I have an idea for an indulgent post (not focused on any pertinent politics and will be centered around a reference a lot of you won’t know), so who is up for a bonus Monday In My World™ focused on Rumsfeld and the now seldom seen Chomps?
Is Chomps ever going to procreate so that the U.N. can be over run by puppies? Of course, the U.N. could probably be over run by normal puppies. Nevermind
Sure, Frank. I wouldn’t mind seeing some humor that isn’t political. It’s always great to have variety.
Sure why not?
We have truly arrived.
Do Chomps and Rowdi have any ancestors in common?
Is Chomps ever going to procreate so that the U.N. can be over run by puppies? Of course, the U.N. could probably be over run by normal puppies. Nevermind
You don’t write enough funny posts that lack any real political content. I come here for Rumsfeld being a warmonger, not for political insight!
When will Chomps and Rumsfelt just go all the way and take out all the sissified girly-men dems like Kerry and Biden? Let ’em have some fun, Frank!