This should be good for McCain. I mean, RCP puts him down by 5.9 he really needs to hammer home that Barack is wrong and a radical. They say show me your five best friends and I’ll show you your future:
Michele (not proud of America)
Bill Ayers (bombed America)
J Wright (Wants God to Damn America)
Saul Alensky (Radical community organizer)
Wildcard spot, come to think of it Obama really loves himself, maybe I should put him here, but that would look lazy, right?
No Sarah, no me. Like I told someone at work, why watch the debate? I already know how I’m voting; “No” on the Obama referendum. I’m watching NCIS reruns instead. Much easier on the stress levels. Still, this final 29 days looks to be ridiculous, and only the elixir called Wild Turkey can make it all better for a while. When did this friggin’ election cycle start? Like October of 2004 or something? Jinkies.
O-bomber still wants to take out Pakistan. Someone has been giving “The One” republican talking points. He mainly seems to be copying off of McCains paper when it comes to speachifyin’
I loved this Obama line — We could not have effectively intervened during WWII to prevent holocaust” — NYT should be all over him for this one comment alone
Is it just me or is Obama’s supposedly super-moderate health care plan a complete and obvious disaster waiting to happen?
Consider that some knave wants to skip out on health insurance so long as he feels healthy, and only decides to get a plan after he feels that there is something serious, since Barack H. Obama will make the insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions.
It seems to me that this will cause the insurance companies to have less money if they do not compensate for this somehow, such as raise rates. This will make anyone, who believes Obama when he tells them he won’t screw with people who are already satisfied with what they have, very disappointed.
And one thing hardworking Americans do not like, is to be disappointed.
Basil, I am not giving up but I got to see a major absence of logic during the 2006 elections here in Missouri. Just hope more people are awake this time around.
Anyway, my focus on this election has reached critical mass, and I have to detach, like I did in 2004. Otherwise my little walnut brain will implode. And thus begins the Frenzied Finale. Hold on to your butts.
I’m intrigued by Obama’s policy of going into Pockyston to kill bin Laden without actually invading.
What’s he going to do? -Send troops to ‘accidentally’ cross the border, find bin Laden and kill him, then “Oops! I sent troops to Pockyston! Sorry, my bad. Geography is above my pay grade. Bye now.”
And Pockyston will be like “Oh President Obama, you nut, that’s OK, at least you’re not that evil Bush. Now move along you scamp.”
Have to agree with Jimmy and toothy. We don’t actually have a candidate in this race…just a VP candidate. And if this arrogant jackass McCain won, she’d be relegated to irrelevent nonsense while he went about his plans of liberalizing the country…not much different than Obama’s socialism.
Even in the areas where he’s right he’s apparently unable to even make the point. After non-stop attacks on the US going into Iraq, the candidates are asked when the US should send our military into a country that’s not posing a direct threat to the US. Obama’s answer sounds pretty similar to all of the genocide and human rights violations that were going on in Iraq under Hussein, and McCain drops the ball and goes on endlessly with one of his blathering idiot platitude answers.
The American people overwhelmingly opposed the already-failed trillion dollar bailout plan…so McCain’s intended wow moment was to unveil a plan to make us pay $300 billion more to pay for other people’s mortgages.
Some idiot’s question was that the American people haven’t been asked to give anything up since WWII, and McCain slushes through some inane answer instead of pointing out that we now tithe half of every dollar we make to the government, so clearly we are giving something up – half of our hard-earned money.
Then the debate ends, and while Obama and his transvestite wife are shaking hands and getting great end-of-debate-feel-good camera time, McCain grabs his wife and leaves??? WTF?
