Obama suggested that the reason some Israelis are suspicious of him is that his middle name is Hussein. He then added how awful it is that Israelis bitterly cling to their promised land and Torahs.
So is the only reason Israelis don’t like Obama because of his middle name? What other reasons are there to not like him?
* His middle name
* His skin color
* How his ears stick out
* The clothes he wears
* That he’s utterly incompetent
* The he has no useful experience except with corrupt Chicago politics
* That he’s an arrogant prick who doesn’t sympathize at all with his fellow man
* That he disregards allies like Israel while trying to suck up to dictatorships
* That the scope of the U.S. presidency only amplifies what a small, useless man he is
Yeah, I guess it’s probably the middle name.
He has no birth certificate, which means he wasn’t born. Demon Baby!!!
Or that his last name rhymes with bin Laden’s first name.
that he throws like a girl
* He continues to refuse to change his middle name to Joshua in order to appeal to Israel.
* People are just too ignerent to understand His superior grasp of the issues.
* The media is only 98% fawning of Him.
* Idiot ideas in his brain have a way of finding their way out of his mouth.
* He hated us first.
It’s not his middle name. It’s his middle finger.
I choose “J – All of the above”
I was going to say something, but realized you said “Obama” instead of “Ohama.”
I, for one, kinda like Omaha.
(Unlike Obama)
Obama is quoted in that article…
1) Obama and the truth haven’t been on speaking terms for years.
2) “a hostile Muslim world”??? Really, Barry? They aren’t just misunderstood? The Israelis aren’t just paranoid – they really are in danger from Syria, Iran, Hezbullah, Hamas…etc?
If Sarah Palin had said that how long would it take Obama and the rest of the democrats to call her a racist?
3) So that’s your “design” is it? How’s that working out? How much less does the “hostile Muslim world” hate Israel now that you’ve been on the job bowing and scraping for 18 months?
What a putz.
* Wears mom jeans to major league sports. On national live TV.
* He thinks our military is best served by Haitian zombie medics.
* Broguth back Hillary Clinton and her pants suits in the public light.
* Wants tio bam peanut butter because it goes good on crackers.
* Caused a shortage of bucket-off-of-the-head lube.
You people (yeah, I said it) need to lighten up on President Obama. Think how many times he has used the phrase: “I will not rest until…” The whole problem is, he can’t perform competently on no sleep. It’s time for an intervention. The man needs a nap!
All the above!
I think he’s mad at them because he’s jealous that their yalmulkas make better looking Afros than he has and also because they haven’t yet recognized him as being the long awaited messiah. Can’t they see his halo pictures?
* That he’s utterly incompetent
* The he has no useful experience except with corrupt Chicago politics
* That he’s an arrogant prick who doesn’t sympathize at all with his fellow man
* That he disregards allies like Israel while trying to suck up to dictatorships
* That the scope of the U.S. presidency only amplifies what a small, useless man he is
Those are some of my reasons for hating Obama. Oh, and he’s a commie piece of crap who hates America and wants to put it in it’s proper place. The toilet.
He has showed a total disregard for the oath of office and the Constiution of the United States He shows a profound ignorance of the ideals this country has defended. In fact, he thinks the United States has been a curse upon the world – which seems arrogant and stupid as this country gave him the opportunity to be able to write “by the former POTUS” on his “auto”biography. He seems to take pride in all of this. He may as well give the finger to a WW2 vet while he’s here.
There’s not enough room in this little box to list all the reasons people don’t like obama, but probably the main one is color, –
RED makes a lot of people angry.
So, it really is his middle name then…
It’s tough to try to top the mom jeans on national live tv thing, so I’ll just feed off of it:
* He makes it too difficult to decide whether he pitches a baseball or drives a golf ball more like a girl.
Also what Marko said. That sums it up perfectly.
I never thought the day would come when I would see the President of the United States as an enemy of the United States. But here I am, seeing that very day.
Don’t praise me too much, Infidel. “He has showed”. That is what happens when you write a comment with a pear in one hand.
I would say it is because he bowls like a little girl, but my nine year old daughter bowled a 108 and Obama bowled a 40. .. a 40!?!
He skips out on memorial day.
He is married to a Terminator with a broken fashion sense transistor.
He flies into NYC or Chicago for date night causing all sorts of security issues for airports and entertainment venues, but he won’t go to church because that might be disruptive.
His damw smug face is always smirking.
He thinks a nice gift for the queen of England is an I-pod of his speeches.
He can’t seem to stop throwing ridiculous parties on the white house lawn.
His speech patterns are pretentious and silly.
“MarkoMancuso: ” You the man.” Your statement is powerful, to the point, yet with conviction and definitely, passionate.
Corona FTW
Obama… Congress… Obama… Congress… Obama… Congress…
That’s a toss-up.
but I dislike Obama almost as much as the 52% who elected him.
The only reason he hates them is all their Jewish last names so i guess they’re even.
I think the reason he hates them is because he heard “Middle Eastern Shoes” and David Axelrod told him sandals make him look “Teh Ghey”
Thanks, Basil. Heh heh. 🙂
Barack Hussein Obama has proved, without a shadow of a doubt,
once and for all that Republican Senator JOE McCARTHY was right!
“I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five (people)
that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of
the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and
shaping the policy of the State Department” – Joe McCarthy
“…we fight to save our country, our homes, our churches, our children.
To this cause, ladies and gentlemen, I have dedicated and will continue
to dedicate all that I have and all that I am. ” – Joe McCarthy
The United States of America has been silently taken over by the COMMUNIST
spy’s McCarthy warned us about.
please see
Senator Joseph R. McCarthy’s Reply to Edward R. Murrow April 6, 1954
He returned the gift of the bust of Winston Churchill and sent it back to England !
EVERY crappy sentence he makes is a LIE to the American people
Having his picture taken is the highlight of his day and he loves to pose
He’s like Lindsay Lohan’s f k u on her fingernail to the judge – only it’s to the citizens of the United State of America and to freedom and capitalism !
Empty worded, snide, quivering face full of baloney and some to this day still believe it !
Come on island girl, tell us what you REALLY think!
He fills the white house with pictures. Not pictures of inspirational former leaders or historic moments in american history to live up to, but pictures of his own smirking face.
And he has them changed out every two weeks.
I dislike the “current resident” of 14OO Pennsylvania because:
He’s incompetent
He’s a liar
He’s arrogant
He’s a bigot
He’s a racist
He’s a fascist
He’s an elitist
He went to Harvard
He isn’t an American Citizen -takes more than blood and birth (it take a real, actual birth certificate something one has to have to join the military, get a passport or get hired for a government job
He’s ineffectual
He’s henpecked
The Huffpo think he’s the messiah
He’s a Demoncrat
His foreign policy seems to have been developed by Shemp from the Three Stooges (no offense meant to Shemp)
There’s so much more but it’s late and I’m tired
Did he really say ‘its awful for the Jews to cling to their Torah’? Perhaps someone should tell him that the Torah is the complete Old Testament Bible and that most Christains, as did Jesus, consider it the Word of God. What else did Rev. Wright teach in his church beside hatred for white people and America?
Quite simply, he’s hated because he’s black. Many Americans are just not ready for an American-hating, closet Muslim, communist, who trashes the Constitution, illegally seizes government control of every institution and launches lawsuits against states for enforcing our laws…who is black.