NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said of the controversy surrounding the Washington Redskins’ name, “if one person is offended, we have to listen”.
What if legless people are offended that it’s called “foot”ball?
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said of the controversy surrounding the Washington Redskins’ name, “if one person is offended, we have to listen”.
What if legless people are offended that it’s called “foot”ball?
Tell them to get up off their asses and do something about it.
I’m offended that a woman who was ashamed of America until her husband was nominated for President is living in the White House. Can we do something about that?
Does this guy have any idea how stupid he sounds? “If one person is offended”? Do you know the insane things a single person might be offended by? We’d basically have to abolish . . . everything pretty much.
I’m offended by all those players with long hair hanging out the backs og their helmets. GET HAIRCUTS YOU FRIGGIN’ HIPPIES!!!! Somebody needs to punch those clowns.
in todays victim society, someone is ALWAYS offended. some of these people:
if you gave them the world with a little red fence around it, they’e b*tch ’cause it wasn’t white.
they’d complain if you hung ’em with a new rope.
@Zaklog….no, to answer your question, this guy has no idea how stupid he sounds.
Only one thing offends me: People who go around looking for things to get offended about. That’s it. That and every PC liberal on the planet — Two!!! Two things offend me: People who go around looking for things to get offended about, and every PC liberal on the planet. And little yippie dogs — Three!!! Three things offend me: People who go around looking for things to get offended about, all PC liberals, and little yippie dogs. But that’s it.
Out of curiosity, was “redskin” ever used as anything other than a racially derogatory epithet? History and tradition are fine, and I am anything but PC, but if there were a location in the South known for 100 years as “Nigger Hill,” I would not defend keeping the name. If Georgia Tech had renamed its Yellow Jackets the Yellow Peril during World War II, would anyone seriously argue that the name should persist into the 21st Century? Rename the d@mned team the Washington Pensioned Bureaucrats. There is nothing more powerful or more frightening than that.
Well, until about 150 years ago, “Roger” was a common vulgar slang word, and the origin of the name “Goodell” likely came from “good ale,” referring to a brewer or tavern keeper.
His name is inherently offensive and promotes alcoholism.
Let’s start a petition.
@6 – In a way, I might agree with you.
Sports teams were given Indian-related names because Indians had a reputation for being fierce warriors. It was an homage to their fighting prowess.
If they’re going to start crying over a WORD, maybe they don’t deserve the honor anymore.
@7 – Give me that petition. I will sign it in bacon and let you keep the pen 🙂
We are all slaves to “the tyranny of the easily offended” unless…
we learn to laugh in their faces every time they begin whining about their precious hurt feelings.
“The devil, the proud spirit, cannot endure to be mocked”
– St. Thomas More.
Even though I’m not legless (or footless for that matter)…I feel that after much reflection and soul searching that I find the term “football” to be most assuredly OFFENSIVE!! Ok, can me and my lawyer have our money now please?
This is a league in which Al Davis owned a team for more than four decades, but calling a team “Redskins” is offensive?
I used to use the “IF only one person…” argument. Then someone took offense and I had to stop.