Courtney expands on an earlier post of mine where I talked about the paradox of wanting an intelligent, ambitious woman and a stay at home mom.
Laurence Simon issues a Fatwah. Keeeeeel!!
Vodka pundit has noticed my lie and now blogrolled me. One again it has been reinforced that childish carping equals more hits.
Mean Mr. Mustard makes quite an astute observation how not all things have changed for the better.
I think Michele made this just to provoke me. It worked. Rarr!
The Sunday Puzzle has already been solved. Again, I’ll post the solution Sunday and hopefully come up with a harder one. No one has found the secret message from the Links of the Day™ during the week from last week. If you can find it, send me an e-mail.
Childish carping? Is that what it takes?
No wonder I am having such difficulty getting noticed. As far as unedible fish go, I prefer Northern Pike.
That’s right, I am a piker.
Hmm if enough people link to instapundit with the words “Puppy Killer” Google will make it the top result.
oh good, now I can quit twisting my brain around trying to figure it out.
Does “childish carping” (great turn of phrase) work on you as well?