Springtime in Paris

France may not have gotten the nod for the 2012 Summer Games, but they’re doing a fine job of hosting the 2006 Mayhem Jamboree:

Hundreds of thousands of protesters packed the streets of French cities and stalled the transportation system Tuesday, protesting a controversial labor law that would allow employers to more easily hire and fire young workers.
As the day wore on, police were ordered to clear the Place de La Republic, a large square in central Paris.
On one side of the square, police fired tear gas and on another side of the park, police used water canons to fire jets of water at the protesters.

This is standard procedure for French Riot Police, because nothing is more offensive and demoralizing to a Frenchman than forcing him to wash.


  1. La mort au socialisme ! La mort à la stupidité ! la longue vie à Ítre un homme et à prendre soin de vous-mÍme et de votre famille !
    Death to socialism! Death to stupidity! long life to being a man and taking care of yourself and your family!
    it saves you from looking it up on bable fish..

  2. What is even worse about this whole situation is the fact that they had over a million protesters about this proposed law. And yet they couldn’t get enough people together to prevent the German army from rolling them over three times in seventy years.

  3. On chucknorrisfacts.com, there’s a listing that says: “When an episode of Walker Texas Ranger was aired in France, the French surrendered to Chuck Norris just to be on the safe side.”

  4. So, you einsteins judge a whole nation (every man woman and child) based on a leadership decision in France not to join the fiasco that has become the Iraq adventure.
    Would it be as fair to judge all US citizens as retards, based solely on the one example to hand…George Dubya ?

  5. Oooo! That smarts! I don’t want to use your entire comment tag, so I’ll just abbreviate it. I could call you “someone” or “right”, but we know that neither term applies. The only part of the name you typed that really defines you is simply “cocksucker”.
    I don’t think anyone is judging the entire nation; Some are merely pointing out the consistant ass-backward approach the french government displays when dealing with issues in & around their country.
    As for their citizens, it’s fine if they want to smell funny. As for “Dubya”, no… he’s not perfect, but he does bathe, so that’s a plus.

  6. Jobs without work is a reasonable demand.
    Job security without work is even more noble.
    But the absence of saddam’s bribes has created a shortage of frog national champions, so the war is more relevant to the topic for any liberal cocksuker without his buttplug.

  7. Dunno what rock that left wing fascist idiot has been living under, but we’ve been making fun of the French since LOOOOOOOOONG before the Iraqi “fiasco” (is that what you call it when the French government publicly denounces the US invading, and then later everyone finds out they were paid off by the very same country we invaded?).

  8. S.o.t.a.r.w.c.l.y.,
    Apparently it’s a good thing that our entire country isn’t judged by retards like YOURSELF (though come to think of it, it’s people like yourself that al-Jazier and Bejing slap on a poster and use for propaganda campains against our great nation). (Sigh). Can we at least get a higher quality of trollery around here? Please…any troll that can form a cognative thought and express it without being a potty-mouth?

  9. The least the French government should be able to do is grant the French people the right to be taken care of for life without ever having a job on the backs of the few hard-working citizens. After all, we do it here…even for people who aren’t here legally.

  10. ACHTUNG ALLE FRANZOSISCH!!!!!! Laufen Sie für Ihre Leben , Ihre weiße Markierungsfahne ist von zu vielem Gebrauch verrottet. Wie werden Sie jetzt uberzugeben?
    Translation: Attention all French! Run for your lives, your white flag is rotted from over use. How are you going to surrender now?
    Forget French lessons for insulting the French. Learn German and make them piss themselves.

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