Tips for getting the voters behind Obamacare

The most recent numbers show that support for Obamacare is tanking drastically, so I thought I’d give the president some advice on how to improve those numbers.

*Clarify that Obamacare isn’t going to kill your grandma. It’s going to kill both of your grandmas. So now you won’t have to worry about getting that chartreuse knitted sweater for Christmas anymore. Nobody likes chartreuse.

*Make sure voters know that you’ll only have to wait months to see a doctor if you don’t die in the first few weeks after you get sick. A little suffering is good for the soul and builds character.

*Tell representatives and senators to be even more arrogant and dismissive at townhalls about voter concerns. I know I always realize I’m wrong if someone shrugs me off.

*Emphasize the exciting provision that the IRS is getting involved! I always say we need more IRS in our lives.

*Point out the related provision that people who don’t have health care coverage during any part of the tax year will be taxed. Because it’s free healthcare.

*Free Barbra Streisand CD and canvas Che Guevara handbag with voter buy-in!

Do you have suggestions for how the president can improve support for Obamacare? Put them in the comments.


  1. Clarify that Obamacare isn’t going to kill your grandma. It’s going to kill both of your grandmas. So now you won’t have to worry about getting that chartreuse knitted sweater for Christmas anymore. Nobody likes chartreuse.

    Also, you can remind people that this way they’ll get their inheritance quicker so grandma and grandpa have less time to spend it.
    (ignore death taxes)

  2. Reassure the citizens that under Obama’s care, they will get to keep their feet and tonsils instead of having them yanked out unnecessarily by unscrupulous surgeons. Maybe they can even keep their gallbladders.

  3. Hey…what’s with this chick posting stuff? Does Frank J. know that you jacked his Blog? Wanna know a good one that Frank told me? You can’t tell him I told you…ok? Ok…what do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothin’! She’s already been told twice! I know! Pretty awful! I was pretty shocked but Frank J. just couldn’t stop laughing! Is he related to Michael Vick by any chance? Gotta’ go! Tell Frank J. hi!

  4. Lee – I got an email from Obama last night explaining to me that, when these “doctors” do brain surgery, they shave your head. Then they sell that hair to wig manufacturers for $50,000 a pop. Obamacare will prevent this practice, of course.

  5. Frank

    Not at all impressed by your weighing in on the NHS debate on twitter. I saw your wildly misinformed tweets on the WELOVETHENHS search and thought to invite a debate with you from the position of a Brit who spent 5 of the last 6 years living in the U.S. Given your snide response, it is now clear that your scant knowledge of the facts hasn’t armed you for a debate. Sure, no worries, I understand: you’re in over your head and all you have left are cheap shots to cover for this.

    (Your bio says : “Semi-pro humorist”. Maybe your humour is so out there that I’m just missing the joke. I do wonder, though, about the “Christian” part. Is that all part of your “semi-pro humor” or are you actually serious about that one? Did the Christ of your Christianity call people names?)

    [Actually, He did. Not sure it’s an argument I should, but Christ definitely called people names at times. -Ed.]

    In my country, people pay taxes in relation to what they earn, including a standard 15% Value Added Tax on all luxury goods, and *all* men, women & children receive the same healthcare treatment as each other. The “free at point of need” part that I wrote to you earlier, and to which you responded so eloquently (“not at all free and it only make the debate dumber to call it that”), refers to the part where — irrespective your financial or social status — when you need the healthcare it is there.

    An example, if you will: My family has a dear friend who is a retired minister and owes his life to the NHS. His annual salary was always quite minimal, as is the way in The Church in the UK, but he dutifully paid his minimal taxes throughout his working life. Shortly after retiring, he was diagnosed with cancer of the colon. For three years now he has been receiving treatment for his condition, which has kept him in a good standard of life, yet he has not written a single cheque in the name of the NHS or any health care provider once in his entire life.

    One particular part of his treatment is an injection, which has been administered by an NHS nurse every week for three years, and which costs £1,200 a time. He has not at any time had to fill in any forms, provide evidence of worthiness by way of a check-up to confirm no pre-existing conditions, he has not faced any “Death Panels” (where on earth did that rumour come from?) This healthcare, provided by the NHS, has covered him since his first breath and will do so until his last, no questions asked.

