A lot of people are convinced that Rowdi is part pit bull (we know she’s part German Shepherd) from looking at her picture, so she is no longer a mutt but instead is a purebred Shepit.
Luckily PetSmart refunded us for the kennel Rowdi broke out of. SarahK then picked out this gigantic all steel cage. It folds up and has handles so you can carry it around, but it weighs a ton so the only reason you’d want to do that is if you really needed a hernia. Rowdi loves it. Apparently being able to see out in all directions is a plus (I thought she’d want something more sheltered), and it’s so big she could get lost in it. As soon as we lined the bottom with blankets, Rowdi went in and laid down. SarahK was like, “Aww, she likes her new room and… what’s that she has? That’s the package of tortillas I just bought!”
When we locked her up for the night (which we’re going to have to do until we can trust she won’t chase the cats all over the house and inadvertently destroy everything), she didn’t even seem to mind. If she did, I don’t think even Superdog could break out of that thing.
Anyway, SarahK has to bring Rowdi back to the shelter today to get one of those microchips implanted in her (Rowdi, not Sarah). We’re only afraid that Rowdi might think SarahK’s bringing her back to leave her there. I told Sarah to take the cats with her and see if she could trade them for another dog, but she said no.
As for the cats, the keep jumping up on the kitchen bar to take glimpses of Rowdi and then run away. If they don’t get over their fear of Rowdi soon, I think we’ll just lock them in the cage along with Rowdi and then go to Disneyworld for the day while things settle themselves.
Judging by the picture, Rowdi is all tongue.
I just got a coon hound from the shelter. Rowdy and the daisy have the same shaped head. If Rowdi had big ears and lips you would think she was a coon hound mix.
Daisy had the same problem. Once she got a crate she could see out of, everything was fine. Maybe it has something to do with shelter dogs.
Oh and First
I bet Rowdi’s thinking, “cat – the other white meat.”
When I first saw the pic of Rowdi, I thought she was part Pit too.
Hey – I got my dog in November 2003 and it only took my cat a little over a year to let my dog walk up to him without the cat going ballistic and attacking the dog’s head. Really, it works out. I swear. My cat will actually lay down for a nap within one foot of the dog, and it’s only been 2Ω years.
I enjoy your website. I like Sarah she is cool. But I must admit I really do not care whether you have a dog or not. If you must blog about your dog, drink some grog and eat a frog then I will shake my nog and skip on to the next blog
Do some people lack scroll bars or something?
Don’t get the implant Frank! That’s another way the NSA can track you! Dear God man! Don’t. Let. That. Happen!
Though, they can already track you through the GPS chip on you cell if it’s new. Also, who here stole my damned aluminum foil hat? I know I had it when I came here Friday.
Yep! Looks Pitbullish to me. Did you know cats can fly ? I heard it from a guy who calls himself Howie (short for Howitzer).
Rowdi looks a lot like my pup. Our dog, Stryder, is Mastiff cross Shepard cross Boxer and has the Mastiff genes for size. He’s nearly a year old and already weighs in at 72kg – around 160lbs! Our vet says he’ll probably keep growing for another six months. Hope you have a big house.
You call that mutt a PUPPY?
It’s obvious you’re unacquainted with the Standard Couch-Destroying Module from Dyno-Pet Industries…
She looks like she’s part Rhodesian Ridgeback (or current PC term Zimbabwean Zaphound) to me.
We have a Rhodesian/Chow mix (according to the vet). Rowdi looks like she could be part Ridgeback. Can’t tell from the pics, but does she have long legs and a deep chest? White blaze on the chest? Ours is only 100 lbs., full grown. Gentle, protective of our Pom, a little shy, and VERY attentive and smart.
doesnt look like a german shepard at all. where’s it’s swastica?