
Just to be clear I’m not inciting violence, when I say, “Punch liberals in their dumb monkey faces,” I’m being metaphorical.

Punch them even if they have normal faces.

…I’m just kidding! There’s no reason to do something extreme like punching someone in the face when socking them in the gut and shouting, “Hippie!” will do.


  1. Wait,….. now we’re not supposed to punch them in thier faces? And we’re supposed to punch them in the gut? Im confused….. until clarified by mgmt I’m going to punch them in the face and the gut just to make sure Im in compliance.

  2. John Wayne wouldn’t have apologized for “inciting violence”, he would have proudly punched the hippy, and then the other liberal that whined about it, as well. Hippy punching is a proud American tradition that I am happy to pass on to my children.

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