    For now, I acknowledge that the UK’s National Health Service is not perfect by any stretch, but I refer you to the WHO’s report: the UK’s National Health Service ranks 18th in the world; the USA’s healthcare system ranks 37th. Am I to take by your comments on the subject that you are proud of this fact? It seems clear to me — and to many — that your country’s system needs an overhaul. Maybe Obama is the guy to do that, maybe not, but I sincerely hope that one day the USA will join the ranks of every other developed country in the world to offer some type of semi-decent universal healthcare system.


    Anne Williamson

    [People in America don’t like government controlling everything. When something goes under government control, there goes all options and freedom on the issue. Sure, Europeans are used to that, but we like to be different. If you don’t like government in everything, there should be at least some country out there for you. There’s already a Europe for people who like it the other way.

    As a Christian, I try never to be stingy with my own money. But also don’t try forcing anything on anyone else. Free will and all. -Ed.]

  6. I always feel better about ObamaCare when the state-controlled media declares me and everyone else who opposes nationalized health care as a racist and potential domestic terrorist. Just puts me in a good place to reconsider the genius behind BHO and Rahn-Bo’s plan.

    Note: Hey Anne (#8)…don’t be a silly old trout. Don’t believe any report that puts the US as 37th in health care…it’s just the work of some pissed-off UN group who are getting frantic that they won’t be soon handling $400 Billion US dollars per year from the Proposed Cap & Trade legislation (which is going down!).

    Remember: every drug worth taking comes from eveil, profiteering US pharmaceutical comanies. We yank more hearts, lungs, livers, tonsils, and small breasts in the US every year than the rest of the world combined. Don’t lie to yourself…if you get really sick…you’ll be headed to the US to gitter fixed. I have to go now…I’m going out drinking with my evil, profit motivated doctor friends.

  7. Anne,

    You’ll need to explain why everyone in the world who can afford it and has a serious medical condition comes to the USA to be treated.

    Silvio Burlosconi (I know that’s spelled wrong), the Prime Minister of Italy, flew a family member of his over here to get health care treatment. The friggin’ Prime Minister. Now why would he do that? Do the Members of Parliament wait in line like your friends and family? Seriously doubt it. The fact that our congress is creating loopholes so they will not have to use this garbage they’re trying to foist off on us should tell you all you need to know on whether it’s better or worse.

    The simple fact is that socialized medicine does not work as well as capitalist medicine. Nobody is saying the American system is perfect so don’t try to throw that straw man up here. All we’re saying is that the European model is worse.

  8. Not at all impressed by your weighing in on the NHS debate on twitter. I saw your wildly misinformed tweets on the WELOVETHENHS search and thought to invite a debate with you from the position of a Brit who spent 5 of the last 6 years living in the U.S. Given your snide response, it is now clear that your scant knowledge of the facts hasn’t armed you for a debate. Sure, no worries, I understand: you’re in over your head and all you have left are cheap shots to cover for this.

    You go from this into a long post arguing for national healthcare, complete with an anecdote meant to tug on the heartstrings?!?! Who are you trying to convince? Do you really consider it smart to insult someone right before you argue your point?

  9. cactusod: You’re funny. The scary thing is that many of your fellow countrymen and countrywoman feel just that way about that WHO report. How did the US education system fail people in such a way that they truly believe they live in the Best Country On Earth and any statistic which states otherwise is a blatant lie? You’re right — those number are just statistics anyway. In the words of the Good Book (the Oxford English Dictionary), statistics are just “facts deduced from the collection and analysis of quantative data.” And I’m pretty sure that means you can choose your own adventure.

  10. Frank J,
    You sly dog. First you get SarahK to post “The Real Post” then you sockpuppet on as “Anne” to look like an maroon and spout socialist boilerplate. I kind of like the twist, except for Mohammed’s sake, next time try not to overdo it. Don’t get me wrong, I like the concept, but a Brit? I think that’s a bit too much. At the most, claim Canadian. They’re like retarded Americans or MENSA Brits.

    I give you an “95” , marking off for the obvious sockpuppet devices: Gender switch and poor nationality choice.

  11. @Anne Williamson.

