The Illustrated Frank J: The Resemblance Is Uncanny!


Clarification Requested

A frozen custard shop in Milwaukee is under investigation by the federal government for only speaking English to its customers.

Wait… if you don’t speak English, how do you know they sell anything you want to eat?

There Was Something Else… Something I Was Supposed to Tiptoe Around…

[High Praise! to AfterMath]

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Link of the Day: Not Unlike How Bernie Sanders Does Economics

[High Praise! to Tree Lobsters]

Trig Newton

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

Remember This When Hillary’s Indictment Fails to Materialize

A federal judge ordered the Justice Department to send its lawyers back to remedial ethics classes after finding that the administration repeatedly misled the court.

That should solve the problem. Now they know what they did wrong so that next time they can make better choices about how to cover it up.

Obama Warned Us – The Duty of the Senate

President Obama did his job, now it’s time for the Senate to fulfill its duties — say you agree: #DoYourJob


“First person who says ‘the House has to impeach him first’ gets sent to Gitmo!”

Straight Line of the Day: Recently Banned From a Bernie Sanders Rally…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Recently banned from a Bernie Sanders rally…

More More More

[The YouTube]

More more more features.

Well, one more.

We’ve rolled out another feature that we hope will help ease the transition to the updated Website look and feel. And we really think you’ll like it.

You can now edit your comment for up to five minutes after you submit it.

Now, because we aren’t requiring you log in to make comments, there is the chance it won’t work for you. But, in most circumstances, it should allow you to edit the comment even though you didn’t log in.

You know how sometimes things happen and you don’t see the problem until after you post your comment? What? That never happened to you? Yeah, right. We know better. But now, you can go back and fix it.

We don’t want you looking any sillier than you already look. That’s our job.

We hope you like this new feature.

5’5″? I Didn’t Know They Stacked Hubris That High

During a CNN interview Hillary Clinton said “there is no way I won’t be the nominee”.

Anyone who says different is just begging for a Libyan ambassadorship.

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