Arafat’s death

A lot of folks have been asking me what I think about all the reports of Arafat dying from AIDS, liver failure, a massive stroke, or being poisoned by the JOOOOOOOOOOOOS.

I don’t care how he died. I’m just glad he’s dead.

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  1. A large part of me laments that he died a natural death. It would have been much more gratifying had he been run over by a busload of Israeli schoolkids.
    On the other hand, dying of something as undramatic eliminated the possibility of “martyrdom,” which is why MOSSAD never popped him, I think.
    In any case, Laurence, I agree with you: good riddance to that scumbag.
    Pomoze Bog.
    Tsar Lazar

  2. I’m very glad he is dead, but on the other hand, it seems preposterous to imagine he died of anything OTHER than AIDS, given all the funny shenanigans involved – and I find it offensive that world organizations will cater to the palestinian terrorists to the point that they TRIED to pull of the LIE that he was born in Jerusalem and deserved to be buried there, and that they would cover up the facts about his life and death in order to protect their own decadent political choices in the matters of the Middle East.
    I don’t care to let them off the hook so easily.
    They should have the cover ripped totally off these lies same as they should the lies about his embezzlemet of US charity dollars with the help of LIVING UN officials and other nations’ officials, – usually for a share of the “take”.
    It offends the dickens out of me that because of all these coverups, even Christian evangelists are now recommending UNITED WAY CHARITIES for Katrina victims, through the Chase Manhatten Bank.
    They should all be in jail.

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