    Oh you poor brit… It’s sad to see the decline of liberal (I mean that in the original sense of the word) values. Have you ever considered by what right the government rules? By what right it levies taxes? Or what the biases of the WHO are? A crappy band, but an even worse organization, it IS part of the UN after all . Or where most of the medical innovations in the world come from? Of course not. You might be happy with your country’s long decline into serfdom, but my country is founded on the highest of moral principles, moral principles that have brought you most of your modern comforts.

  12. Dear Anne,

    “his treatment is an injection, which has been administered by an NHS nurse every week for three years”

    Hmm. Colon issue you say? Interesting.

    Is the $1,200 (pounds) part of Free/Universal?

    And didn’t Christ call the Romans ‘a bunch of friggin’ Nazis?’ Romans 6:66


    PS – Might I suggest a “West Coast” treatment plan based on the English ‘Nurse Nigel’ method of colon injection for colon issues? I can think of a few A**holes who really need it.

  13. cptnmoroni: “You’ll need to explain why everyone in the world who can afford it and has a serious medical condition comes to the USA to be treated.”

    I have truly never heard of this before. Your only example is the Italian prime minister’s family member? More facts please. Also to go along with your research, there is a term in the UK for a similar phenomena: “NHS tourism.”

    cjtony97: Ha, good one. I was actually responding to Frank J’s insults on twitter, ones that were being retweeted by his fellow “conservatives”. I refer to this gem: “Reading #welovethenhs tweets, I’m not only doubting government run health care but also the British educational system.”

    Was my anecdote supposed to “tug on the heartstrings?” That certainly wasn’t my intention. As you may have observed from the welovethenhs hash tag trend, there were many people in Britain with similar stories of the NHS and its excellent, no-clauses, unconditional, universal healthcare. It’s not sentimental — you may think I’m a crazy liberal for this, but I happen to actually believe that healthcare is a fundamental, universal human right that shouldn’t be based on wealth, health or any other merit. I weep for those who live in nations that don’t grant this right.

    With regards Twitter followers, obviously Frank J wins hands down.

    Frank J: Thanks for letting my comment stay up this time. After you deleted it yesterday, I was beginning to think you were one of the US citizens who loves that first amendment about freedom of speech on the condition that it is only yourself or like-minded members of the populace that exercise it.


    [The blog automatically puts comments into review from new commenters. That causes a delay for them appear, but it was never deleted. So, sorry, you’re not a martyr for the first Amendment we have here in America. -Ed.]

  14. AWWW…I read a couple of sentences that Anne wrote and now my hair hurts! I’ll bet Anne wears Boy Scout Shoes and drives a Subaru with NPR blasting from the single AM speaker in the center of the dash…hands at 10 and 2 (death grip), of course having been trained by a dill-weed bureaucrat knowing nothing about performance driving…

  15. Anne (the sun’l come up…tomorrow)
    You’re right. The US is not the Best Country in the World! Where else would the Government install CCT cameras in private citizen’s homes to monitor them 24/7? Oh wait…that was the UK.
    Well, where else would the police stop innocent people on the street, not because they did something wrong, but instead to fill their racial quota for stops? Oh wait…that was the UK.
    Hmmmm, uh, where else would a woman end up having to use a colostomy bag because of years dealing with an untreated infection because she didn’t have health insurance? Oh wait…she sort of had health insurance…it was the NHS in the UK.

    As far as the truth of statistics there is a quote from a great American “There’s three types of lies. Lies, damn lies, and statistics.”

    But since you are so enamored of numbers, find out these ones for me ‘K? What is the GDP of the UK compared to that of the US? What percentage of the two GDPs goes to help third world countries? What is the per capita amount sent to charitable organizations from private citizens in the US compared to the UK? How many US citizens emigrate to the UK? How many from the UK to the US? Of all the people who emigrate from one country to another, what is the percentage of those that opt for the US as compared to other nations?

    The kicker in your definition of statistics is the word ‘analysis.’ That makes all the difference in the world now doesn’t it? Especially when you gather, crunch, and present the numbers in order to fit your preconceived ideas.

    It used to be said that the sun never sets on the British Empire. It’s so sad that that once great nation is filled with helpless minions like you who can no longer wipe their own arse without a government program. The sun not only set, but someone turned out the lights and locked the door.

  16. Hey, another Limey troll! This one is much better at grammar, spelling, punctuation, and comming up with a coherent thought than the original Limey.

    I wonder if she’s going to start quoting Rage Against the Machine lyrics.

