So We’re Just Ignoring this Whole Freedom Thing Now?

So the FDA is considering banning alcoholic drinks that contain caffeine because… um… they don’t like it and if you don’t like something in America, you ban it. It’s to stop college from binge drinking or something, as they’ll never figure out how to mix Red Bull and vodka themselves. Not sure how this will affect getting an Irish coffee.

It really seems like a large segment of the population just doesn’t even understand the concept of freedom and the extent of government power in the slightest. We have this, we have the transfats and salt bans, the Happy Meal ban in San Francisco, and talk of jamming cellphone signals in cars. It doesn’t matter what you want, it matters what some politicians think you should or should not be able to do.

This is completely divorced from the whole concept of American freedom and eventually something is going to give. That’s why once again I suggest we divide the country to save it. We need parts of America designated as freedom zones where there are extremely strict limits on what laws can be passed, and then there will be “Freedom Is Scary!” zones where the government can go crazy running people’s lives. And people can choose where they want to live, and everyone will be happy… as long as the “Freedom Is Scary!” zones can only collect taxes from the scared by freedom people to fund their wacky ideas.

Someone get working on that amendment.


  1. The current version of the federal gubmunt has to go. Secede!!! Its the only way!!

    Scrap the leftist garbage and start over. mexi-cannon for all leftists. put them on the moon, then nuke it!!! Pull their pointy little heads out of the pot smoke and fill them with concrete. Send them back to cuba or something, but get them out of here. lock up their parents for spawning the evil. Feed them to the skwerls!!!

  2. I must stress to you all the importance of giving ourselves coastal areas in the Freedom Zones. The liberals may be in the port cities, but so is all of our cool stuff – Marines, submarines, aircraft carriers.

    It is imperative we find an area that is desolate and isolated. I suggest the following areas for the Freedom Is Scary! Zones: The Yukon, Nunavut, Arizona, San Francisco, and the Moon.

  3. The way I understand the thinking behind these idiotic things is that we’re too stupid to be allowed freedom to make our own decisions and the government has to do it for us. It’s for our own good.

    If you remember that stupid mandatory seatbelt law, the logic they used was something like “if it just saves one life, isn’t it worth it?”

    Well, no, it’s not….

  4. If you remember that stupid mandatory seatbelt law, the logic they used was something like “if it just saves one life, isn’t it worth it?”

    Remember the life you save may be a leftist. Or worse nancy’s.

  5. Oh. well get this. I read this story this morning. So to protest the government I slam 5 of these drinks at 9:00 this morning. andd nowe my jerkfase boss is tring to infrngee on my ratss telling me to go home and not let me workk. this natzi won’t let me evenn drive my own car. Well this is too much for mee. So i tell him good luk trying to teach these little bastars. Obvously he’s never had t00 teach the first grade. and i left. My union is already threateneng leagle action against the school destrict and they say I may get a raise outta this. YeaY

  6. I live in a Freedom is Scary zone! Minnesota, “Where Nothing is Allowed”! Hangs head in shame… I plan to retire elsewhere, however which will be a Freedom Zone where government officials are shamed daily as they travel to work in their Chevy Volts and are routinely grabbed by the nads and punched in the face (all legal) to let them know what we think of them!

  7. You are all too stupid to realize the brilliance of our Dear Leaders.

    We are here to serve the state.

    Only when the state sucseeds can any individual sucseed.

    (before I get banned, let me be clear – i’m being sarcastic)

  8. I’m just glad that the tyranny express is really starting to build up some steam. For a minute there I thought they would wuss out on us and we’d have to try even harder to show people how dangerous our government has become. Instead they are putting it into high gear. Good for them but bad for us… the short run. In the long run it will really work to our benefit…..I hope.

  9. hmmmm 4 “LOCO”?? isn’t that….hispanic for illiterate alcoholic ?
    Therefore banning it is R A A A ACIST!!!!! isn’t it?
    Obama is a racist and he’s banning something oppressed brown people NEED!
    They have a disease!!!!
    No justice no peace!!!

