Archive of entries posted on 25th May 2016
…And We’re Here to Help
Computer scientists have created a way of letting law enforcement tap any camera that isn’t password protected.
Excellent. Set up a few of those in the scientists’ homes to make sure the system works.
Promoted Comment: Venezuela
[High Praise! to DonP]
In Venezuela today, if your newborn requires any kind of intensive care, he will probably die. Toilet paper is a luxury, and dogs, cats, and rats are being hunted for food. And yet Bernie is a serious contender for the presidency.
Link of the Day: I’ve Never Played a Game That Even Went THIS Well
[High Praise! to Sheldon Comics]
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)
Connected World – The Downside
A dermatologist has gone on record saying that cell phones can cause acne.
Wow. That’s the surest way to get teens to stop using them next to “your parents think they’re cool”.
Obama Warned Us – Overtime
“This week my administration took a step to help more workers get the overtime pay they’ve earned.” — President Obama
“By loading businesses up with a wicked pile of regulatory paperwork. Praise Obamacare!”
Straight Line of the Day: Bernie Sanders Hopes to Win the Presidency With His New Slogan…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Bernie Sanders hopes to win the presidency with his new slogan…
Bacon v Tofu: Thumbs of Justice
One of the features we added to IMAO as part of the update is the ability to rate comments. We have the old tried and true Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down ratings. We can do all kind of things with that.
For example, when there’s a Straight Line of the Day post, or another post that asks for user input, you can register your vote. And, you vote with … Bacon!
Actually, that was the suggestion of Bob in Feenicks to vote with Bacon and Tofu instead of Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down. We like that idea, so we’re doing that. Sort of. We will show the Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down images on comments, but when you click Thumbs Up, it will display “Bacon!”
We think doing it that way will be helpful for newer visitors and commenters to the Website. We were all new here once, so we can understand that there might be a little learning curve on certain things. This will help the newer people to understand just how serious we take our bacon around here.
So, if you find a comment you like, you can express your approval … with Bacon! And your disapproval with Tofu.
We hope you like and approve of this little addition.
Never Off
Now on the market: a wristband that shocks you if you spend too much.
Banned in DC for causing rolling blackouts.