In the Ben Affleck version, Batman's parents kill themselves.
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) August 23, 2013
#BetterBatmanThanBenAffleck A real live bat, shaved, in a rubber suit, with claymation mouth; or, in other words, Matt Damon
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 23, 2013
This sucks. Now I’m embarrassed to wear my batman costume to the grocery store.
— Bucky Isotope (@BuckyIsotope) August 23, 2013
You are more upset about Ben Affleck getting cast as Batman than Obama is about anything happening in Syria.
— CC:Indecision (@indecision) August 23, 2013
The real tragedy of Goldilocks And The Three Bears is that Mr and Mrs Bear, a young married couple, already sleep in separate beds.
— Sixth Form Poet (@sixthformpoet) August 23, 2013
Sorry about your divorce, 40 year-old guys wearing Affliction shirts.
— Bryan Donaldson (@TheNardvark) August 23, 2013
"Knock knock." "Who's there?" "Lettuce." "That's impossible."
— anti joke apple (@antijokeapple) August 23, 2013
100% of girls named Cassie need to just calm down for a second.
— Jamie Woodham (@jwoodham) August 23, 2013