  10. Has the FDA never heard of a Jager Bomb? Mixing caffine and liquer is nothing new, 4Loco is just pre-mixed. Are they going to stop bars from serving Jager bombs? are they going to stop me from mixing a little whiskey with my coffee?

  11. Frank, you’re suggesting that we somehow engage in an organic-like national mitosis.

    For that, we’re going to have to take away your iPad, laptop and Kindle and insist that, for the national good, you work in the potato fields of Idaho pulling weeds.

    No, seriously. Other than secession, how about we just stop being tax collectors for the government?

    Huh? Someone’s knocking on my doo

  12. The worst part is that America used to be a Freedom is Good place and the Freedom is Scary people had the rest of the world.
    When the Freedom is Scary people came here we killed them and made their countries free.

    Whereupon they immediately tried to fix that and have never forgiven us so now they’re actually exporting their “freedom is bad” theories here what with the leftism, socialism, communism, militant Islamism and John Kerry.

    I would wish that we could leave this place and go to a world only populated by Freedom is Good people, but you know the Freedom is Scary people would be along shortly. They need free people to be parasites of and feel better than.

    That’s why my new goal is to be a hermit.
    Now I just need my own planet and then I can install the rail gun that shoots anybody who tries to come. If anybody gets a line on that let me know.

  13. Here’s what we do. We put the entire population of the US’s I.Q. on Guam. Conservatives on the right side of the island, Progressives on the left, and let’s see which side of Guam tips into the ocean.

  14. To be clear, I am very much against Govt interference w/ common sense liberties. I even wrote about the Happy Meals ban on my blog. But as an eyewitness to the effects of 4 locos, I do agree that it should be pulled off a shelf. Alcohol content is 14% per can. I was present to see two 20-somethings males, fully fed, fully hydrated, and in good physical shape, and routine drinkers, fall apart under the effects of one can apiece. One young man started to slur his speech within 15 mins of drinking. The other stumbled around, passed out in my bathroom, and within an hour, vomited all of his stomach contents all over my floor, and proceeded to cry. I have seen both these young men drink before and in large quantities but never had I seen them in this condition, over one drink. I don’t think 4 locos should be available.

    Sorry to disagree with you on this one Frank. (I should probably get a priest over to bless my bathroom now.) 😉

  15. I think instead of banning the sale, we should ban the purchase. The penalty can be that you are required to vomit on Caroline’s floor.

    Alternatively, we can make it illegal to allow people to drink this stuff in your home. The penalty is that they pass out in your bathroom and vomit on the floor.

    Caroline, if you want argue that the effects are sufficiently surprising that such drinks should be better labelled… I am okay with that. Misrepresenting a product ought to be illegal. But a crime is where someone harms someone else, not themselves. From your story it sounds like natural consequences are all we need for this, and almost any other bit of foolishness 20 somethings think would be fun.

  16. What I find bemuses me is seeing the reaction from liberals across the blog plain. They crack jokes on the matter, but there is never any serious discussion regarding the government’s decision to tell us what to do.

    Or did the government tell us we can’t have serious discussions? I don’t recall.

  17. Caroline, if those gents had a clue as to what was going to happen to them, would they have drunk as much as fast as they did? In my salad days I discovered — through the magic of vomiting — that I could not ingest similar quantities of hard liquor at that rate.

    The FDA is proposing to ban an alcoholic drink based upon the rate that that drink causes intoxication. What could go wrong? But just to be on the safe side, I think we can ban serving of alcoholic drinks with Happy Meals.

  18. I suggest the following areas for the Freedom Is Scary! Zones: The Yukon, Nunavut, Arizona, San Francisco, and the Moon.

    Hey, don’t judge the whole state based on District 7 and McCain! Arizona can be salvaged!

    How about Arkansas?

  19. What I don’t get is why no one is bringing up the 18 Amendment leaves alcohol distribution to the states. If they want to pull 4 loco, It needs to be the States that decide this. Even at 18 percent, It isn’t even close to the Ice 101 I used to pour into my coffee every morning (I miss my college days).

