If the solution to our problems is a jobs bill, why wait over a year and until your supermajority is gone to pass it?
I tried to set the Thompsons straight on curling, and Jeri read the e-mail I sent on their radio show, but I don’t think I succeeded.
Best of the Web makes a good point: Is Reid threatening to abuse his wife if he loses his Senate seat?
It’s pretty powerful to see an immigrant from Kazakhstan working night delivery at 7/11 be so ecstatic at how he’s living the American dream.
Mass Effect 2 was one of the best games I’ve ever played. Have to play Mass Effect 1 and import your save to get the full effect, though.
mass effect 2 was good. it was no dragon age however.
[Dragon Age was good, but I think having the main character actually talk makes the story more immersive. Plus, it was great seeing all the choices you made in the first game have effects. Can’t wait to see how what I did affects the third game. -Ed.]
Random thought: the writers from 24 must be brought to justice for killing off Kevin Wade, television’s greatest new character.
I thought the American dream was scoring food stamps and WIC for your illegitimate children while watching Oprah on your big screen TV in your section 8 housing. Oops, Sorry. That was my inner democrat coming out.
I regret killing the the Rachni queen in Mass Effect 1 because the idea of an entire race of insects worshiping you is pretty awesome for a video game.
If you really like that story line you can read the sequels to “Enders Game” where the Hive Queen story was basically taken from.
When playing Bio-ware games their are 3 different main styles.
-Everything good as possible guy
-Everything bad as possible guy
-“Role playing” do whatever you would really do in that situation and let the chips fall where they may. I actually find this the most fun playing style.
It’s pretty powerful to see an immigrant from Kazakhstan working night delivery at 7/11 be so ecstatic at how he’s living the American dream.
Amen, Brother. And boat refugees from Asia arrive and by the next generation they have kids in med school.
The N.C.A.A. pulled an ad from Focus on the Family because of concerns that Focus on the Family’s stance on Gay and Lesbian Sexual Deviancy “conflicted with the N.C.A.A.’s policy of inclusion…”
Color me surprised.
Does Al Gore have agoraphobia? It might explain why we haven’t seen him during all this Gorebull Warming kerfluffle.