  17. Anne, be a nice Brit and go back home. When I have lived in countries other than my own, I kept my mouth shut and let them run it without my editorializing. And your comments invite “here’s what happened to me” in the UK, France, etc. stories. The hospital I was treated at in 1996 was an almost exact replica of a WWII ward, complete with the cute nurse uniforms and metal beds. It was like a time warp. France? my family’s stories are real life experiences most people think are parodies- like the pottie chair for a cancer patient suffering from incontinence, arranged IN THE WAITING ROOM, without a pot under it. Nice touch, and I suppose a way to make the poor soul want to die. Now he is, and it has continued to be a humiliating, dehumanizing experience, like a greek tragedy performed by the Three Stooges.

    Sorry to hijack the thread. The Dems could simply chant the successful Federal Programs we enjoy in the background while reading the bill aloud, then ask those remaining awake to discuss it.

  18. “that healthcare is a fundamental, universal human right”

    I’m sorry you don’t understand the concept of a right, nothing makes me sadder. Every American has a right to Health Care. Every American has a right to food. Every American has a right to a yacht, a mansion, and a golden bracelet. In America, we have what are called ‘Natural Rights’, so we have the right to pretty much anything, as long as we do not violate anyone elses rights.

    Would you propose the government should provide for everyone’s food? Surely that is a fundamental right, no? Of course it is, but a right and a privilege are different things.

  19. I have truly never heard of this before. Your only example is the Italian prime minister’s family member? More facts please.

    Here ya go.

    And another.

    This one has the interesting fact that one of the four major reasons Canadian trained doctors left to practice in the US is Availability of medical facilities and services 51%. Gee with all that free stuff you’d think there’d be more facilities huh? It’s almost as if the government is…oh, I don’t know…rationing healthcare?

  20. Anne, I like you. Your words are like shimmering droplets from the breath of Hera misting up my computer screen, or perhaps it’s just my eyes welling up with admiration for your way with an argument. Hard to say.

    However, I find I must make one observation of agreement, and then ask just one questions.

    You say that you were not trying to tug on the heartstrings, and I believe you. No such ability actually comes through in your writing.

    And if healthcare is a fundamental human right, then if I have the means to make you well am I then obligated to provide it to you? That would seem to follow.

    It appears I have more than one question.

    Do I get to have a day off now and again, or must I work all day every day to ensure that I am not violating someone’s rights? These are, after all, fundamental human rights of which we speak.

    I will pause there while you put me in my place.

  21. Chuck: I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about, but the following thought occurs: now who looks like “an maroon”??

    ussjimmycarter: Nope, just a dreamer.

    Let me guess: you wear New Balance sneakers and Walmart jeans, eat fastfood at least twice a week, and get in your car to drive between stores when you do your weekly shop at the strip mall.

    (See, it’s easy? But even writing that makes me feel like a mean person. How do you do it?)

    FormerHostage: Again, I have no clue what you’re talking about. Who is responsible for filling your head with this nonsense?! And then you just get down right mean and I don’t have any time for you any more. Just pity, much pity.

    exechobo: Thanks for the mean-spirited advice. For your peace of mind, I am home. Thank you. Happily, I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting many US citizens as yourself and, thus, have quite a high opinion of your nation and its general populace.

    I can see that none of you guys are interested in that whole broadening-your-horizons thing we Europeans so favour. I can’t help but feel we’ve failed you in some way. Oh well, I’m off to watch the BBC in my old cold poky flat on this gray day while eating fish n’ chips for tea. Pip pip xx

  22. Anne
    NHS Tourism?
    Like this

    Where they starved 11 dementia patients to death as they told their families that feeding the poor, starving, senile patients would be bad for them.

    So the police investigated. Nothing to see. Move along.
    The Crown Prosecution Service investigated. Nothing to see. Move along.
    Then, some inquest got involved and heard this

    Dr Claire Royston, a consultant psychiatrist, said that doctors often allow terminally ill patients to starve to death by deliberately stopping their food. She said dementia suffers often forget how to eat, leading to the risk of food going down the windpipe instead of the throats…
    Get it? They do it all the time because dementia patients forget how to eat.
    Bullcrap. I’ve known families with senile relatives and they don’t forget how to eat. They might forget to eat until they’re really hungry, but they won’t starve to death. They might not know who’s serving them, but they surely know how to eat.