    I don’t like the Federal Government dictating what I can put in my own body. If I want to drink something that gets me drunk in a matter of minutes, As long as I’m not driving who cares. It’s none of their business.

  20. So if this ban goes into effect, will I still be able to go to a bar and order a Jack and Coke, or will I be forced into drinking them in secret at home.

    As for seatbelts, if you are under 18 you should be buckled up for your safety. Although when you are older, if you want to risk kissing your windshield in an accident that’s your call, but your organs become fair game if you don’t survive.

  21. I know you’re kidding about dividing the country into free and non-free zones, but it’s getting so bad that it almost sounds like a serious idea.

    The way you turn places into free and non-free zones is to vote in *every* election. Obama isn’t likely going to ban Happy Meals or plastic bags, but your town or county council might. Whoops, you didn’t vote in the town or county election because it was an “off-year” election. Now you have to learn the hard way that there is NO SUCH THING as an “off-year” election.

    This month, a majority of Americans voted for freedom. But in some states, a majority voted against freedom. If you’re in one of those states–California comes to mind–you might not have a chance to get freedom in your lifetime without leaving your state. Sad but true.

  22. Caroline, u alone r wise. I am so glad u shared your experience.

    Obviously, 20-somethings will keep repeating this experience with 4-LOCO 4-ever. They r 2 stupid to realize their folly. Banning 4-LOCO is there4 the only recourse. Banning stuff is grr8!

  23. Don’t they know that banning it would only make the people who drink it want it more? They’ll stock up pre-ban, and find other means of getting it, or even making their own versions that are even more powerful.

  24. Pingback: In Defense of Four Loko… | The Pegu Blog

  25. If you give the government power to regulate trade, economics, industry, food etc, AT ALL, you will eventually end up with this nonsense. There is no way around it. We need to prohibiting government regulation of voluntary activity.

  26. Umm…I don’t know which cans of 4 loco you guys have seen, but the ones they sell here in Georgia…are only 12%abv. Hell, that is nothing compared to some of the beers I have brewed myself, in excess of 14% depending on style. This is more of the same old liberal montra, “That thing made me do it! It made me lose control!” Instead of blaming the product, let’s blame the individual. No one forced these college kids to pound a 24 ounce can of 12% malt beverage. Just as in dealing with firearms, unless some person manipulates that thing in some manner, it will be completely harmless.

    For the record, I consume the eeeeevil “4 loco” pretty regularly, at least one to two a week. If I am tailgating, and full of food and beer, beginning to get sleepy; that 4 loco is just what the doctor ordered. A quick pick-me-up. The difference between a responsible person consuming one, and some jackwagon liberal? I don’t chug it. I consume at a normal rate, and I haven’t had alcohol poisoning or the drunken urge to kill myself yet! Perhaps that could be proof that it is the person, and not the product that is responsible for these incidents? Common sense folks.

  27. Not to mention, by pulling 4 loco are we to assume that college kids won’t get their hands on anything else with which they could acquire alcohol poisoning? C’mon, let’s be real. In my college days, before even jager bombs were popular, it was hard liquor, straight up. College kids will binge on anything, so pulling one product doesn’t make a difference. This product is nothing more than a scapegoat for the fearmongers.

  28. 2.5 lbs sugar or honey,
    1 gal of water, fruit juice or cider,
    1 tsp yeast (even bread yeast will do),

    dissolve the sweet stuff into the wet stuff, pour it into a jug, sprinkle yeast over the top, stretch a balloon over the neck of the jug and put it up out of the way for a couple of weeks.

    result: 1 gallon of 14-17% alcohol for about $3.00 worth of supplies.
    (some refinement of your procedures may be required if you actually want it to taste good)

    Personal Ingenuity beats Government Regulations again!
    (and thanks to the only thing Jimmy Carter ever did right it’s legal – up to the 1st 50 gals per year or so)

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