Then, today, I am trying to catch up on my important work of keeping an eye out for Truth™, and I start reading this ridiculous excuse for a blog, and what do I find???
Guns being pointed at Our President!!! No, not Drumpf, our real, actual President!!!
I am so going to have you arrested for that “Oppo”… just as soon as I doxx you! You can’t hide from the TURDS, we know all, see all and hear all! Fear us!!!
And as if that weren’t enough, I find that preposterous oaf Harvey has been at it again, after I specifically gave him a time out mind you, publishing not just one, but two absurdly fact-challenged articles the last two days. The unmittigated gall of that man!!!
Here I see a wonderful article about the marvelous ACLU suing in the name of Social Justice, and the whole thing turns out to be yet another fraud! No truth to it at all!
The so-called attorneys discussed in the article? Lionel Hutz was a character from the Simpsons, and Paul Biegler was from Anatomy of a Murder! There is such a thing as Google, Mr. Olson, and I do know how to use it!!!
But that wasn’t even the worst of it…
AOC Proposes Balanced Budget After Being Bitten by Radioactive Accountant
Do I even have to discuss this? Seriously?
Another assault on this wonderful, amazing young woman? Radioactive accountants???
While it is true that Rep. Ocasio-Cortez does, in fact, have super-powers, they come to her naturally by being a woman of color rising from the relentless oppression of The Patriarchy and White Supremacy that has ruled our country since its misbegotten founding, not from the pages of some silly comic book aimed at white male adolescents.
Mr. Olson, I can see you are bound and determined to make life difficult for me, but beware… I will stay on you like a canker sore until you bend to the will of the TURDS! Now cease and desist with this behavior at once, Mister!!!
Don’t intrude on our overnight!
You go girl!!
I like this woman, she’s less prone to leftist hysterics than the guys at , Snopes
It’s a fair cop Harvey but try blaming Society. That might work.
Hey Olson…I don’t think that’s a canker sore. I hear Frieda likes to hang out with the Squad. We’ve heard that at least one of them is practicing an “open” marriage.
You may want to go down to the clinic and have that checked out.