I feel a little silly posting about babes and PETA today with things getting so heated in Iraq, and, though I know they can’t read this now, I just want to say my prayers are with the troops. I personally know at least one Marine currently in Iraq right now, and I want him to come home safely to his wife. Along with prayers for their safety, I’m also praying for a decisive victory, because that’s what they are there for.
Hell, prayers or not, I’d say victory is assured. You don’t mess with the U.S. military.
Whitler, who we all know isn’t the most frequent writer, has written something specifically on this subject, and he’s a lot better with words than I am.
I am praying with you. My brother is at Camp Taji, Iraq and somewhere over there also fighting this war is my nephew and a friend of my daughters. I pray this war ends soon.
Lord, be with our troops.
I am praying along with you every day. My best friend is in Ramadi right now. He has emailed saying it has been a rough couple of days.
May God watch over all of our troops and bring them home safely..
Whitler’s post was most appropriate.
God Bless our troops.
I pray that the war ends soon. But speaking of Iraq, I friend showed me a picture she recieved in the e-mail about a spider in Iraq called a “Camel Spider”. Its about as long a soldiers leg…. sheesh! Ugly little buggers too!
meant to say, “It was about as long as a soldiers leg.” But I’ve done a little research and I wonder if the picture isnt photoshopped.
May the Lord watch over and keep from harm those who go into harms way.
Spiders get that big?
I just want the war to end, as much as I laugh at “killn’ for’ners”, it’s a sad fact of life when differences can’t be resolved with words.
We’ll most likely start shipping the bulk of our guys outta there before summer’s over. Unless we find an excuse to invade Syria, or if the situation in Pakistan gets heated, I wonder how long it will take for the protesters to shut their MOFOin’ pie holes the hell up.
If you guys haven’t read this article, I strongly suggest it. This guy is the most brilliant Frenchman since Charlemagne. Read his article, and forward it to your friends.
I also have a friend in Iraq. Her name is Stephanie. She goes to my church – she is 19 years old. Ten days ago (last time I heard) she was in – of all places – Fallujah. Guarding the gate to the US compound. The carbombing happened right in front of her. Considering all that is going down in Fallujah right now, I’d like to ask you all to join me by remembering her in your prayers as well.
how dare you sad f***s with your “whupass” get outraged by a little “collateral damage?” backatcha. hey, it’s only U.S. troops, it’s not like they feel pain like we do…
Let us all pray that the politicians will realize that Massive Retailiation is the only logical response.
I’ve been praying and praying for our troops, and also for wisdom for President Bush. That’s quite a mess over there — one only the Lord could possibly sort out.
The folks over at snopes.com (who deal with urban legends and email hoaxes) have a page full of facts on the Camel Spiders on their What’s New page.
You know, one of the things I greatly regret about the internet is that the technology to kick someone’s ass online is still not there. I’ve got friends who just came back and friends that are waiting to go. Feel free to say that to my face anytime you’re in the mood for a fight.
God bless the troops, God bless the mission, God punish those who threaten them.
Our boys are doing some great work, we just need to make sure that the Ted Kennedy’s of the world don’t get to represent us. Let anyone you know in Iraq or in the armed forces know that they have your support. And your prayers.
It is sad that so many have had to pay such a high price for the mad meanderings of a child-king president. Perhaps the energy of your prayers would have been better spent in speaking out against the invasion of Iraq before it happened. That way, the dead for whom you pray would still be with us and the living would not be in harms way. It seems odd to me that, as Americans, you don’t understand that violent retaliation is always the response to violent invasion. I would suggest that as different as our political/religious views might be, if we were invaded by a foreign power we would find enough common ground to work together to thwart our shared enemy. It is the same in Iraq. To be angry that they did not welcome an invading horde with open arms is ridicules in the extreme.
Thats the most assanine thing I’ve read today.
Obviously you’re a lib that thinks human rights are cool as long as its only yours that get defended.
