With 99% Reporting, Ted Stevens Is in the Lead

And that’s why we lost.


  1. I’ve gotta go with the people of Alaska on this. He’s going to jail, and they know that when he does go to jail, he’ll need to be replaced, and Governor Palin will get to appoint his replacement. Maybe they’re just smarter than you.

  2. Never #1. In fact, I’m going to be as respectful to BHO (he’s not MY president) as they have been to Dubya these past 8 years. I’m going to blame the Dumocrats in control for everything that goes wrong, and ignore any good they do (which will be easy, since they’ll do nothing good). Not only that, I’m going to be as whiny, annoying, unproductive, and unhelpful as they have been. And I’m going to point and laugh when BHO fails miserably in trying to be all things to all people.

    This might be kinda fun after all, being in the minority. Hey, I’m in the minority now! I DEMAND MY RIGHTS!

  3. He won by a HUGE MARGIN.

    Yeah, when they counted all the multiple votes from multiply-registered turds, and the felons, and the non-citizens, and the fictional characters, I guess he really did win steal this election.

  4. What’s the difference between Stevens and Harry Reid’s illegal land deals, Barney Frank’s illegal gay prostitution ring, Byrd’s Ku Klux Klan background, Biden and Pelosi’s conflicts of interest tied to lobbyists and legislation, etc., etc.?

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