Kos and kids once again tried to put their muster behind a political candidate, and, as always, that person lost. So far in Kos’s history, the only person he ever supported who succeeded was Dean for head of the DNC, and accomplishment that ensured even more Democrats will lose in the future.
Is it even debatable that Kos is a Rove plant made to destroy the Democrats from the inside? IMAO says no, there is no debate.
Debate has been stifled.
I hope Kos supports whatever Democrat runs for president, and every democrat (except Lieberman) that runs in 2006.
Sadly, based on how the democrats are treating Lieberman, I doubt he’ll ever be running again.
Kos is against Liberman, so Liberman is assured to win his primary.
The funny thing is, Liberman is a loyal Democrat and a liberal, he’s just not a moron which makes him stick out so much.
Remember, Frank J, than Dean only won because the other guys dropped out.
I have just one thing to say: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!
The guy sure knows how to pick a loser.
It will be interesting to watch his picks in the upcoming races this year.
Even Rove isn’t that smart. (see previous debate, clue…starts with de-ev…)