Random Keln Thoughts

NRA NewsFederal judge rules D.C. Concealed Carry policy “unconstitutional burden” – Oh my. But then the whole “shall nor be infringed” part –


– Act so as to limit or undermine (something)

• Obama is spending millions to find summer jobs for refugees – What about jobs for Americans? What about jobs for blacks? What about jobs for your OWN PEOPLE?

• Arizona primary poll has John McCain and his primary opponent Kelli Ward tied at 41%. Oh snap!

“Don’t ever take down a fence until you know the reason why it was put up” – G.K. Chesterton

• How can anyone look at or listen to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and think “Oh, hey, that is a serious person I should listen to”?

• Charles Krauthammer continues to be stupid, clueless, arrogant, and more stupid. And stupid.

• Trump lives and works in Trump Tower. If this were a comic book, he would be MAGA-Man

• So I watched the Megyn Kelly special. In the words of the great Ralphie, it was “just a crummy commercial” for her book.

• NYT Interviewee: “Trump was very nice to me. He called me beautiful.” NYT Headline: Trump Cat-Calls Women and Shames Them

• Primary in KY is too close to call. This is like watching an Olympic match for the Bronze medal.

• Islamists: “Why do you hate us?” – It’s the beards. And the beheadings. But mostly the beards.

• Some say Hillary has done nothing for women. Hang on! She has done plenty for women. She showed Bill’s women the error of their ways by ruining their lives.

• I’m glad I predicted after Wisconsin that Trump would win every state after it. I could have actually bet on it and won for once. If I’d had any money.

• Iran arrested models for un-Islamic modeling. Their burkas were too clinging? Seriously, what is Islamic modeling exactly?

The Illustrated Frank J: Donald Trump Is Yosemite Sam


[title reference link]

Blah Blah Blah I’m Offended Blah Blah Blah

At a U-VA “Managing Microaggressions” event, one speaker decried “identifying as American” as “the most blatant microaggression”.

Really? I thought it was refusing to bake a gay wedding cake.

I Can Only HOPE to Be This Cheerful Come Election Day

[High Praise! to AfterMath]

Link of the Day: Now I’ve Got “Low Bridge! Everybody Down!” Stuck in My Head

[High Praise! to Mental Floss]

14 Navigable Facts About the Erie Canal

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

Truly Reflecting the Obama Legacy

Just announced: President Obama plans to raise $1 billion to build his presidential library in Chicago.

Weirdest feature: 4-foot-high front doors that you have to bow to get through.

Obama Warned Us – SCOTUS

Add your name if you think the Senate should give Judge Garland fair consideration: http://ofa.bo/uOx


“Note that NOT adding your name will become a criminal offense after he’s confirmed. Choose wisely.”

Straight Line of the Day: Why Are TSA Airport Screenings Taking So Long?

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Why are TSA airport screenings taking so long?

Unlike Government Attempts at Common Sense or Frugality

A report on government waste turned up a $3.9 million grant to study the courtship behavior of goldfish.

Since they’re not extinct, I’ll guess the answer is “successful”. Pay me.