    You know how they starve to death?
    One relative has described how it was distressing to see his father go without food. Andrew Hughson said his 75- year-old father, also called Andrew, would vainly stretch his hand towards meals being delivered to other patients. ‘We kept being told that feeding him would be bad for his general health, and he was too frail to tell us otherwise,’ he said.

    That’s how they starve to death. And that poor guy will probably feel guilty for listening to the murderous doctors for the rest of his life.

    And the result of the inquest?

    Death by natural causes.
    I swear. But the judge had impeccable reasoning,
    food and fluids were withdrawn in good faith and in the not unreasonable belief that it was in their best interests as the lesser of two evils, committing them to die in as much comfort and dignity as possible. . . it would be grossly unfair to record a verdict other than that of death by natural causes.”

    Get it? The lesser of two evils, what was the other option? Hanging from the battlements for the crows?
    In good faith? How do you starve someone to death in good faith?
    Comfort and dignity? Dying of starvation?

    But at least they’re compassionate to the families
    The families can take comfort in the fact that their loved ones died solely because they reached the end of their natural lives.”

    Is that how you say, “Bugger off proles” in English?

    And notice the date. Any bets on whether or not they’re routinely doing this now and recording “natural causes”?
    They have the precedent and that’s all a bureaucrat needs.

  23. cjtony97: Ha, good one.

    Another compliment, you are getting good at this! In response to your first point, I would argue that FrankJ and the others were not actually trying to make an argument on Twitter. So, the insults stood by themselves, in response to whatever was being said in the hashtag. By contrast, you posted a long comment making an argument for socialized healthcare on his weblog (in a post by his wife, by the way) and preceded said argument with several insults of your own. Not a way to win an audience.
    As to your second point, if you were not trying to win compassion by giving a personal anecdote about a family friend, why even bring the story up? For every story you have, someone else has one about a guy who has to pull out his own teeth or wait in line for 8 hours with a broken clavicle. What’s the point?

    In a sense I agree that healthcare should be available to everyone. I disagree that it’s the government’s job to provide it. If the “crazy liberals” would quit demagoguing on this, we may be able to find some type of resolution, but that ain’t gonna happen.

    The “Twitter followers” joke was a dig at Megan McCain, that was for the benefit of others.

  24. Anne, oh Anne. What hateful veil covers your eyes? What dark fortune has closed your mind, made the narrow seem broad, and the broad narrow. I can only feel pain for you, lost in the nihilistic philosophy that has so corrupted the birthplace of of liberty. Is there salvation for the soul of the willfully ignorant when their ignorance and will was created by others? Alas, I have no answer, only the pain of an estranged brother, calling desperately for your return to liberal values.

  25. Anne, if you want to hijack a thread to teach Frank J. a lesson, the least you could do is hijack one of HIS threads. If I’d seen this earlier (and others hadn’t already responded), I would have deleted it, not because I’m trying to silence the mean old Brit who’s trying to destroy my naive world view, but because blog comments are meant to comment on the post in question and not whatever dissertation the commenter feels like writing on any related or unrelated subject. If you have strong opinions about how we dumb hick ‘Murricans are doing things and want to write long essays and tell anecdotes to prove that Americans are wrong in the way we do things, maybe you should start your own blog.

    By the way, I’m not even going to bother arguing with you over “free speech” in blog comments. It is widely known that bloggers pay for their blogs and can do whatever they want with them.


  26. Since Anne’s using the same copypasta in this thread as in an earlier one, I’ma repeat my response.

    Dear Anne:

    The WHO report ranking health care systems is garbage. It ranks health care systems not by the actual quality of care that one can get, but by how much government is involved to ensure that it is ‘fair’. The reason the US has not yet joined the ranks of every other developed nation in the world is one of several reasons that it is the MOST DEVELOPED NATION in the world, and these other nations are not. Why would we want to join the ranks of every other developed nation in the world when we are so far ahead? (Answer: Barack H. Obama)

    The US doesn’t need an overhaul of its health care system. We don’t need a system at all. We need individual companies competing for customers by offering the best service for the lowest price while trying to make a profit. No overarching ’system’ is needed.

