Archive of entries posted on 14th May 2016
Got a Doctorate In It
In an interview in The New York Times, President Obama’s assistant and speech writer Ben Rhodes bragged about how easy it is to fool reporters, saying “they literally know nothing”.
I strongly disagree. Sycophanting is a highly-trained skill.
Link of the Day: I Realized There Were Several Periods in My Life When I Didn’t Listen to Radio at All
[High Praise! to Neatorama via Polygraph]
Every top 5 song, from 1958 – 2016
A captivating and dynamic animation that traces the top 5 songs as they rise & fall, while actually playing the #1 tune. It automatically starts you in 1997, but after it loads, you can scroll down and pick any year and month you want.
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)
The Hardest Part of a Rube Goldberg Machine Is Keeping the Camera Steady
Unlike the Honda Commercial, this isn’t all in one take, but I thought each little section was charming enough on its own to keep me entertained.
[Marbles Tricks!] (Viewer #151,024)
Dubiousest Honor
At a press conference White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest described President Obama as the “most popular politician in America.”
Not unlike being voted “best insect” on a strip of flypaper
Party Time
Well I finally did it. For the first time in my life, I actually joined a political party.
I’m a conservative (lower case, indicating a philosophy, not upper case to indicate a proper noun, as the name of a group or party). But now, I’m also a Libertarian (upper case, as in the Libertarian Party and as in the Libertarian Party of Georgia). Let me explain why I joined the party.
In recent years, I’ve increased contributions to some candidates running for office. I’ve not always been happy with the candidate I was financially supporting. Or the party, quite honestly.
The Republican Party has shown time and again it’s unwillingness to hold to conservative principles. And I’ve had enough. I’m done giving money to them. I’m cutting them off. Writing them out of my will. Moving on. Looking ahead. Kinda like a divorce. Some of you know what I mean.
I don’t have piles of money lying around just begging to be given away. But, I do occasionally send money to help in election years. This year, I’ve given to two candidates, and I’m all out of candidates. Republican ones, that is.
Anyway, I sat down one day recently and went over my options.
Democrats? I have no use for them. I have refused to vote for local Democrats, who were otherwise good people, because all that does is strengthen the Democrat Party. And anyone who strengthens the Democrat Party nationally needs to be beat with a stick. Several sticks.
Republicans? Well, they talk good. They act bad. During elections, they’ve taken two approaches. One approach is to assume the conservative base is there and run to the left. That pisses off the conservative base. The other approach is to campaign to the right, and then govern to the left. That pisses off the conservative base.
As a pissed off conservative, I’ve had enough. I’m looking elsewhere. Or was. I found the Libertarian Party.
I’ve read the national Libertarian Party Platform. I don’t agree with all of it. A lot of it, sure. But not all. However, looking at what the three major parties say and do — don’t forget about what they actually do — the Libertarian Party is closest to me.
So, I’m still a conservative. That hasn’t changed. And I’m now associating with a national (and state) political party that is closest to my beliefs and values.
I’m not urging you to join the Libertarian Party. I’m not asking you to vote Libertarian in November. I just want you to know that if you are fed up with how the Republican Party has treated you, there are options. This is the one I chose.