We’ve got 50 million people out from under two tyranical governments, and removed a dictator that we know put at least 300,000 people into mass graves – not to mention spending 500,000 troops fighting for 15 yards of sand with Iran and gassing Kurdish men, women and children with nerve gas that revisionists think doesn’t exist.
The worst part about people like you is that you somehow think that if we leave these poor Arab dictators and terrorists alone they won’t come after you. Wrong answer. Every one of these two bit excuses for a country is after WMD – and they don’t plan to save it only for Israel. Get smart. Go read a Koran. Then go read up on Wahabism.
You offer good advise wraith…it is always best to be informed about the activities of yours and other governments. Unfortunately, you appear ignorant of these issues. Wahabism is a sect of Islam in Saudi Arabia, not Iraq. It would appear based on our distinctly different ways of dealing with Iraq and Korea that any country that doesn’t want to be invaded by us should make every effort to aquire nuclear weapons…it appears to be the only deterent to US aggression. If you truly believe WMD’s are bad, what do you suggest we do about the largest offender, the US?
Your numbers are a little off on the mass grave thing I’m afraid, but even if they weren’t it would be important to know that the gas Saddam used was provided by the US and that his invasion of Iran was done at the request of the Reagan administration…so those sins are on our heads as well. And to date we have killed several tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians in our invasion of Iraq (that’s not counting insurgents, that’s women and children). Your mistake is your deluded belief that freedom can be granted or gifted from a foreign power. It cannot. Only we could have won our freedom from England and only the Iraqis themselves could win their freedom from Saddam. What will be worse after we’ve gone…the Hussein regime or the Islamic theocracy that will come into power after we leave? Your other mistake is thinking that handing over power in June means the removal of troops from Iraq. It does not. Even Rumsfeld said that we would have a 100,000 plus presence in Iraq for at least a decade.
If I thought you were interested in a discussion, A, I’d ask you for a source, a real source, for all the “10,000s of dead kids”, “American chemical weapons”, “Reagan told Hussein to invade Iran” bullshit. But I sense you’re not, so I won’t bother.
Sure, it’s always easier to sit back and lament. Say what you like, America can’t be accused of acting imperially in Rwanda. Sure, some people died, and that was a bummer, but we’ll send someone to the ten-year memorial. . . . well, maybe we won’t, but we’ll feel bad about it during the brief moments we consider it at all.
I’ve got my own doubts about the feasability of bringing freedom to Iraq (a certain percentage of the people have to actually want it first), but I have no illusions that failure, or never trying it in the first place, would result in being left alone. If this project fails, I’m afraid the next expedition to the Middle East will be inhuman on the scale of the Mongol invasions – and that it won’t be Americans conducting it.
Right. Wahibism comes out of Saudi who funds most of the Sunni Mosques being built in the Middle East and hundreds already built here (the US).
Its the two peice of the pie. Islamisim out of the Koran, Wahabism by the sword out of Saudi. And if you don’t know what the Wahabism advocates, its this: No TV, No Radio, No satellite, No women riding in the car outside of the backseat or trunk, No MTV, No bikinis on the beach, religious-police and Sharia law, which says raping and killing of infidels is NOT a crime – Saudi Arabia, by the way has no civil law. Only Sharia.
I think we’ve only managed to invade countries that were on the top of the list of rape, pilliage and murder, so aside from the French, I don’t think anybody was too upset.
A little off on the mass grave thing? I guess every news outlet in the country is mistook then? You probably think the holocaust didn’t happen.
10’s of thousands innocents? You’re smoking crack. Show me 50 pictures of dead civilians (or show me one picture of 50 dead Iraqis) – I’m not saying that people aren’t inadvertantly killed by mistake or unavoidable circumstances. Its debatable whether we even killed 5000 Iraqi soldiers.
And, No. I don’t think a symbolic handover of power will remove troops. Germany and Japan took how many years of occupation before we let them do their own thing (5 & 7)? But they were disciplined countries. The only thing separating Arab countries from the bronze age is electricity.
