Ephesians 4:26

“Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath
Well, the first part – “Be angry” – is easy enough… or at least it has been lately. I’ve been full of righteous anger.
The second part is harder. “Do not let the sun go down on your wrath,” certainly is some practical advice, as anger and sleep do not mix well.
As for the sin not, sometime I don’t know what to do to be angry but not sin. If I ran into someone with this bumper sticker, I don’t think I could help but confront the person and tell him or her exactly what pathetic scum he or she is. Would that achieve anything? Would the more Christian thing be to ignore it and pray for the person? I dunno. What do you think?


  1. The Christian thing to do would be to ignore it and pray for them. Having established that, however, their blood would probaly on my hands. And my clothes. And the street. And the bumper sticker.

  2. You know, I started to register @ DU and post a reply, but their rules state that they won’t tolerate uncivil postings. Uncivil! What the hell is that bumper sticker, if not uncivil? Yes, Ephesians 4:26 is right (of course), but to comply with Scripture in this case I would have to beat the person responsible for that putrid B.S. (bumper-sticker or bull-s***, you make the call) to a pulp before the sun sets. Then I could sleep like a baby.

  3. You see hate, I see the left proclaiming the coming of black helicopters on behalf of the international republican cabal. They could have simply put a “I’m with Stupid” bumper sticker to the same message.

  4. The NIV version of this Bible verse is easier to understand, saying, “‘In your anger do not sin.’ Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,”
    It’s saying, along with the rest of Christ’s message, that you need to forgive. By harboring anger and resentment for long periods of time, illustrated by the setting of the sun in this verse, we “give place to the devil.” We allow that anger to become resentment, and eventually hate. Christ preached love, not hate, and hate has no place in our lives as Christians.
    In the case you mentioned, there is nothing you could say or do that would shed light on a willfully ignorant and spiteful individual. Anything you might do would only inflame the individual, and their reaction would probably anger you even more. A Christian response would be to ignore it and pray for them. Another response might be to befriend them, earn their trust, AND THEN SHOVE THAT TRUST DOWN THEIR THROATS!!!
    …Wait, that came out wrong…Rather befriend them and lead them to Christ, Holy Spirit willing. Plus, by befriending them, it would, if they did end up liking you (and what’s not to like about Frank J?) it would really shatter some of their prejudices that republicans love to kill and eat babies (but only after they’re born).

  5. That’s it!
    I know that I should forgive these liberal idiots, but Christ was a far better man then me.
    Seriously, if I see someone w/ one of these bumper stickers here in Kentucky, I WILL follow them home, pull out my .45 carry, and bust a cap in the driver before they get to their front door!!!
    I really, really, think it’s going to come down to this kind of violent backlash, if the Dems keep this crap up…

  6. Junglejake,
    I checked out that link, and the sticker’s creator has already gotten the design on CafePress.com. W/ a t-shirt too!
    I’ve never seen this kind of pure, blind, hatred in US politics. The Dems and liberals seem to be loosing it since 2000! we’re we this bad during Clinton? (I really can remember, since I was stationed overseas for most of Clinton’s time.)
    It REALLY seems that there are not rational leaders on the Left. My God, this Anti-Bush Hate has so de-volved these people’s minds that their first reaction to the sight of suffering people is to rationalize blame towards Bush and all conservatives…even their national Leaders rather watch people die & tear our nation apart!
    No, Junglejake. I think these Dems have lost it, and will do ANYTHING to inflict their ideas upon us, and our children.
    I realy think that by 2006, or 2008 latest, when they continue to loose elections, then they will find back door Legal ways to subvert our society.
    Then it’s going to be time for violence…
    Real, deadly, bloodly violence will either scare the bastards back to reality, or they’ll die trying.
    That’s just the way I see it happening.

  7. “realy think that by 2006, or 2008 latest, when they continue to loose elections, then they will find back door Legal ways to subvert our society.”
    They already have, to some degree. They’ve used (and abused) the court system to do just that.
    Pomoze Bog.
    Tsar Lazar

  8. Would the more Christian thing be to ignore it and pray for the person?
    One of the first jokes I ever remember cracking up at on IMAO.us, and it’s still a favortie of mine, was your answer to “What Would Jesus Do?”, that Jesus would sometimes flip out and throw around tables. I think that is advice worhty of heeding.
    Besides, praying for this person will accomplish about as much as holding a Left Aid concert on this person’s behalf. Just hit the bastard! Unless it’s a female.

