Real Scandals, Phony President

So Obama has been calling everything lately a “phony scandal” — his mouthpieces have been constantly echoing that — but new polling shows that the vast majority of Americans disagree. Things like a consulate getting attacked and then insanely blamed on a YouTube video, the Department of Justice targeting journalists, the IRS targeting conservatives, and the NSA targeting everyone are all real scandals according to people who haven’t replaced their brains with partisan goo.

Still, Obama seems convinced they’re phony scandals… but here is a possible reason for the confusion: They’re real scandals, but he’s a phony president. I mean he’s not really a leader or anyone with any skills to run a country like ours; his existence as president is odd and confusing. And since he’s just this light-weight, useless person, maybe that’s why he’s so confused he’s getting associated with all these important things.


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