International Crises You Can Believe In

Biden says things are going to look really bad, internationally, for America after Obama is anointed. It’s going to look like Obama fumbled the ball, big time.

I’m guessing Biden is planning to address the U.N.

Advice for McCain: Use unedited Biden speeches for your commercials. See if they call that “going negative.”


  1. Joseph says:

    October 23rd, 2008 at 1:11 pm
    Sarah’s saying that Madeleine Albright is saying pretty much the same thing as Joe the Six Term Senator is saying. Do they really think they’re helping?

    They are old and Feebleminded and they are just calling a spade a spade!!!! Oh my is that racist??? Who cares, the old and feebleminded are right again as usual!!!!!

  2. Biden is like a Christmas present you can use all year long. I’ve said it before, just keep’em talking, that’s the most important thing we can do. An open mike and a democrat without a prepared speech (or Biden) is a gift to the world.

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