Wrong. Wahhabi Islam is a virulent sect of Sunni Islam that originated in Saudi Arabia (before it was Saudi Arabia), but has been spread worldwide through the offices of the Saudi government.
Wrong again. wraith67 is correct on the number of bodies found in Hussein’s mass graves. As far as the gas Hussein used in the Iran-Iraq war, what difference does it make who sold it to him? General Motors isn’t responsible if I run someone over with my car. And you need to take remedial history: Iraq invaded Iran on their very own – we simply found it in our interests to watch Iran get pounded on.
This is an out and out lie. The only people who’ve come up with numbers like these are those who’ve been shown to pull them out of their backsides. You can’t achieve your total if you include the members of Hussein’s army.
Pure, unadulterated, horse hockey. The delusion is entirely on your part. Many peoples have been freed from tyrannical regimes, or kept free from those that would enslave them, by outside powers. The experience of the United States demonstrates one path to freedom, but not the only path.
You make plausible-sounding arguments, but they don’t hold up against the facts. You can’t be taken seriously because your arguments are fundamentally unserious. Your preference for invective over fact is demonstrated in your first post, and not gainsaid by your second. In short, go away.
“Somewhere between 5,000 to 10,000 people died in this conflict,” Ruzicka said.”
“Ruzicka’s survey teams conduct their search door to door. On Saturday, she visited the village of Rashidiya, a small farm town on the banks of the Tigris River. On April 5, U.S. warplanes strafed the village, killing nearly 100 people. All of them were civilians.”
this from ABC News.
“The U.S. began supporting Iraq: measures already underway to upgrade U.S.-Iraq relations were accelerated, high-level officials exchanged visits, and in February 1982 the State Department removed Iraq from its list of states supporting international terrorism.”
“Iraqi President Saddam Hussein greets Donald Rumsfeld, then special envoy of President Ronald Reagan, in Baghdad on December 20, 1983.”
(After the daily use of chemical weapons against Iran was confirmed)
“The U.S. restored formal relations with Iraq in November 1984, but the U.S. had begun, several years earlier, to provide it with intelligence and military support (in secret and contrary to this country’s official neutrality) in accordance with policy directives from President Ronald Reagan. These were prepared pursuant to his March 1982 National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM 4-82) asking for a review of U.S. policy toward the Middle East.”
“During the spring of 1984 the U.S. reconsidered policy for the sale of dual-use equipment to Iraq’s nuclear program, and its “preliminary results favor[ed] expanding such trade to include Iraqi nuclear entities” [Document 57]. Several months later, a Defense Intelligence Agency analysis said that even after the war ended, Iraq was likely to “continue to develop its formidable conventional and chemical capability, and probably pursue nuclear weapons” [Document 58]. (Iraq is situated in a dangerous neighborhood, and Israel had stockpiled a large nuclear weapons arsenal without international censure.”
I’m not sure I get the last bit of your post Sparc. Are you saying that we should also invade Rhawanda or not? Also, since Saddam was not a threat to us at all since he was basically beat down by the sanctions against him over the last twelve years, to what threat are you referring in that area?
Please list your sources that show less than 10,000 civilian dead since the start of the war…the UN has documented over 100,000 civilian deaths due to the harsh conditions of the UN sanctions in Iraq and that was even before the war.
“The only thing separating Arab countries from the bronze age is electricity.”
your racism and igorance are showing.
“Many peoples have been freed from tyrannical regimes, or kept free from those that would enslave them, by outside powers.”
Well, now it’s 5k-10k, from someone identified by only a last name, and “died in this conflict”, which does not include combatants, and certainly isn’t limited to women and children.
And the accusations of “America provided Iraq chemical weapons” and “Reagan ordered Iraq to invade” seem to have vanished.
Looks like I was right in assuming you weren’t to be taken seriously.
