I’m Beneficially Incompetent

Senator Harry Reid called Bush “dangerously incompetent” as opposed to Reid’s own much more innocuous “bumbling incompetence.” This may just be election year rhetoric, but there have been some evidence that Bush is indeed incompetent… incompetent to levels of dangerousness!
* Instead of a laser pointer for presentations, he uses the laser sight on a cocked .45.
* Lost the nuclear launch codes when Barney snatched them and ran off.
* Stores Drano in juice boxes in clear reach of children.
* Keeps losing the pins to his Presidential grenades.
* Usually spends his entire paycheck on lottery tickets.
* Every time he gets a hankering for a hunk of cheese, he ends up with a mousetrap on his hand… or his face.
* Never replace the roll of toilet paper.
* Almost had Greece obliterated because he thought he saw it move on a map.
* Suggested we could help calm Iraq by tainting the drinking water with LSD.
* When meeting new foreign dignitaries, he hugs just a little too hard.
* Tried to sell the Judicial Branch to Dubai.
* Has yet to eliminate his feeble opponents such as Harry Reid.
So, yeah, maybe Bush is a bit dangerously incompetent, but he’s still better than all the alternatives I’ve seen. Plus, he’s just so much fun!


  1. I am seriously concidering working (undercover) for the Reid for president campaign. With a canidate like him, the Republicians could field Barney for president.
    The man is an embarassment to human beings everywhere.
    What a maroon!

  2. Re: that LSD idea… that’s seriously not a bad idea. why haven’t we tried that?
    And re: Working undercover (to sabotage) a Dem election campaign would be awesome. But I seriously would have a hard time 1) lying to them, 2) tolerating their moonbattery, 3) worrying about getting caught, or 4) I would never forgive myself if they actually won and I felt I had contributed to it in some way.

  3. He also spends too much time during cabinet meetings working on his Richard Nixon impressions, and often spits water between his teeth at whoever mentions the word “censure.”

  4. If he won the lottery do you think he’d quit his job and move to some tropical island? Or just buy more hand grenades.
    Hand grenades are like flashlights or knives – you can never have too many of them.

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