I didn’t watch the debate and believe I missed nothing- I instead had a better time spending time talking about doing traveling with my very beautiful and sexy girlfriend. Here’s what it comes down to- both McCain and Obama will do EXACTLY THE SAME THING. I’m mad at the GOP this year for two reasons: 1. They threw their top guy, Giuliani, under the bus- and the best reason they could come up with “weeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllll, he’s super extreme ultra-left wing liberal! how do we know? weeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllll…..he did adultery, like Bill Clinton, which MAKES him Bill Clinton! Granted, he had to work with one of the most far left-wing cities in the whole world, and managed to get crime and taxes under control, PLUS he can get his message out; while Bill Clinton sold our secrets to North Korea, and sent Elian Gonzales back to his best friend Fidel, not to mention did that stupid thing in Waco…buuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttt, as far as we can tell, they’re both exactly alike!”
Well, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, considering: 2. Half the “conservative” Republicans in congress voted for that atrocious bailout bill! Yeah, they learned SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much from their catastrophic defeat in ’06- while they were at it, they all suddenly decided that Socialism is actually Capitalism in disguise, and all decided “screw Reagan, Ford policies are the way to go!!!!!!!”. I mean, really- when you got Mort Kondracke sounding more capitalistic than Fred Barnes,you have Sean Hannity sucking off former NJ governer Jim McGreevey, with Alan Colmes looking appropriately sickened, and you have the fiscal GOP leaders in congress saying “yer nuts if you don’t vote for this bailout”, maybe they just DON’T get it- maybe they don’t WANT TO GET IT! Hey, I could care less. My vote goes to Reagan this year, and for all you who are concerned, you need not worry- my Republican affiliation was thrown in the trash as soon as Bush made that pathetic speech in ’06 about excusing Rumsfeld. Just so sad….
McNumbNuts is going to do WHAT? After we taxpayers ponied up $850Large this idiot now wants us to buy all the bad mortgage paper in the United States? What’s next? Why not buy up all Credit Card debt while we are at it…or…all car loans? Or, why don’t we just buy up all people’s debt no matter what! Everyone in the US get’s to start over with a clean slate! We all get a Credit Rating of 900 and a check from Santa Claus this Christmas for $25,000!!! What a moron!
I’m Sarah Palin and based on last night’s sorry assed debate performance by Senator John McCain I have been forced to announce this morning that I am dropping Senator McCain from the Republican Ticket. I shall now take up the banner as the candidate for President of the United States and I will be seeking an appropriate running mate within the next 4 or 5 hours. Anyone who doesn’t like my decision shall suffer my wrath and my moose gun!
Okay, I drank heavily throughout the night and now I’m REALLY pissed off.
I’ve decided that both of those men have “Hubris” for middle names.
ussjc, I was thinking EXACTLY same thing earlier this morning!! Palin should announce she’s leaving McCain’s socialist hubris ticket. If I were her, I’d just return to Alaska and resume her real job: Governor. I mean, who would want to follow behind that McCain blob for four years in screwed-up town like D.C? With THAT Congress? With this media. Better to go home and prepare Alaska for nationhood.
Not sure who “won” – all I know for sure is that, either way, WE THE PEOPLE lost. McCain has had more than one chance to stand up for fiscal responsibility – instead, after bailing out Fannie, Freddie, IAG, the auto-companies and Wal-Street he now wants to devalue mortgages and bail out dead beats. I expect this kind of lame crap out of communist-agitator osamabama but I am filled with so much anger hearing it again and again out of McCain. We’ve scrimped and saved our whole lives – we’ve worked our butts off to pay off our mortgage – have zero credit card debt – only buy things that we can afford – send four kids to college with NO tuition loans. Our reward? Our home, which we counted on for income through a reverse mortgage when we used up our savings, will now be worth far less – our carefully hoarded CDs pay nada in interest and the cost of EVERYTHING is high and growing higher because the numb nuts who run everything won’t allow for drilling here and continue to devalue the dollar by running up the debt to buy votes. “Anger” doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings.
We are older and have lived our whole lives by the rules – our reward? p o v e r t y to pay for those who are greedy, wasteful, lazy or power hungry. SHAME!
