Paul Ryan’s Plan Versus Obama’s No Plan

So Paul Ryan has his plan to balance the budget in ten years. This is versus Obama’s plan to balance the budget in never. In fact, Obama had to send his spokesman out to clarify that calling something the “balanced approach” is just a name. “It’s like if someone is named Rod, you don’t expect him to actually be some sort of cylinder. Similarly, because our plan is called the ‘balanced approach’ doesn’t mean there is any actual sort of balancing… or even that there is an approach to it. It’s mainly just more taxes on the rich for some reason.”

Paul Ryan’s plan, on the other hand, actually involves numbers and stuff and adding. Thus it’s a radically different plan than anything from Obama. In fact, it’s very scary to Democrats. “What’s all these weird squiggles?” the Dems ask. And Paul Ryan is like, “They are numbers. And when they’re in equations like this, it’s called ‘Math.'” And the Dems are like, “No. I don’t like this. Get it away from me. Math isn’t real and it can’t hurt us! You take it away! You take it away now!”

And so far Dems have been wining the argument, but maybe things will change.


  1. It’s always a “ten-year plan” and it never happens.

    We are technically bankrupt. The normal procedure for that is to “go into receivership.” The problem is, there is no ship big enough to be our ‘receiver’ and we are not disciplined enough to bail the water (debt) out.

  2. I like my 10 minute plan better

    Minute 1 – call for Emergency Press Conference
    Minutes 2 thru 6 – make sure you will be on every channel

    Minute 7 – get ready for widespread nationwide riots

    Minute 8 – announce that the USA is Bankrupt
    Minute 9 – then FIRE all US Government employees, suspend all Government programs, pensions, agencies, benefits and expenditures, close the United Nations, defund PBS, ect…

    Minute 10 – take no questions, turn and walk away

  3. Cut out all the extra crap the government has been wasting money on for the past 4 years, throw a big party with the surplus we’ll have left from the 2.7 trillion dollars in legitimate revenue we’ll take in this year, pass out an equal share of the 1.5 billion rounds of ammo the Dept. of Homeland defense has stockpiled to every legal gun owner in the USA, and shoot them into the air while shouting Yee-Haw! (then duck before the spent slugs start falling back to earth.)
    Repeat as necessary.

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