Illegal Immigration – Shmillegal Shmimmigration

There are some people in the U.S. illegally who don’t like the U.S. immigration laws. That’s a real shame. I feel sorry for them that they feel so unwelcome. That is not good. People, even hard working law abiding criminal type people, need to feel welcome. And they SHOULD feel welcome.
I want them to know, as far as I’m concerned, that they ARE in fact welcome. TO LEAVE.
My message to them: “Thanks for visiting leaving! Come back anytime when you’re legal!”


  1. “Freedom Isn’t Free”… purchase American Freedoms and Rights for the low, low, one time price of $1,000, and if you act now, we’ll throw in American citizenship as well!”

  2. “…I’m sure we’ll find some nice, legal citizens to clean our hotels and work for less than living wages…somewhere….right?”
    So, if it’s less than a “living wage”, then why be here in the first place….right?

  3. “I’m sure we’ll find some nice, legal citizens to clean our hotels and work for less than living wages…somewhere….right?”
    So you’re in favor of slave wages for illegals?

  4. You all know the difference between “illegal” and “unlawful”, right?
    Unlawful is when something is against the law.
    Illegal is a sick bird.
    (Well, it works better when you “say” it…)
    How brain-dead do you have to be to not understand the “illegal” part of “illegal alien?”

  5. I still think it’s funny that Archbishop Michael Sheehan in NM is bitching about the proposed reforms, as they “needlessly criminalize” illegals in the States. Huh? Isn’t doing something illegal already a crime?

  6. Everyone invest in companies like iRobot. If we “need” cheap labor, let’s build it and kick the parasites out.
    Make the utterance of the term “Aztlan” a death penalty offense.
    If someone crosses the border in a Mexican army uniform, it’s an invasion. Kill them.
    If someone crosses the border without a uniform, it’s a illegal combatant. Kill them.

  7. Thomas Sowell had an excellent analysis of this BS this week …. I liked his slap at Bush and other idiots who want to make these criminals (ILlegal “immigrants”) citizens …. GUEST workers they are not … guests are invited … these jerks … who should all be deported and blacklisted so they CANNOT return (we have enough criminals and liberals … oops, redundant) … they are gate-crasher workers. As Sowell said … they are also NOT “undocumented” workers …. most everyone is undocumented if you take that stoopid term literally … who carries their passport around all the time?
    As a legal immigrant … I am VERY much disgusted by this insanity and think that not only should be build a fence …. we should wire it so these gate-crashers get a real tan!

  8. Let’s see …….if I lived in suck ass Mexico and the greatest coutry in the world was right next door what would I do???
    I can’t get a job. I have no money. I don’t even have a tv.
    Every frigging day I’m begging some dickshit to give me a shot.
    I can’t even get a girl. Man I hate this place. The depression is killing me I would like to be dead ……my only chance of some kind of life is to take that shot of crossing the border……I might die but maybe I’m better off dead anyway …………
    What would you guys do??
    These people are not animals they have feelings and needs like you and I
    If I grew up in that sorry ass place I most certainly would take the chance.. tell me you won’t.

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