BTW rose, the auto company money is loans, and a VERY small amount compared to what the banks are being GIVEN (courtesy of the barrel of a gun, of course).
I have watched this whole debacle unfold and have several questions.
Who voted for these bozo’s in the first place? I know Soros and company are running the Democratic party ticket **(you know, if good ol’ George can’t be president at least he can pull the strings of the one who’s elected)
(as far as McCain goes it’s almost as if someone reprogrammed him to be………..blah)
Since when did telling the truth or even better repeating the words and actions of your opponent become “negative campaigning”? Ann…..Ann Coulter we need you to start feeding information to McCains team. Maybe someone can give it to Sarah and it’ll get out there.
As it is I think Sarah’s the only one with a “pair” and they’re ovaries. The feminization of America is complete ( and as an actual woman I am quite disgusted, none of the three pseudo women on the ticket measure up, we are so much tougher than that).
Wussies of the world unite. You have nothing to fear but hurting each others tender, sensitive “feeling”.
Hey #32 – Howsabout Sarah dump McCain and add Fred?!
That, and if every voter would vote out their Congressperson, we could replace all 535 with a Libertarian/Independent/Constitution Party, we might actually have a fighting chance. Plus, it would be too awesome for words.
Oh wait, 3rd parties can’t get elected in this country. Never mind. We deserve what we elect.
Face it – Ron Paul is really just a brain-dead squid from Texas. I’ve never spent much time in Texas and I don’t know if there are a lot of brain-dead squid down there but I do know that they have elected one and sent it to Washington.
The Libertarians don’t seem to understand that there is a time for the USA to get really mad and go kick the crap out of some weenie country like Iraq. The minute that the Constitution Party stops worrying about black helicopters and “9/11 was an inside job”, then conservatives (and the rest of the country) will start paying attention.
The reason 3rd parties can’t get elected is because of the Electoral College which was one of the most important features of the constitution. Those men should be applauded for their foresight in making sure that piddling little single-issue brain-dead squid like Ron Paul cannot even legally enter the White House as a tourist. All hail George Washington and Thomas Jefferson!.
Where do I find a list of all senators and representatives who voted For the bailout, Or, a shorter list, those who voted against it?
How many mortgage payments do I have to miss before I qualify for McCain’s buy-out plan?
Will the IRS be in charge of collections? Hmmm… That might work. But in that case, never mind, I’ll stay current.
Time to start building that green-house for my survival garden I guess.
This should be good for McCain. I mean, RCP puts him down by 5.9 he really needs to hammer home that Barack is wrong and a radical. They say show me your five best friends and I’ll show you your future:
Michele (not proud of America)
Bill Ayers (bombed America)
J Wright (Wants God to Damn America)
Saul Alensky (Radical community organizer)
Wildcard spot, come to think of it Obama really loves himself, maybe I should put him here, but that would look lazy, right?
What is this pictures to my right? Ahhhhh! Seriously!
I can’t bear to watch it. I’ll end up wanting to smack both of ’em.
“Hit him on Fannie! No, not his lack of maverickyness! Dang it, where’s Palin? Bring her out!”
I trust everyone to have nice recaps…
Why would anyone watch a debate without Sarah in it?
Er…did Obama really just say “A lot of you may remember 9/11”?
This is dumb. Obama needs to learn to follow the rules.
Rules? Rules don’t apply to the Messiah.
A moral obligation? Like removing Saddam Hussein, who committed genocide?
Yep. I’m looking for the ‘lowest rated debate ever’ headline on Drudge tomorrow.
I think this debate will cure my insomnia.
Am I supposed to believe that these people wrote these questions?
No Sarah, no me. Like I told someone at work, why watch the debate? I already know how I’m voting; “No” on the Obama referendum. I’m watching NCIS reruns instead. Much easier on the stress levels. Still, this final 29 days looks to be ridiculous, and only the elixir called Wild Turkey can make it all better for a while. When did this friggin’ election cycle start? Like October of 2004 or something? Jinkies.