    The fact of the matter is that there is quite a lot that goes into a modern hospital. All these doctors, nurses, and lab techs graduate from schools, whose professors need their standard of living, whose buildings need housekeeping, security, plumbing and electricity, and so forth. The hospital equipment has to be manufactured by trained, usually highly trained, workers who expect a standard of living commensurate with their training, in high-tech factories (most of which are American-owned) which also need their utilities, security, and housekeeping. The hospital buildings themselves need housekeeping, security guards, and utilities. To say that simply because someone needs health care services, this person is entitled to receive these services at government expense, denotes an astonishing disregard for the economics of everything I just mentioned. If you believe that someone needs something and you want them to have it, it must be at the expense of you and those who can be persuaded to help, and no other. That is the only moral way to do it, because if you want the government rather than individuals to pay the bill, then it will always be Somebody Else’s Problem. When it’s Somebody Else’s Problem, then it’s not Your Problem if the plan goes wrong in any way.

    Because if it is Somebody Else’s Problem, it will eventually fall apart. Your NHS will take measures to try to bring costs under control. They will audit the contents of people’s refrigerators, deny citizenship to fat people, and eventually exclude over-65’s from certain procedures. They will bring in foreign doctors even if they are terrorists in waiting. They will, bit by bit, strip you of every freedom you once had in the name of public health and stopping undue strains on the healthcare system. Some of this is already happening, the rest is in the future. It’s going to happen because it’s an inevitable consequence of the style of government you and your fellow voters have brought upon yourself. Keep gloating.

  27. Make sure that everyone realizes how logical it is to insure an additional 45 million people and have it SAVE money.

    Make sure that everyone realizes how logical it is to have the government compete fairly with private insurers (even though the government can tax its competitors, regulate its competitors, underbid its competitors while not worrying about whether they make a profit and then tax them some more to make up for losing money).

    Make sure that everyone realizes how logical it is for the same group that says “Keep the government out of my bedroom” to want the government in every bodily orifice you have.

  28. Anne (if that is who you really are)
    I’m still only partially convinced you’re not a Frank J sockpuppet. Frank is well known for a wickedly sharp sense of humor, and it’s just like him to pose as a clueless EuroWeenie. If, and I say if, you really are some Brit that has somehow managed to get their hands on for what to you is advanced technology, I can only say; Bugger off.
    Perhaps due to your third rate education system you missed the memo. That would be the one we sent y’all about two hundred and thirty odd years ago. I’ll summarize, it said “We are profoundly indifferent to what you think; we’ll let y’all know if we need you.” Strangely enough in that entire time we haven’t required your advice or assistance, and we don’t now. In point of fact, we care more what the French and Italian’s think, since they have better food and teeth. When we need the opinion of some Limey wench we’ll beat it out of y’all.
    So, if you really are some obnoxious Brit, go back to your spotted dick and deep fired whatever and leave SarahK alone. She is after all the only thing that keeps Frank J from nuking the moon.

  29. Sure glad we kicked out the Redcoats when we did. If NHS is so great, what’s with all the Brits with bad teeth? To Anne:”Get thee behind me SATAN, thou art an offence to me: for thou savourest not the things that be of GOD, but the thing that be of men.” Satan must have been visiting the British Isles just before he told GOD,… All that a man hath will he give for his life. The U.K. has given up much, and yet people die in the end anyway. A Faustian Bargain to be sure.

  30. Anne,
    When britain becomes a country worth the area it absorbs on the euro paper towel, then you can have an opion on the greatest country that has ever existed on the planet, which is of course, is the United States.
    Hmm, freeer of millons, kicked your ass, twice, kicked hitler’s ass, kicked Gorbechov’s ass, Kicked idi’s ass, Kicked noreaga’s ass, kicked mussolini’s ass, kick tojo’s ass … Would have kicked pol pots and hou chi mihn’s ass if it were for those meddling leftist weenies. So YEAH, we’re better than you, or your euro weanie friends.
    When speaking to the empress SarahK, please do so with the reverence a goddess deserves (she must be, she keeps FrankJ from nuking the moon). And when brits have teeth like the Osmonds, then I will maybe consider your opion partially credible. until then, you are simply part of third world euro feces and not worthy of debate. Oh yeah, tell your queen hey.

