Slobodan Milosevic

Slobodan Milosevic was found dead in his prison cell today.
Since he was acting as his own counsel at his war crimes trial where he was facing 66 counts of genocide, the European Union and United Nations are working hard to provide him with another attorney.


  1. As I read the story I was overwhelmed by this sense of feeling sorry for him, as he was treated so badly in jail, oh and how his wife is suffering so…the inhumanity of it all!!
    How I do impersonating a liberal?
    I’m sure satan had a very special place for him in hell!

  2. …another residual of Clinton’s ‘wars and aspirin factory bombings to cover up sex and treason in the White House’ will once more never be cleared up… the “Clinton’s legacy” will continue…

  3. I have mixed feelings about this POS. In some way fighting against the “Religion of Peace” is a good thing but obviously we have taken the high road and fought against the christians in this part of the world. We have helped this peaceful religion to prosper by eliminating their christian adversaries.
    Perhaps the 3 southern college students had the right idea but should have instead waited until the churches were full of infidel christians before burning them.
    Did I just write that? It must have been the jihad juice that I had with my McCamel this mornin’ . . .

  4. I have mixed feelings about this POS. In some way fighting against the “Religion of Peace” is a good thing
    By that reasoning Stalin wasn’t so bad because he fought against Hitler… and Hitler wasn’t so bad because he backstabbed Stalin.
    I think we’re missing the real issue hure. A commie dictator has gone to push up daisies. PARTY TIME! HOORAY! This one’s dedicated to you, Gipper.

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