I just hope this one isn’t a letdown like 2006 was here…
Me, too. I’m in a safe state. But we need to help any way we can, wherever we can. I’m not giving up on this election. Don’t you, either.
maybe. best answer yet.
O-bomber still wants to take out Pakistan. Someone has been giving “The One” republican talking points. He mainly seems to be copying off of McCains paper when it comes to speachifyin’
I loved this Obama line — We could not have effectively intervened during WWII to prevent holocaust” — NYT should be all over him for this one comment alone
Is it just me or is Obama’s supposedly super-moderate health care plan a complete and obvious disaster waiting to happen?
Consider that some knave wants to skip out on health insurance so long as he feels healthy, and only decides to get a plan after he feels that there is something serious, since Barack H. Obama will make the insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions.
It seems to me that this will cause the insurance companies to have less money if they do not compensate for this somehow, such as raise rates. This will make anyone, who believes Obama when he tells them he won’t screw with people who are already satisfied with what they have, very disappointed.
And one thing hardworking Americans do not like, is to be disappointed.
Obama’s case is empty.
I seem to be channeling Mr. Zorg there.
Basil, I am not giving up but I got to see a major absence of logic during the 2006 elections here in Missouri. Just hope more people are awake this time around.
Ziva is really hot…as is Abbey.
Anyway, my focus on this election has reached critical mass, and I have to detach, like I did in 2004. Otherwise my little walnut brain will implode. And thus begins the Frenzied Finale. Hold on to your butts.
I’m intrigued by Obama’s policy of going into Pockyston to kill bin Laden without actually invading.
What’s he going to do? -Send troops to ‘accidentally’ cross the border, find bin Laden and kill him, then “Oops! I sent troops to Pockyston! Sorry, my bad. Geography is above my pay grade. Bye now.”
And Pockyston will be like “Oh President Obama, you nut, that’s OK, at least you’re not that evil Bush. Now move along you scamp.”
What I saw was two big government dweebs with delusions of unlimited cash to spend, and not one freaking clue as to what the Constitution says.
My recommendation is to drink heavily throughout the night.
It is time to strike back and fight these media weapons of mass distortion! Spread the truth!
McCain completely lost me with that mortgage buyout vomit.
I know. We’ve had the whole debate here long ago about McCain’s socialist tendencies.
Actually, I had to turn it off. I just don’t enjoy watching clowns in the evening anymore. I like my clowns on Sunday in a big circus tent.
Next debate-
Have Dan Rather read insane questions and accusations from KosKids.
It would sure beat watching Bob Schieffer try to stay awake by sucking all the oxygen out of the room a la Brokaw.
Obama would tiptoe through the mine field of not alienating his moonbat base- while trying not to sound like one of them to the sane voter.
McCain might look conservative.
Have to agree with Jimmy and toothy. We don’t actually have a candidate in this race…just a VP candidate. And if this arrogant jackass McCain won, she’d be relegated to irrelevent nonsense while he went about his plans of liberalizing the country…not much different than Obama’s socialism.
Even in the areas where he’s right he’s apparently unable to even make the point. After non-stop attacks on the US going into Iraq, the candidates are asked when the US should send our military into a country that’s not posing a direct threat to the US. Obama’s answer sounds pretty similar to all of the genocide and human rights violations that were going on in Iraq under Hussein, and McCain drops the ball and goes on endlessly with one of his blathering idiot platitude answers.
The American people overwhelmingly opposed the already-failed trillion dollar bailout plan…so McCain’s intended wow moment was to unveil a plan to make us pay $300 billion more to pay for other people’s mortgages.
Some idiot’s question was that the American people haven’t been asked to give anything up since WWII, and McCain slushes through some inane answer instead of pointing out that we now tithe half of every dollar we make to the government, so clearly we are giving something up – half of our hard-earned money.