Lemme see. ABC posts somebodys guestimate of 5,000 – 10,000 based on a reporter saying 100 people died because a villiage got straffed. Following Arabic/Lebanese/Iraqi/terrorist tradition, they had anti aircraft missiles in the middle of the villiage. So that means “10’s of thousands”? I guess we shouldn’t try to kill terrorists if they hide behind women?
As to supporting Hussein in 84 – I think we have a policy of supporting the “lesser of two evils.” Long standing, though not the best option. We supported Stalin, who murdered 10 million at least. I think FDR was a Dem. Stalin was better than Hitler at the time or do you disagree? I’m sure Dresden and Hiroshima were unnecessary. Revisionists all have 20/20 vision.
I think according to you, The Third Reich would still exist and Vietnam should have never had a chance at Democracy, and 400,000 North Koreans deserved to starve to death.
Non-combatants would probably be a more accurate term but I included “woman and children” to make the point that these numbers DO NOT apply to combatants.
“And the accusations of “America provided Iraq chemical weapons” and “Reagan ordered Iraq to invade” seem to have vanished.”
Perhaps but at least I cited sources and responded to your points which is more than anyone else here has done.
And for the record…there’s is a much better argument for invading Saudi Arabia than Iraq…so why didn’t we?
You should be housed in a museum! You are the DEFINITIVE liberal have-it-both-ways idiot.
America is guilty of the sanctions, you claim, and then in the next sentence you state that Saddam was no threat BECAUSE OF THE SANCTIONS.
You talk about US-Iraqi relations in 1984, when before Saddam gassed anybody, and when he in fact was praised roundly by your beloved United Nations as a man who built schools and hospitals.
You are the paradigm of a smug, self-obsessed dipshit who looks back 20 years into history with an “I told you so” excuse to never do anything, anywhere, ever. You are disgusting.
Looking forward to you presenting some evidence that you, or anyone else, saw what Saddam was going to become, dated 1984 or previous.
Until then, you might care to do a little talking to the actual Iraqi doctors who admitted after the fall of Baghdad that the “millions of dead children” was an out and out lie. Hey, that would make you an out and out liar!
Furthermore, if you take the number of BODIES FOUND(forget the actual number, which is undoubtedly higher, and forget too the Iraqi soldiers killed in Saddams three insane wars) and divide by the time Saddam was in power, you get a bare-bones MINIMUM of 20,000 people killed per year in his torture chambers. That’s 20,000 that did NOT die this year, will NOT die next year, or the year after, or the year after, or the year after. And then they will have children that would never had been born if you had your way, and they will not die either — no thanks to you, you filthy aplogist for torture and murder.
When you argue that everything bad that happened to Iraq was the fault of the US, you are effectively saying that these people have no will or self-determination, and that they are mere puppets, completely incapable of making their own decisions but instead are mere flotsam in the face of US control. Know what that makes you, ~A~? it makes you a RACIST! Yes, you! Enlightened, deep-thinking you! Are they real people or are they not? Can they make their own decisions? Their own mistakes? Not according to liberal racists like yourself, who see the rest of the world as nothing more than a little stage for the US to play on.
Maybe if you were not so busy glorifying yourself and your morally bankcrupt position, you might have the liesure to examine the CONSEQUENCES of what you are arguing for, and realize that the murderers and torturers of the world depend, absolutely, on the usefulness of idiots like YOU to allow them to continue with their dungeons and electrodes.
I read earlier today that the main failure of the internet is that there is yet no technological way to use it to kick someone’s ass. Sadly true. Because if I ever heard you say such things in my presence, I’d have a $500 dollar fine and a night in jail, and you’d be needing facial surgery.
Oh, and the Rwanda thing was to cover the near-total lack of outrage over one of the grimmest episodes of the 20th century. Sometimes it seems the world only cares when people (however few) are being killed because of American action. Rwanda is something of a test case – the US did nothing, and 800,000 (or more) people died. It’s a footnote, whereas Iraq and Afghanistan will be leftist rallying points worldwide for decades to come.
Dear ~A~,
Please don’t take what I’m going to say the wrong way- I’m just trying to restore some perspective here.
