Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Hillary Clinton was just endorsed by…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Hillary Clinton was just endorsed by…
The Roach Motel
… Vince Foster.
Hillary Clinton was just endorsed by…
[Insert Wealthy Democrat Donor’s name here]
Hillary Clinton was just endorsed by…
Several poor ex-Bosnian snipers.
the Walking Dead
Islamic Jihadists the world round.
Emperor Palpatine and the Imperial Senate
…dead Democrats everywhere.
…her husband (in exchange of “future considerations”)
…Wall Street, Saudi princes, and Julian Assange…
…the editorial staff at Collier’s magazine.
…..Darth Vader. “May the flatulence be with you”
…the Chicago Undertakers Guild.
. . . the New York Times, which says that she was “the best Senator that money could buy.”
…a mysterious Florida donor by the name of “!El Jeb!”
…The Communist Party
…another aging 60’s radical
…people who said Reagan, Dole, and McCain were too old to be President (she’s older than they were when they ran)
…Russia, China, ISIS, North Korea, Cuba and pretty much every other American enemy state.! If you know what’s good for you.
…the scuzz cartel.
…the levels of hell still in the running.
…Fidel Castro, but just so he can die happy.
…the cretins at the newly renamed Planned Childlessness.
…that chair Moochies behind most often occupies, but that was back in 2008.
The Legion of Super Villains.
Baron Munchausen
Hillary Clinton was just endorsed by…
…Lex Luthor
…4 out of 5 UAW
…Bernie. The more the spotlight is on her and not him, the better chance he has.
The flying monkeys from the wizard of oz
The ghost of stalin
what difference at this point does it make?
Hillary Clinton was just endorsed by…
… Chelsea. She wants to stay in the will for the pilfered WH furnishings.