  9. There is NOTHING wrong with telling him or her “him or her exactly what pathetic scum he or she is”!
    When he went to the temple and saw people selling stuff inside the temple walls Jesus himself started flipping over tables, crashing down booths and (my favorite part) made whip (McGyver style) and drove the merchants out of the temple, yelling at them.
    Nothing wrong with being angry, just don’t swear. lol

  10. First off, I’ve heard enough hateful speech lately that not much would surprise me. But…Is it just me, or does that photo look altered?
    That’s just a question, because I can’t offer any excuse for my behavior. I feel the need to confess. I lobbied my local congressman to send our National Guard to N.O. to kill black people. I’m wondering now if maybe that was
    Oh, screw it! Someone at KOS will cut and paste me and pretend I’m serious.
    Seriously though, the photo looks suspicious.

  11. Well, Frank J., it’s tough. Solomon said this in Proverbs in back-to-back verses:
    Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself. — Proverbs 26:4
    Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes. — Proverbs 26:5
    Lately, I’ve been following the verse 4 route–less stress that way. But every now and then I get irritated enough to take the verse 5 approach just to keep the other side in line.
    I’m sure this helps you not at all, but you were maybe expecting easy answers to the problems of life?

  12. People are close on the righteous anger response, but bear in mind that he was beating jewish leaders. I’m sure that, according to the far left, the most appropriate response is to beat up a jew.

  13. Jim P, the Proverb was an excellent one, which is perfect for the task at hand! Thanks for the tip.
    As for the Jesus flipping tables…
    Just remember why Jesus was mad. They were perverting a place where people were to come to worship God, and turning it into a marketplace. There’s nothing wrong with making money, but anyone who stands between a repentent sinner and God is in a very dangerous place.
    As for the “be angry and do not sin”…
    I think the Jesus example is a perfect one. He was righteously indignant about something that has eternal consequences. If we are angry, then let it be about those things. I’m angry at Mullah’s that tell people Allah will bless them if they blow up themselves and as many Joooos/Christians as possible. Angry Democrats? They just amuse me.

  14. It helps tremendously to sin not, by remembering that if they never repent of such things as these bumber stickers and blaming others for their own sins, then they themselves will go to hell for all eternity, for ever and ever and ever and ever… and even Repulicans will eventually feel sorry for the Democrats who are in hell, just because they refused to love Jesus, because they were too busy hating Christians or Republicans, or conservatives, or anyone else who might actually BE a Christian, or could TOLERATE them – after all, hell is hell!
    They won’t go because of the bumber sticker that offends you – it isn’t your fault or anything to do with you, that they are going for – it is only because they rejected the idea that our sovereign Creator has a right to be acknowledged as God and Lord of our lives, and they decided in an informed decision, as solid as earth itself, that they would rater burn in hell forever than to bow the knee to God. It’s their choice. Not is, not yours.
    Then you might can start feeling like they are so pathetic that you can let it go, especially if you remember Daniel, the benefits of forgiving them are that YOU survive the Lion’s Den, and they don’t!
    Why is this thing making some words go down a line, when there is clearly room for them above? Weird.
    Just remember, the idiots with bumper stickers who vote for the Nancy Pelosi’s, they are not like our children, and we are NOT responsile for them – we can give them to God – amazing how much of the emotional investment goes with that deliberate decision.
    Easy way to “sin not” – “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow slowly dim, In the Light of His glory and grace …”
    Suddenly, the load and care of this earth just isn’t the same as it was a few minutes before….
    You can take it like medicine, sing the precious little old song you may remember your grandmother singing, about 7 times in a row, as many times per day as necessary, especially when going to sleep.
    Then if you feel like praying for them, it won’t feel like the load of the world is on your shoulders.

  15. As for me, I try to collect “free” bumper stickers from the hippies and commies here in Soviet Milwaukee. This bumper sticker is a must have. Get at least a hundred.
    Then, when you see one of these parked, slap one or two other doozies on, and let everyone else laugh.
    For instance, add on a Howard Dean ’04 and a “meat is murder” sticker, and people will think the driver is a class A nutbar. I try to not go over three, but if a fourth is needed, add a pagan “goddess” or a NARAL message sticker.
    More than three, and the effect is often gone and the driver of the vehicle will notice and remove them.
    This way, I don’t let the sun go down on my wrath.

  16. I can generally take some wind out of people’s sails by standing as a physical refutation to their absurd accusations. If I happened to run into the person, I’d simply request that they have the courage to say this to my face (many will yell — this is not for them). The more reasonable will begin to question themselves when they find a republican Christian red-stater that doesn’t have an accent, and DOES have a physical science degree. The more decent people, bumper stickers notwithstanding, find it more difficult to call other reasonable people killers. The moonbats? Ignore them, and they’ll self-destruct — so long as we fail to resemble their ravings.

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