Then the debate ends, and while Obama and his transvestite wife are shaking hands and getting great end-of-debate-feel-good camera time, McCain grabs his wife and leaves??? WTF?
Once again, McCain was painful to watch.
I didn’t watch the debate and believe I missed nothing- I instead had a better time spending time talking about doing traveling with my very beautiful and sexy girlfriend. Here’s what it comes down to- both McCain and Obama will do EXACTLY THE SAME THING. I’m mad at the GOP this year for two reasons: 1. They threw their top guy, Giuliani, under the bus- and the best reason they could come up with “weeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllll, he’s super extreme ultra-left wing liberal! how do we know? weeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllll…..he did adultery, like Bill Clinton, which MAKES him Bill Clinton! Granted, he had to work with one of the most far left-wing cities in the whole world, and managed to get crime and taxes under control, PLUS he can get his message out; while Bill Clinton sold our secrets to North Korea, and sent Elian Gonzales back to his best friend Fidel, not to mention did that stupid thing in Waco…buuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttt, as far as we can tell, they’re both exactly alike!”
Well, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, considering: 2. Half the “conservative” Republicans in congress voted for that atrocious bailout bill! Yeah, they learned SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much from their catastrophic defeat in ’06- while they were at it, they all suddenly decided that Socialism is actually Capitalism in disguise, and all decided “screw Reagan, Ford policies are the way to go!!!!!!!”. I mean, really- when you got Mort Kondracke sounding more capitalistic than Fred Barnes,you have Sean Hannity sucking off former NJ governer Jim McGreevey, with Alan Colmes looking appropriately sickened, and you have the fiscal GOP leaders in congress saying “yer nuts if you don’t vote for this bailout”, maybe they just DON’T get it- maybe they don’t WANT TO GET IT! Hey, I could care less. My vote goes to Reagan this year, and for all you who are concerned, you need not worry- my Republican affiliation was thrown in the trash as soon as Bush made that pathetic speech in ’06 about excusing Rumsfeld. Just so sad….
McNumbNuts is going to do WHAT? After we taxpayers ponied up $850Large this idiot now wants us to buy all the bad mortgage paper in the United States? What’s next? Why not buy up all Credit Card debt while we are at it…or…all car loans? Or, why don’t we just buy up all people’s debt no matter what! Everyone in the US get’s to start over with a clean slate! We all get a Credit Rating of 900 and a check from Santa Claus this Christmas for $25,000!!! What a moron!
I’m Sarah Palin and based on last night’s sorry assed debate performance by Senator John McCain I have been forced to announce this morning that I am dropping Senator McCain from the Republican Ticket. I shall now take up the banner as the candidate for President of the United States and I will be seeking an appropriate running mate within the next 4 or 5 hours. Anyone who doesn’t like my decision shall suffer my wrath and my moose gun!
The next debate should be Sarah Palin vs. Bill Ayers.
Okay, I drank heavily throughout the night and now I’m REALLY pissed off.
I’ve decided that both of those men have “Hubris” for middle names.
ussjc, I was thinking EXACTLY same thing earlier this morning!! Palin should announce she’s leaving McCain’s socialist hubris ticket. If I were her, I’d just return to Alaska and resume her real job: Governor. I mean, who would want to follow behind that McCain blob for four years in screwed-up town like D.C? With THAT Congress? With this media. Better to go home and prepare Alaska for nationhood.
Not sure who “won” – all I know for sure is that, either way, WE THE PEOPLE lost. McCain has had more than one chance to stand up for fiscal responsibility – instead, after bailing out Fannie, Freddie, IAG, the auto-companies and Wal-Street he now wants to devalue mortgages and bail out dead beats. I expect this kind of lame crap out of communist-agitator osamabama but I am filled with so much anger hearing it again and again out of McCain. We’ve scrimped and saved our whole lives – we’ve worked our butts off to pay off our mortgage – have zero credit card debt – only buy things that we can afford – send four kids to college with NO tuition loans. Our reward? Our home, which we counted on for income through a reverse mortgage when we used up our savings, will now be worth far less – our carefully hoarded CDs pay nada in interest and the cost of EVERYTHING is high and growing higher because the numb nuts who run everything won’t allow for drilling here and continue to devalue the dollar by running up the debt to buy votes. “Anger” doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings.