Anyone (and I do mean ANYONE) with half a brain can play Monday Morning Quarterback… looking at history and saying, “Gee, it would have been lots better if they had done it this way…” or, “Gee, see what happened because you did that three decades ago?” ANYONE.
Now, not just anyone will actually take a stand and take a chance… a chance to make the world better for F R E E people. Thank God that America is not just anyone… because taking those stands and those chances are what we have been doing for a very long time. Not all of the stands and chances that America has taken were the very best, to be sure. They were, however, always looking out for OUR best interests and the best interests of L I B E R T Y.
Whatever you and your ilk may think of the whole WMD thing, there is absolutely NO way for you to argue that Iraq and the world are not better off now than before. Not even with the collaberation of the American media, who steadfastly refuse to focus on the overwhelming evidence of happiness and progress in MOST of Iraq now that the evil dictator is gone and his torture chambers are silent and bloodless for the first time in decades. No… even with the traiterous “reporters” on your side, you can’t hide what is plainly there. The Iraqi people are FAR better off now, as are we.
The upsurge in violence this week is nothing but another attempt by the terrorists (no, they are NOT “militants” or “insurgents”) to use our own recent history against us. See, unlike some Americans, these terrorists have paid attention to what is really going on over here. They saw how the media gave the war to the communists in Vietnam (by reporting the Tet Offensive as some kind of success for the communists, when it was absolutely, positively one of the most resounding military defeats in history), and how the media made us pull out of Somalia (by twisted coverage of our troops and the “dragging of bodies through the streets”). In short, these “American” reporters and editors made a conscious decision to work AGAINST their own country’s war efforts. Exactly, exactly, exactly as they are doing now. I know you may find this hard to believe, but the media actually HELPED OUT in WWII. If they had behaved as they do now, we would have lost that war for sure.
Although I don’t like to make quick judgements, I would have to say that if you are an American, you are not what I would consider a good one. You can change that quite easily, though, if you want to. Without changing any of your opinions or thoughts or anything else… wanna know how? … ready…?
The bottom line to all of this is that, agree or disagree – right or wrong, the fact is we are there now and our people are fighting NOW. We have to support them and save the “shoulda, woulda, coulda” shit for AFTER the war.
Squiggly A Squiggly,
Pardon me, but our ‘invasion’ of Iraq was simply the resumption of hostilities in a war that wasn’t ever really brought to a proper finish (I still am not happy with Bush the Father about folding to “world opinion”). Clearly the French, Germans, Russians and Chinee were happy to let the situation continue as Iraqi aid was skimmed to benefit a greedy few while leaving the people of Iraq in squalor.
If you were being intellectually honest, you’d be equally outraged at the “President of the World” Kofi Annon and the Oil for Food program debacle. Were you outraged at the bombing of the Chinese embassy? Chances are, if that had happened under a Republican president you would no doubt be calling for a War Crimes trial.
No, ~A~, you don’t impress me. You prattle the same partisan diatribe everyone else does, and you ignore your own incosistancies.
OH, and as for troops dying…
… I was in the airport today, and those crappy airport TV’s were playing CNN of course. After that idiot Grand Wizard of the W. VA. KKK Byrd rattled on for a few minutes this old bitch says, “We need to get out of there. This is like Vietnam. We don’t know who the enemy is.”
I wanted to say, “Bitch, were YOU in Vietnam? How would you know? Because Ted Kennedy told you?” but thought better and just moved away. Hint lady, the person shooting at you is the enemy.
What greater disrepect to the fallen than to give up. Liberals think the better option is to “cut losses” and pull out. Nobody wants our troops to get hurt or killed, but nothing says “your loss wasn’t worth it” like giving up before the job is finished.
The truly sad thing here is that we (Americans) are wasting SO much effort throwing rocks at one another here at home… while our guys are putting it on the line for US over there.
Another sad truth is that our fellow Americans-the liberal fringe- have actually become blinded by their own raging and incomprehensible hatred.
