Let’s ask the cats about building 370 miles of triple-layer fence on the US-Mexico border

Who cares what I think about building 370 miles of triple-layer fence on the US-Mexico border? It’s time for a new feature of IMAO called Ask The Cats!

The Senate voted to build 370 miles of triple-layered fencing along the Mexican border Wednesday and clashed over citizenship for millions of men and women who live in the United States illegally.
Amid increasingly emotional debate over election-year immigration legislation, senators voted 83-16 to add fencing and 500 miles of vehicle barriers along the southern border. It marked the first significant victory in two days for conservatives seeking to place their stamp on the contentious measure.

What do you think about building 370 miles of triple-layer fence on the US-Mexico border?


Nardo: How many times have I told you to keep the gate closed, Senator Kennedy? And clean up your empties!

Frisky: Okay, I’ve built my section of the fence. Um… er… anyone want any water? Five bucks a bottle… wait, how many pesos is that?

Piper: I find it stunning that Senator Byrd voted in favor of a construction project that won’t be built in West Virginia or named after him someh- crap! What was that? Are the Mexicans building catapaults?

Matata:Will the fence keep out Mexican food? ‘Cause Mexican food gives my Daddy the vapors.

Elmo:Do they need any cats to guard the fences? It’s gotta smell better than this place…

Adira: They’ll just climb over it – like this.

Chocolate Chip: If they build the fence, does that mean I have to do the laundry?

KT:The fence won’t do any good. The Mexican cats will just jump over it like this. Only more vertical with more air under them. Or am I flying?

FredIf they build an effective fence, who will supply my $150.00 a day catnip habit?

Beezer: It wont do any good. They’ll just tunnel underneath like this.

Ernie: Who needs a fence? Stairs are so much easier to guard!

Angel: Well folks, I’m kinda on the fence about this, but they’d better stay clear of my Special Kitty…

Lilly: Will the wall will be built in time for Christmas Festivities, like pelting illegals with snowballs…

Sydney: We don’t need no gorram fence. I aim to misbehave. Jayne – bring Vera and your grenades…

Tiger: The fence is stupid. Congress is going to let more people in legally than the ones who came here illegally. Now if you could build a fence to keep the squirrels out of the yard that would be different.
Lucky: You mind? We’re having a siesta aqui. If you’re not here to give me some raw meat, I’d like to get back to it.

Yakko: Maybe instead of a fence, we can resume nuclear tests in the border states. I have a 15 megapurr device I’ve been testing. See?

Fuzzy: I will just head down to the border and catch them just like this! I am a big fan of “catch and release”, so no mouse was injured during the filming of this picture.

Thank you, kittycats.
Does your cat have an opinion on the subject? Then send the following to askthecats (at) isfullofcrap.com:

  • A photo of the cat or cats in JPEG format (If you’ve already submitted the photo, it will be in my gallery archive. Just let me know the URL of the thumbnail photo to use again)
  • Their opinion, whether it pertains to the subject or not
  • (optional) Your blog’s URL

And you’ll see them up here with the rest of the kittycats!


  1. You must not have noticed the section of the Senate bill that includes the 500 billion dollar “Great Wall of Byrd” to be constructed around the entire state of West Virginia.

  2. My cat says that both of the political parties can kiss his ass! He wanted to say that they can kiss his balls but we had “slammin sammy” taken care of 16 years ago…he has never forgiven me for that for some strange reason…

  3. Ask the dogs?!? Good Lord, all you’d get would be some unintelligible barking and relentless whining until scraps of rotting garbage were strewn about the floor to alternately devour and roll in.
    Horrid things, dogs.

  4. Chocolate Chip must live with nice family. I don’t know if I’m that nice. I would be standing their thinkin’, just a few spins won’t really hurt the kiddy, would it? Should I go for it?

  5. Mmmmm, cat – the other white meat. If you dress out a rabbit and a cat, you can’t tell the difference. Especially good when slowly BBQ’ed over a misquite fire. Serve with black beans and rice and a nice Shiraz.

  6. Every time I do one of these, I try to guess the number of brain cells I lose as a result.
    It’s a lot like those old-timey jellybean counting contests in the windows of drug stores back in the fifties. Except I don’t think my brain cells taste like licorice or cherry.

  7. “Every time I do one of these, I try to guess the number of brain cells I lose as a result.”
    Probably about the same amount you’d lose if you smoked a joint, only this way we’re laughing with you, not at you. And considerably less brain loss than you’d suffer from a visit to Daily Kos.

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