Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
The newest use for remote-controlled quadcopters…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
The newest use for remote-controlled quadcopters…
… – Hillary employing them as a viable messaging alternative for email, which has proved to be technologically challenging…
…emergency tuna delivery.
…they can now replace that pesky little ‘angel on your shoulder’ conscience that has troubled you through the years.
…hedge trimming and other gardening chores.
… following white people around to document any possible privilege they receive.
… to look down on Americans almost as much as Hillary does.
…anything a $15/hr employee can do with the added benefit of not dripping drool in the sandwich fixings.
…making julienne fries very fast.
…replacing the google earth car
…eliminating those sneaky birds that managed to avoid the wind turbines.
… As a recurring plot device in “Day by Day”…
…delivering the votes Hillary needs in Red State, non urban districts.
…and gin.
…much needed exercise for our chubby young thugs, looking nerdishly hip, running after them with big butterfly nets.
…temporarily raising street level gun fire above the playgrounds.