Previously on IMAO…

Frank J. was accused of hostile humor. He responded by pointing out how all liberals have dumb monkey faces that need to be punched. This was hearlded as an insightful observation by most, but some secretly plotted against him…


  1. FormaerHostage
    Ya, I think that’s a dog thing.
    Sure thay act cute and loveable when they shake you down for every little morsel they can get. Than of course, you want to take a rest after a big day. No chance of that. The dog needs his walk. If he can’t get what he wants out of me, he starts bugging my elderly mother until she starts bugging the hell out of me. Take the dog out now! He’ll explode. We’ll have Poo and dog entrails all over the place if you don’t go immediately. But! But! I just walked in the door five minutes ago.
    Why couldn’t we get a stupid dog.
    Plotting little bastards.

  2. Oh come on Frank.
    Now your just throwin’ sh*t up and having the readers finish your jokes for you.
    U Oh, I just uncovered Franks lazy assed M.O.
    You didn’t read all the stuff that Monkey Faced Liberal Troll wrote here, did you. In that case Frank might need a deprogrammer to get his mind back.
    Droning Monkey Faced Liberals!!!
    Droning Monkey Faced Liberals!!!
    Droning Monkey Faced Liberals!!!
    Droning Monkey Faced Liberals!!!
    Droning Monkey Faced Liberals!!!
    Droning Monkey Faced Liberals!!!
    Droning Monkey Faced Liberals!!!

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