Friday Catblogging

Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO (aka “I-MEOW”).
Today, it’s Nardo the Horribly Stupid attacking a ribbon-toy:

If you’re not sure how this absurd scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that Nardo is… um…
Help me out here. Make your suggestions in the comments how this scene is, in fact, a political allegory.
(For more animal goodness, try Friday Ark today and Carnival of the Cats on Sundays.)


  1. Well, the cat is obviously Hillary Clinton, displaying her vicious appetite for all things that do not somehow contribute to her bloated opinion of herself.
    The difference in eye color between her left and her right clearly denotes her two-sided nature.
    The dark background demonstrates the shroud in which she conducts her operations leading up to the 2008 presidential nomination.
    Finally, the chairs in the background become vital for the next scene, where a large elephant promptly grabs them with his trunk and proceeds to mutilate the allegorical fierce Clinton Democat.

  2. I see this as; The main stream media’s ‘glassy-eyed’ attempt to make a story out of the remnants of lesser event that was created by parties unknown that would probably upset PETA (feathers, leopard skin, maybe even some fake tortoise shell beads), by grabbing it with both hand and sinking their collective teeth into nothing of substance, while attempting to keep both feet on the ground. By the way and making enough money to develop a rather (no pun intended, but it is good) well-pronounced mid-section.

  3. The one glowing eye reminds me of The Tooncinator from SNL. So, maybe the TermiNardo is governor of California? And the string is Gray Davis and his ideological descendants?
    If you want to see how stupid a liberal can get, talk to a Californian. I met a couple complaining on the dawn of the Afghan war that we were going after that “Osama Ben Kenobi guy”. Later, another couple at the Forth of July, as the fireworks are going off, in complete agreement that we deserved 9/11 because there were McDonalds in Europe.
    Go TermiNardo!

  4. It seems to me to be more of a metaphor than an allegory. Nardo is attacking with gusto; however, the thing she is attacking isn’t what she thinks it is. She will never be able to kill it. This is a metaphor for what liberals think of the war against terror and the war in Iraq. They think that America is attacking something inanimate, a mere construct, an idea, or a religion, and that is why they feel we will never make any progress. They think we are a fat cat attacking a string, not a country waging war on a specific and well-defined enemy that just happens not to be confined to a specific nation-state, hence their utter confusion.

  5. More from the Army’s Feline Light Attack Corps (AFLA…wait a minute):
    “Private Nardo! I want you up that rope, right !#&(‘in now!” I don’t care if you have to se your teeth, get up there!!”

  6. More from the Army’s Feline Light Attack Corps (AFLA…wait a minute):
    “Private Nardo! I want you up that rope, right !#&(‘in now!” I don’t care if you have to use your teeth, get up there!!”

  7. More from the Army’s Feline Light Attack Corps (AFLA…wait a minute):
    “Private Nardo! I want you up that rope, right !#&(‘in now!” I don’t care if you have to use your teeth, get up there!!”

  8. Or maybe it has something to do with getting terrorists to expose their soft, vulnerable, oh-so-fuzzy(?) underbelly by taunting them with something they don’t realize that by attacking and maiming will do “the infidel” no harm.

  9. Notice the glazed, two-sided look in the cat’s eyes. This denotes bias (the wild-looking eye is the LEFT one). Also note that this is a mere house cat, not the tiger it thinks it is. This represents the MSN’s bloated, completely false sense of greatness.
    The string is obviously the worn-out story of the Plame Scandal. The cat is the MSN trying desperately to pin this whole mess on Rove. The chairs in the background are the gallows already constructed for said Rove. The leopard-pring on the string represents the fact that the MSN never changes its blind hatred of all things conservative (a leopard never changes his spots).
    Notice, also, that the cat has no balls. Coincidence? You be the judge.

  10. SilverBubble, I like your letterword for the Main Stream Media.
    Since MSN is a Microsoft company and Microsoft is the source of all things evil, MSN is how these leftist defeatist journalists should be refered as.

  11. Well, I have the same brand of cat toy (Dr. Noy’s, right?), and my cat’s name is Whittaker, after Whittaker Chambers. Dr. Noy sounds like the name of a James Bond villain. James Bond used to fight commies, and so did Whittaker Chambers. And, hey, didn’t Blofeld have a cat? His cat was not named Nardo, but the lovely Marilu Henner’s character on Taxi bore that name. And she has… RED hair!
    You see? It all comes around full circle. I’d explain it in more detail, but I have no idea what I’m trying to say.

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