We are older and have lived our whole lives by the rules – our reward? p o v e r t y to pay for those who are greedy, wasteful, lazy or power hungry. SHAME!
F**k it, I’m going to go buy a bigger house today.
Maybe two.
It was a nice republic while it lasted, I guess.
The upside is, 3rd world countries get foreign aid, so we’ll be all set…
BTW rose, the auto company money is loans, and a VERY small amount compared to what the banks are being GIVEN (courtesy of the barrel of a gun, of course).
Not that it’s the gov’ts job to loan ANY business money.
Hang in there, Rose. It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. At least there’s death and taxes for certain. Everything else is gravy.
And toothy isn’t just toothy, he/she is fangy! You lucked out with that gravatar.
I have watched this whole debacle unfold and have several questions.
Who voted for these bozo’s in the first place? I know Soros and company are running the Democratic party ticket **(you know, if good ol’ George can’t be president at least he can pull the strings of the one who’s elected)
(as far as McCain goes it’s almost as if someone reprogrammed him to be………..blah)
Since when did telling the truth or even better repeating the words and actions of your opponent become “negative campaigning”? Ann…..Ann Coulter we need you to start feeding information to McCains team. Maybe someone can give it to Sarah and it’ll get out there.
As it is I think Sarah’s the only one with a “pair” and they’re ovaries. The feminization of America is complete ( and as an actual woman I am quite disgusted, none of the three pseudo women on the ticket measure up, we are so much tougher than that).
Wussies of the world unite. You have nothing to fear but hurting each others tender, sensitive “feeling”.
You have nothing to fear but hurting each others tender, sensitive “feeling”. -seanmahair
In their case, their “tenders” are giblets. Have you no respect for a man’s innards?
Hey #32 – Howsabout Sarah dump McCain and add Fred?!
That, and if every voter would vote out their Congressperson, we could replace all 535 with a Libertarian/Independent/Constitution Party, we might actually have a fighting chance. Plus, it would be too awesome for words.
Oh wait, 3rd parties can’t get elected in this country. Never mind. We deserve what we elect.
Hey #42 – Let’s all vot for Ron Paul?!
Face it – Ron Paul is really just a brain-dead squid from Texas. I’ve never spent much time in Texas and I don’t know if there are a lot of brain-dead squid down there but I do know that they have elected one and sent it to Washington.
The Libertarians don’t seem to understand that there is a time for the USA to get really mad and go kick the crap out of some weenie country like Iraq. The minute that the Constitution Party stops worrying about black helicopters and “9/11 was an inside job”, then conservatives (and the rest of the country) will start paying attention.
The reason 3rd parties can’t get elected is because of the Electoral College which was one of the most important features of the constitution. Those men should be applauded for their foresight in making sure that piddling little single-issue brain-dead squid like Ron Paul cannot even legally enter the White House as a tourist. All hail George Washington and Thomas Jefferson!.
They recently asked Barney Frank for a list of his donors to which he replied “do I look like I have eyes in the back of my head?”
That’s Nasty ese.
Where do I find a list of all senators and representatives who voted For the bailout, Or, a shorter list, those who voted against it?
How many mortgage payments do I have to miss before I qualify for McCain’s buy-out plan?
Will the IRS be in charge of collections? Hmmm… That might work. But in that case, never mind, I’ll stay current.
Time to start building that green-house for my survival garden I guess.
4 of 7:
Here’s the Senate vote and here’s the House vote.
#47 – Basil,
Thanks! Now that’s service!