  31. I think one of the problems Obama has are these death panels. I think the solution is to make it like American Idol. The person who wants care comes out and tells why they deserve to live. Then Simon tells them no. Paula cries and says yes. Kara writes a stupid song. Randy calls them dog.

    Then we all vote by text and phone. The fees from the text and phone can pay for the health care costs. This way there are no secret death panels, and you can vote as often as you like. All problems solved.

  32. Advise for O-bah-muhhCare Pushers: 1)Call regular folk AstroturfingTeabaggers, then bus in people from Bawny Fwank’s state for O-bah-muhh’s ‘Townhall Meeting’.>>>Have O-bah-muhh’s lackeys advocate “Punching back twice as hard”, and the next day have Union Goombas assault a conservative black man.>>>Call Sarah Palin vile names when she points out O-bah-muhhCare Death Panels, then have the Senate Finance Commitee drop end of life provision from the bill within days of Palin’s FaceBook Postings.

  33. “Tips for getting the voters behind Obamacare”

    Obama needs to stop being a stupid, arrogant lying liar pants, jerk face, douchbag, old people killing, anti-christ liberal then maybe people would get behind Obamacare.

  34. Anne, not only does the USA spend more on health care than other nations, I’m told we taxpayers spend more on public education, unemployment, food stamps, than any other nation.
    That makes Americans out to be a lot of extravagant overspending wastrils, who elect buffoons whose debt as a percent of GDP is only 80+%
    compared to 400+% for jolly England.

    The President advocates, then denies advocating, while all the time endorsing Pelosi/Reid’s giant strides to a single payer system.
    That system would greatly change the citizen-government relationship, giving access and control of the State to every part of our lives.

    Both of our native lands have built socialist houses of cards that will collapse. Stacking the layers of debt and slavery of nationalized health care will hasten the fall. Cheerio to you, friend.

  35. SarahK

    Damn, dressed down again. Ummm, I thought I would….ummm…okay you got me. I was playing with the HTML stuff I don’t really understand. There. Are you happy now that you’ve crushed me self esteem? All I wanted was to annoy the Brits.

  36. Free Barbra Streisand CD and canvas Che Guevara handbag with voter buy-in!

    Actually, buying up every Barbra Streisand recording in existence and burning it would be more likely to get my support, and I thought that even before she decided that she was the Secretary of State. Adding Barbra to the bonfire would be a nice touch, too.

    Same goes for Che Guevara paraphernalia, and the people wearing it.

  37. If the classless one were to include baby seal clubbing for exercise, I could get behind commiecare. If punching hippies were physical therapy, i could get behind commiecare. If kicking illegals were used as treatment for heart disease, I could get behind commiecare. If attending strip clubs were at taxpayer expense, I could get behind commiecare. Otherwise, meh.

  38. I’ll admit it….they could win me over with bribery. I’m open to it, and I know the government has billions in stimulus money that hasn’t been spent yet. It will probibly end up just being wasted and squandered anyway, and I could use an extra Ducket or two in my piggy bank. So……doesn’t a little Chicago style bribery make total sense? Why not give me a few hundred thou (which is a drop in the bucket) and I’ll be the most pro medical care loyalist you could ever ask for. Whew, I sure hope this post takes me off that “complainers list” the White House is maintaining.

  39. *Tell representatives and senators to be even more arrogant and dismissive at townhalls about voter concerns. I know I always realize I’m wrong if someone shrugs me off.

    Yeah Sarah, don’t you just love that? Pretty amazing how arrogance sounds on video & audio. It’s almost as if they all have a Larry King I.Q. concerning all things internet. They didn’t see it reported on NBC on their ’66 Philco, so what’s all the muss?

    And you start to wonder how’d they remained alive this long without, I don’t know, walking out of commercial airplanes in flight because they felt inconvenienced, stepping into oncoming traffic because common peons would brake due to their glowing omniscience, smashing the shuttles’ windshield and jumping outside to get a better view of the Universe they owned. Etc.

  40. Have people pretend to be doctors at townhall meetings and have them state with authority why Obama’s Death and Taxes approach to medicine is the only way to save America. Make sure real doctors don’t tell anyone that studying your buns off while your friends are partying in college, going to 13 years of med. school, residency/fellowship, being in debt $100,000 or so, working 80+ hours per week and making life or death decisions for your patients, all while looking over your shoulder to make sure some shyster isn’t going to sue you makes you one of the EVIL rich people who should pay more taxes! Doctors are evil. Big Pharma is evil. Insurance companies are evil. Republicans are evil. Rich people are evil. I’m so glad Obama has unified the country!

