Last year, wind energy generated enough electricity to power 17.5 million homes: #ActOnClimate
“And 2.7 million tons of chopped bald eagles.”
Last year, wind energy generated enough electricity to power 17.5 million homes: #ActOnClimate
“And 2.7 million tons of chopped bald eagles.”
…but cost as much as powering 35.5 Million homes using regular energy.
Yep, all that hot air coming from D.C.
…and then the wind stopped blowing, or it blew too hard, or they got covered with ice, or someone sued because of the noise they make or some rich person (with names like Kennedy and Kerry) sued to stop them from being built because it would ruin their view.
Then there’s the staggering amount of resources it took to build them verses the fact that half the time, they don’t work but other than that, what a great investment!!!111!
That’s just how I like my eagles…sliced and diced.
There’s a much better way to get energy from windmills, use them to pump oil.