Happy 170th, Texas!

I’d say something about today being the 170th anniversary of Texas gaining independence from Mexico and becoming its own nation, but Harvey’s got the “Fun Facts” franchise here at IMAO and he’s wicked-fast with a blade.
So instead, I’ll list my favorite flavors of ice cream:
10. Rocky Road
9. Freedom vanilla
8. Peanut Butter
7. Strawberry
6. Coffee
5. Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia (Goddamn hippie!)
4. Tin Roof Swirl
3. That freeze-dried stuff that NASA makes
2. Peppermint Chip
1. Mint Chocolate Chip (but not the green stuff… white with chips is the right way)


  1. First!!
    Also, Attended a very cool deal in Austin Last March where GHWB was inducted in the “Texas Hall of Fame along with Lady Bird Johnson” it was pretty cool. Downtown at the Bullock Museum.
    Man I miss Texas

  2. I agree. White with the big chips is better.
    Texas may have gained it’s independance from Mexico 170 years ago, but Mexico has been trying to take it back ever since…one illeagle at a time.

  3. You listed non-Blue Bell ice cream? What’s wrong with you? 😉 I miss Texas too. Still planning on how to return. In 1986 (when I was 10) I tried to get my parents to get Sesquintienal (150th – I know it spelled wrong – I’m an Engineer – we round to the nearest letter) plates even though we were living in Florida. I was very happy when three years ago Blue Bell finally made it to Tampa. btw – my favorite flavors are Strawberries and Vanilla, Peaches and Vanilla, and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.

  4. For the Republic for with it stands…that would be TEXAS folks!!!!!
    Damn I can’t think of a better place to live…of course at the rate fox & negan are sending folks to live here..it might end up a third world louisana sh&T hole….just waiting for a good ole conservative prez to blow up all the dykes,dikes whatever!

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