Blind as blindfolded blind guys in the darkest part of a black hole.
We stand screaming at them to open their eyes… but when they do, all they see is red, and so then they just start making up stuff and acting like they can see… when everyone else knows that they are the blind guy blindfolded… well, you get the point.
…actually, that was a very optimistic view of our left-leaning brethren. A slightly more pessimistic option may be more like: they know very well what is going on, but they are way too evil and calculating to admit it… and that the only way to guarantee their selfish ends is to crush all hopes of decency left in the country.
…and the very worst way to look at them is to say that they really do believe all the horsesh** that comes out of their ass-like mouths… and, if that’s the case, then we’re in serious trouble because it means that America is somehow producing evil idiots by the truckload… and they’re in charge of the media!!
Frank, I’m scared… help.
…BTW, bravo to Bill, Rockynoggin, and SparcVark for trying valiantly to put the light of truth into that grotesquely misshapen liberal head. Well done, guys… your eloquence, morality, and intellectual superiority were quite evident.
Oh my G-D! I’m so sick of liberal pukes I could scream!
A and any other dipwit out there: Your incessant verbal diarhhea is old. OLD! I’m so sick of your constant belly aching and deep seated hatred for this country that you can’t even concentrate on what is important right now.
What is important right now are the troops who are fighting to protect not ONLY those in Iraq but your whiny, snotty, unintelligent ASS.
We already know what you “think” about the president and this administration, you only bleat on and on about it every fricken waking moment and never once shut up and just take stock in what matters right now.
Our troops matter and I would like to see just ONE liberal show concern for them, say thank you to them WITHOUT following it with a “…but the president….”
Why is this so hard for the left? Oi Vey they give me a splitting headache everytime they open their mouths.
You will never stop the Left, Frank. This is true British grit coming at you right now, motherf***er! That little stunt you pulled yesterday will mean mayhem in Tony’s next email. He was livid when you restricted his coalition yesterday.
That stunt by Jackass has made things ten times worse for him!
Hey, I unbanned you. Can’t we be friends now?
Frank, do you suppose he exchanges gifts with all of his other selves at Christmas? …or Socialistmas… or whatever ‘mas’ evil, schizophrenic, rageagainstmachiners celebrate?
Oh, and which one of his selves do you think hides the Easter eggs? I bet it’s Carl… he seems like a good hider.
Socialistmas – that’s funny. What about “Keaster?”
Devildog, Allow me to voice our collective prayer,
ahem “Dear Lord, we thank you for your providence, and watchful care.
“We humbly ask that you protect our soldiers, airmen, Marines and sailors, those who have sacrificed so much for us. Bless and keep their families. Please give them comfort Lord, give them your Divine peace.
“Please watch over Amy and the girls, and Connie and Michael.
“And Lord, please keep those nutballs with AK 47s and RPGs all whupped up and running around making good targets of themselves, so our soldiers and Marines can send those hateful bastards straight to hell.
Dave– that was beautiful…
I might add only the following:
“Also, Lord, if it’s not too much trouble, could You see fit to mute the treasonous voices of the wacky left in our great country so they can stop helping evil people kill our heroic military people? (If it is Your will, then a nice case of cooties for them would also be welcome.) Amen.”
Amen, and amen.
amen brethren
im so glad that there are intelligent, articulate people out there like Bill and Sparcvak and Devil and Dave, cuz i agree im just not as good at putting it into words as you guys. alls i can do is point out that the limeys initials are tp, further proving that he is an asswipe.
Hey Devil Dog
Got a question for you..
“Also, Lord, if it’s not too much trouble, could You see fit to mute the treasonous voices of the wacky left in our great country so they can stop helping evil people kill our heroic military people? (If it is Your will, then a nice case of cooties for them would also be welcome.) Amen.
How are lefties practicing their right to free speach helping evil people kill our heroic military people?
Don’t we (by that I mean Americans) consider the evil people evil for inhibiting these same rights in Iraq?
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