Obama: “I’m a pretty reasonable guy, and thus all my searches and seizures are reasonable.”
Obama: “I never read all the Bill of Rights, but I got the gist of it.”
When I thought of national intelligence, I thought of Jack Bauer torturing people, but now I have this unseemly vision of it in my head.
The only one who should be mass spying on everyone is Batman.
I assume they put an actual pole where the South Pole should be plus a sign that says, “Sorry; Santa is at other one.”
We caused the government to spy on us with our not trusting it.
“Oh, the NSA is run by US? Then which is the Russian intelligence agency?” -President Obama, on top of things
I’m just regular libertarian crazy, not “Ron Paul-fan” crazy.
If you wanted privacy in your communications, then you’d blink Morse code at each other.
If it will help stop terrorists, I don’t mind if the NSA reads my emails as long as they don’t read the ones I mark “NSA Don’t Read”.
So if I want to be like an armed hipster, do I conceal carry a musket?
And with everyone focused on Tebow, Obama’s Scandalanche is officially over.
I can’t believe NASA is spying on our phone calls! And you can’t go and complain because they’re up in that space station.
If these spying programs are necessary, show me a pile of terrorist skulls that are a result of it.
There are over six billion foreigners out there, and it’s only agencies like the NSA that keep them from eating us.
Man of Steel opens this Friday, known to most as “The Superman Movie” or “Please Don’t Suck.”
Conservatives never trusted the government. That why we only like it when its abuses are unleashed on terrorists.
I’m writing a children’s song called “There’s Nothing Worse Than Whining.” What rhymes with “Hitler”?
I’m just regular libertarian crazy, not “Ron Paul-fan” crazy.
You’re also the author of the most succinct quote about Libertarianism I know, namely “Government is like Godzilla. Sure, it *could* rescue that kitten trapped in a tree, but it will destroy half the city in the process; you need to decide before employing it whether that trade-off is a good one.”
I’m writing a children’s song called “There’s Nothing Worse Than Whining.” What rhymes with “Hitler”? “Bit her” “Mitt fur” “Lit Purr”
You might try rhyming Bette Midler….I know it’s not perfect.
Chris LeDoux beat you to the ‘whining’ song:
Cat fur
Bette Mittler
Hit her
and if you are willing to take some artistic license …
Frank, Harvey doesn’t want to play “YGDFT!YLTATSOTE!” any more. Can we play it on your threads?
Obama: “I never read all the Bill of Rights, but I got the gist of it.”
I think that he read either the Cliff’s Notes for it, or the Classics Illustrated version of it. This also applies to several members of the US Supreme Court.
Hey, you GDFT, stop taking my name in comedic vein.
Crittler. Which is a Nazi critter.
When you whine you’re helping Hitler
Stop being such a creepy crittler
“I’m pals with Morgan Freeman. That poser Superman has Kevin Costner. Game over.” -Batman
yeah, where IS that pile of terrorist skulls?
Like the stache on the lip on Adolph Hitler
A Wookie’s eggs are warmed by his or her nit fur
Obama: “I’m a pretty reasonable guy, and thus all my searches and seizures are reasonable.”
Seizures? So Obama claims to be a mildly epileptic sensible explorer? Heh. That explains so much. Given his petit mal fugue states.
She whined so much I bit her
‘Cause she cried like Adolph Hitler
OH.MY.GAWD!!!You people are SUCH CRYBABIES!!!OH NO!!!THE BIG BAD OBAMA PEOPLE ARE GONNA SNOOP ON ME!!!Hey PRESIDENT Obama is doing MORE to keep AMERICA safe than YOUR DUM DUM BUSHITLER EVER DID!!!!!And he’s doing it WITHOUT getting us into a bunch of WARS!!!JEEZE!!When I was getting smashed out of my head on whatever I was NEVER as DUMB as YOU PEOPLE!!!GET.A.GRIP.PRESIDENT Obama is NOT doing ANYTHING unconstitutional or illegal SO GET OVER YOURSELVES!!!!UGH!!UGH!!!AND PRESIDENT OBAMA IS NOT AN EPILEPTIC YOU DUMBASS WINGNUT IDIOT!!!PRESIDENT Obama is a natural ATHLETE!!!!
Janeane don’t you have anything better to do with your time? Killing some kittens, pushing a grandparent in front of a speeding semi, stealing lollypops from children in strollers? Time to get back to the home and take you meds.