  41. I’m so glad that Anne is off, she reminds me of a spinster in a haunted tower who has captured some glad happy go luckies and weaves her illness into their souls – ooooohhhh, that plus AR is right and it is just frankj playing with sarahk and the hopeless addicted readers of imao

  42. I don’t know any of you and I just stumbled on this blog five minutes ago and will probably never come back here again, but reading the comments made me feel entitled to give my two cents.

    I’m not going to make any bold claims of facts and census data and whatnot. Truthfully, I’m just a 23 year old Graphic Design student who is by no means wealthy but if I had a medical emergency, we could perhaps sell my car and what not to pay for the bills.

    All I know is that a month ago my best friend, who had just FINALLY graduated from a prestigious art school after many years of concurrently working her butt off at a 911 call center and going to school full time, died very suddenly at the age of 28 from unknown heart complications. She’d been having trouble breathing for a few months before that, but because she couldn’t afford to go to the doctor (despite her many hours of working–the cost of living in Sarasota, Florida is simply too high for anyone who isn’t a rich, retired tourist), she died before she could receive any treatment.

    If Obama’s health plan had been instated a year ago, who knows. My friend might very well still be alive.

    But I’ve learned that Republicans and Conservatives (the same thing, really) are about the most adamant, stubborn types of folk there is, and I can already see the flames coming at me for not being perfectly informed about every possible fact before stating my opinion.

    It’s cool. Believe whatever you want :p

    Only please ask yourself, why is it you feel the way you do so vehemently? What are you afraid of seeing happen if you should ever consider a difference in opinion?

  43. “We sincerely hope that one day the USA will join the ranks of every other developed country in the world and allow itself to be ruled by a unelected monarch and abandon those silly notions of freedom and democracy.”
    -Europe, ca. 1776

    We Americans have so much to learn from our European friends. They gave the world such wonderful things as Marxism, Communism, Fascism and Nazism. We really need to broaden our horizons.

  44. Anne –

    I’m still waiting. Why did Burlosconi come to the US? The Prime Minister of Canada came here. Several British Members of Parliment came here. Vlad Putin came here. Why is Congress making the “Members of Congress Don’t Have to Enroll In This Garbage” loophole?

    Are you going to actually answer the question?

  45. Heres a stat for those who think health care insurance is too expensive- in Atlanta GA for example, a male under the age of 25 pays $94 per month for a major medical plan. Same male pays about $130 a month for an ATT Data Plan to go with the iPhone. So why doesn’t Ohama tell us that health care is an iPhone app and let it give us diagnosis and treatments? Who could resist?

    Cleo, did you develop that cool atavar?

  46. @ 63 CLEO

    Your story has two glaring holes in it. Your “friend” worked endless hours at a 911 center? Those are in essence “govt” jobs. Why didnt your friend elect the health insurance? See…. what amounts to my better half also spent a few years working as a 911 dispatcher….. they had great benies. Two…. Your comment regarding your friend “might” be alive under a Obama Healthcare Plan is speculatory.

    It always amazes me that its the people that dont have anything….. that are the most free with other peoples resources, those and those that have waaaaaay too much. Those folks seem to think that just because they have unlimited resources they can tell folks how to use thier resources.

    As to the Limey wench….. Please return to the bosom of your homeland…..we really dont need or want anymore socialist idiots. Please advise as to what wonderful societal service your peasence here provides. You in Healthcare? Teacher? FireFighter? Police Officer? What betterment to this society do you bring to the table?

  47. key words: 23 and 28 year old ART STUDENTS are you going for a PHD in “art” or what?

    how can you possibly go to school “full time”, at f’ing “art school” no less and not graduate till you’re
    almost 30?? Brain surgeons don’t go to school that long.

    PS: had your friend lived, with her degree in “art”…she still wouldn’t have been able to afford insurance.
    PSS: If you rack up a huge hospital bill and you don’t have a pot to piss in, they can’t and won’t “force” you to
    pay, just ask the 20 million illegal immigrants. Safe to say selling your crappy old car wouldn’t even put a dent in it.

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